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10 Most Difficult Heroes to Build in Epic Seven

One of the key features of SmileGate’s Epic Seven is the huge roster of heroes and freedom you get when it comes to building these heroes.

18 different sets exist in the game and many of them can be used alongside others. Finding the right build is a constant struggle in this game as gear-gapping makes up most of the difference between a new player and end-game player.

Most heroes are quite easy to build. Just slap a decent speed/crit set on them and they’ll have the desired stats for your PvE needs.

But some heroes are specifically tailored for PvP and require significant investment to work well. This list will focus on the toughest and most difficult heroes to build in Epic Seven.

If you have any of these heroes above 130k CP, then you know you’ve done a great job with the build!

10) Rem

A well-built Rem can be an absolute nightmare to fight against. High damage and survivability help ensure she is usually the last one standing and she is more than capable of taking on 2 or 3 enemies at a time.

This comes at the expense of speed. You don’t want to build your Rem with any speed.

Build her as your usual DPS hero but replace the speed set with a counter set, and replace speed boots with attack% or HP% main stats.

You’ll want to aim for 4k attack, 100% crit chance, and 270% crit damage. After this, you can sacrifice bulk for more damage, or go the bulky route.

Something like 20k hp and 1.2k defence with the above offensive stats would be pretty nice.

This is a lot easier said than done though as it’ll mean you need to craft/enhance items you would usually ignore.

9) Edward Elric

Ed is up there with the most fun units to use in the entire game.

I have mine built on lifesteal set for anti-cleave purposes. I have faced counter Ed, as well as even injury Ed.

Most people build him on speed set though with 220+ speed.

Try to aim for 2k attack, 20k HP, 1k defense, 100% crit chance, 250% crit damage.

I know that looks easy but it requires a lot of substats you don’t usually aim to get, such as HP% and crit chance/damage on the same item.

Ed really needs some good stats otherwise he won’t do too much. However he is well worth investing in, as he makes defense teams with Peira/Ran obsolete.

8) Lone Crescent Bellona

Lone Crescent Bellona is the most recently released hero on this list, and one that demands a lot of stats.

She essentially needs a lot of attack and crit damage. However, how many of us have hoarded gear with crit damage and attack, but no crit chance?

Many of us have been forced to empty our gold reserves and crafting materials to get her to a decent level.

In terms of the set to be used, I have seen many players opt for speed or destruction sets. She does need some speed, at least 200+ on these sets.

I’ve gone for a lifesteal build instead as I’ll be using her against Senya, Choux, and other anti-crit heroes (as LC Bellona always crits).

She also needs bulk alongside her offensive stats otherwise she’ll be killed before she even takes a turn. You’ll need to spend a lot of time and resources to get Lone Crescent Bellona the stats she needs.

7) Sylvan Sage Vivian

One of the most rewarding heroes to build in the entire game. Sylvan Sage Vivian is a high DPS bruiser hero who can be unkillable with the right build.

230 speed, 15k HP, 4k attack and 250% crit damage (with 100% crit chance of course) alongside the Chatty artifact will make her exceptionally powerful against all but heroes who counter her. Although she will need a hero with her for this.

You can also build her with lifesteal for more self-sustain at the cost of speed. This depends on your playstyle.

Either way, for her to work properly she needs a ton of stats and it can be really difficult to get the right amount.

6) Senya

Senya is an incredibly strong hero who can control and destroy entire teams if not dealt with correctly. How she is built will depend on your playstyle.

Most players go for the 5k attack, 100% effectiveness build with plenty of bulk. Alongside some support heroes (such as Choux, Mediator Kawerick, and Destina), she can be a raid boss.

Mine is built with 200 speed and 170% effect resistance. This is to brute force vs debuff heavy comps. It’s hilarious watching the enemy try to dispel Senya’s counter-attack stance in vain.

Whatever way you decide to build Senya, you better be prepared to spend millions of gold enhancing the weirdest gear to fix her stat needs.

5) Archdemon’s Shadow

Not really worth building if you don’t have the Fairy Tale for a Nightmare artifact.

Archdemon’s Shadow is a powerful 5-star hero who can seal enemy heroes to block their passives.

Multiple varieties of builds are available to suit your gear/playstyle with many opting for the high attack, bulky, counter build. Relying on s2 procs is the aim of the game, which shouldn’t be too hard if she’s built well enough.

Zero crit builds are fairly prevalent for control-based Archdemons. DPS variants with lots of crit damage and attack can be found alongside powerful support heroes to keep her alive.

No effectiveness is needed as you can soulburn the seal for 100% chance if needed.

4) Lionheart Cermia

If you have this hero unbuilt, you really need to make it a priority to get her ready for some PvP fun. Lionheart Cermia is an essential component of an aspiring PvP player’s roster.

You don’t need much speed on her, as her s1 gives a speed buff. But you do need to make sure she survives until she gets a turn. This is what Proof of Valor is for. It’s the perfect artifact for LHC.

After you have PoV at level 30, try to get a Lifesteal set with 100% crit chance, 270% crit damage, 13k HP, 2k defense, and 190 speed.

A speed or destruction set with similar stats can also work but you’ll need an artifact like Sigurd Scythe to heal.

No doubt you’ll be scratching your head for a while after looking at these stats requirements but they are possible.

3) Zio

If you’re at the end-game stage, Zio might be OK for you to build to a decent level. If you’re still in the early or mid game, Zio is out of the question for you.

To reliably cut 300-speed heroes and take the first turn, Zio needs at least 250 speed. He has a base speed of just 106 so you’ll need to get 144 from items.

Speed boots with speed set will bring him up to 177. So you’ll need 73 more speed from the 5 other items (or an average of 14.6 per item).

Thankfully he only needs 50% crit chance due to his s3 buff but even then, you need at least 270% crit damage and 3.5k attack. In Addition, some HP and defense would be nice to up his survivability.

With all that being said; PvP becomes easy mode once you have him built. He cuts through fast arena defenses like a knife through butter. And first picking Zio in RTA guarantees you control the rest of the draft.

2) Choux

Aptly named the “Rat”, Choux is up there with the most hated Epic Seven heroes to fight against.

There’s nothing quite like watching her tank a dozen hits before one-shotting your DPS heroes. Very fun.

To get her to that level of power, you need some super high gear score items.

25k HP, 1.4k defense, 100% crit chance, 270% crit damage – all on counter set. These are the minimum requirements for a good Choux.

Once you have her built this way, you can plant her firmly into your defense team and watch your defensive win rates go up.

1) Aria

Aria’s build depends on your available gear and the roster of heroes you have built.

A minimum of 100% crit chance and 250% crit damage is required.

You can go for the more aggressive route with 230+ speed, 1.9k defense, and 13k hp.

Or there is the slower version with Lifesteal set, less speed but more defense/HP as well as at least 100% effect resistance. This is a good option if you have lots of cleansers and damage mitigation heroes in your roster.

Regardless of which build you pick, Aria requires the highest gear score pieces in your armory and even then, she might not be built optimally.

Aria is super stat hungry and even the highest-ranked players struggle to build her. This makes her the most difficult hero to build in Epic Seven.