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Top 10 of the Biggest Ships in the Warhammer 40k Universe

The Warhammer 40k universe is a vast and dangerous place, filled with all manner of terrifying creatures and technological wonders. Among the many wonders of this universe are the massive ships that ply the void between the stars, each one a marvel of engineering and firepower.

From the largest battleships to the smallest frigates, the ships of Warhammer 40k are truly awe-inspiring. In this list, we will take a look at the 10 biggest ships in the Warhammer 40k universe, and explore what makes each of them so formidable.

10) The Tyranid Hive Ships

These are massive ships used by the Tyranids to transport their armies and invade other worlds. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets.

They are also equipped with advanced technology that allows them to rapidly evolve and adapt to new environments.

Tyranid Hive Ships are unique in that they are essentially living organisms, with a consciousness and a will of their own.

9) The Tau Battleships

These are massive ships used by the Tau Empire to defend their borders and to launch invasions. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets.

They are also equipped with advanced sensor arrays and communications systems, allowing them to coordinate the movements of entire fleets.

Tau Battleships are unique in that they are designed to work in conjunction with other Tau ships, using advanced tactics and technology to outmaneuver and outgun their enemies.

8)The Eldar Craftworlds

These are massive ships used by the Eldar to travel through space. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets.

The Eldar Craftworlds in Warhammer 40k have grown greatly in size since the Fall, when they became the sanctuary worlds of the Eldar race.

According to various sources, they are now approximately 10 to 100 times bigger in volume and population size than they were before the Fall. Some sources suggest that some Craftworlds are planet-sized, with a size of thousands of miles.

Thus, Craftworlds are effectively worlds in space, each a self-contained biosystem, with forested and natural areas as well as urbanized ones

7) The Necron Tomb Ships

These are massive ships used by the Necrons to transport their armies and to invade other worlds. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets.

They are also equipped with advanced technology that allows them to phase in and out of reality, making them extremely difficult to detect and destroy.

Necron Tomb Ships are unique in that they are essentially living ships, with a consciousness and a will of their own.

6) The Ramilies-class Star Fortresses

These are massive space stations that are used to defend important systems. They are heavily armed and armored, with numerous cannons and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets.

They are also equipped with advanced sensor arrays and communications systems, allowing them to coordinate the movements of entire fleets.

Ramilies-class Star Fortresses are unique in that they can generate powerful energy shields that can repel even the largest

5) The Ark Mechanicus

This is a massive ship used by theThis is a massive ship used by the Adeptus Mechanicus to transport and repair their machines. It is heavily armed and armored, with numerous turrets and missile launchers.

In terms of size, they can range from 5-7 kilometers, which is comparable to other Imperial battleships. However, there are unusually large examples, such as the Ark Mechanicus Speranza, which is estimated to be 130-150 kilometers long.

In addition, one book features an advanced Ark Mechanicus that was over 20 kilometers long. These ships are among the largest of all Imperial starships, and their extreme mass creates a distorted gravity field equivalent in strength to that of an unstable moon

4) The Battle Barges

Of all the ships available to the Space Marine Chapters, Battle Barges are one of the biggest, most heavily armed, and armored.

So large they are essentially mobile fortresses, capable of carrying thousands of troops and all the equipment necessary for planetary invasions.

Sporting numerous weapons, including cannons, missile launchers, and energy weapons. Battle Barges are also equipped with advanced sensor arrays and communications systems, allowing them to coordinate the movements of entire fleets.

3) The Gloriana-class Battleships

These are massive Imperial warships that were created during the Great Crusade and are some of the largest ships ever built.

In terms of weapons and armor, Gloriana class ships are heavily armed and armored, with numerous cannons and missile launchers capable of destroying entire fleets.

They are also equipped with advanced sensor arrays and communications systems, allowing them to coordinate the movements of entire fleets.

Each Gloriana-class Battleship is unique, with its own specific capabilities and armaments.

2) The Rock

The Rock is a mobile fortress-monastery and the home base of the Dark Angels Space Marine Chapter in the Warhammer 40k universe. It is one of the most formidable war machines in the Imperium, and is said to be one of the largest and most powerful ships in the galaxy.

In terms of size, The Rock is massive, measuring over 8 kilometers in length and 3.5 kilometers in height. It is essentially a small moon that has been hollowed out and converted into a fortress monastery, with extensive facilities for training, research, and manufacturing.

The Rock is also heavily armed and armored, with a range of weapons and defenses that make it nearly impervious to attack. It is able to travel through deep space and enter orbit around planets, allowing the Dark Angels to launch their forces into battle from its surface.

1) The Phalanx

The Phalanx is described as gigantic, and the largest starship known to have been constructed by human hands, with nothing of its magnitude seen since the Age of Technology.

It is said to be the size of a small moon or large asteroid, with a foredeck that can dock a dozen Imperial Navy cruisers around its circumference. According to an analysis on Reddit, Phalanx’s diameter ranges from 1014 to 1825 km, and its height ranges from 675 to 1215 km.

The ship’s awesome magnitude served as a symbol of the coming era of the Imperium during the Great Crusade, and its capabilities are substantial