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Every Race in Age of Wonders 4, Ranked

Age of Wonders 4 is a strategy game that allows players to choose from a variety of races, each with their own unique abilities, units, and gameplay experiences.

10) Enthralled Orcs

the Enthralled Orcs are a unique faction that can be played by the player. They are a sub-faction of the main Orc race, and their units are controlled by a powerful sorcerer who has enslaved them. Orcs are not playable in the campaign mode of the game, but they can be selected as a playable faction in the custom game mode.

Sporting a distinct playstyle that emphasizes their brute strength and the use of magic. Their units are powerful and durable, with high health and melee damage, but they lack the versatility of other factions. They also have access to powerful magic spells that can buff their units, damage enemy units, or even summon creatures to the battlefield.

9) Cursed Toadlings

The Cursed Toadlings have a unique affinity for gold and knowledge, and they often use their amphibian mounts to search for treasures and artifacts in the depths of the water.

Toadlings have a number of unique units, including the Toad Knight, which is a heavily armored amphibian warrior, and the Toad Oracle, who has the ability to cast powerful water-based spells.

With a number of unique buildings at their disposal, including the Amphibian Kennel, which allows players to train powerful amphibian mounts, and the Toad Tower, which is a tall tower that can be used to survey the surrounding area and provide a powerful defensive position.

8) Cruel Death bringers

The leader of the faction is Nekron the Risen, and they are known for their ruthless and merciless tactics. They specialize in necromancy and death magic, allowing them to raise undead armies to do their bidding.

The faction also has access to powerful death-themed spells and abilities, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.

Nekron the Risen, is a powerful undead lord who has been brought back from the dead to lead his armies of the undead.

He is a powerful spellcaster and can raise undead minions to fight for him, making him a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

7) Mountain Dwarves

The Mountain Dwarves are a playable race that are known for their hardiness, resilience, and defensive capabilities. They are expert miners and builders, and their cities are often built into the mountains themselves.

This gives them a natural advantage when it comes to defense, as their cities are often difficult to breach.

Also, they are skilled warriors, and their units are tough and durable. They are heavily armored and are capable of dealing out significant damage with their melee weapons.

Additionally, they have a number of siege weapons at their disposal that can be used to break down enemy defenses.

6) Destined Humans

The Destined are a race that was created by the gods to act as a force of good in the world. They are said to be descended from the first humans, and they have a deep respect for nature and the natural world.

Known for their powerful spellcasting abilities and their ability to summon powerful creatures to aid them in battle.

They also have unique units such as the “Sylph” and the “Golem,” which are powerful magical constructs that can wreak havoc on the battlefield.

5) First Elves

They are an ancient and mystical race that have been around for thousands of years. the First Elves were one of the first races to master magic, and they have a deep connection to the natural world.

One of the unique features of the First Elves is their “Tree of Life,” which is a powerful structure that can be built in their cities. The Tree of Life provides a number of benefits to the First Elves, including increased production and the ability to heal nearby units.

Additionally, the Tree of Life can be used to summon powerful creatures like Ents and Treants to aid them in battle.

4) Shadowborn elves

They are a secretive and mysterious faction that has a deep connection to the shadows and the night.

The Shadowborn Elves are known for their stealth and subterfuge. They have the ability to cloak their units and buildings, making them difficult to detect by enemy units. Additionally, they have a number of powerful spells at their disposal that can be used to debuff enemies or buff their own units.

One of the unique features of the Shadowborn Elves is their “Shadow Realm Gate,” which is a powerful structure that can be built in their cities. The Shadow Realm Gate allows the Shadowborn Elves to summon powerful creatures from the Shadow Realm to aid them in battle.

3) Deep Dwellers

They are a race of subterranean creatures that live deep beneath the earth’s surface.

Known for their toughness and resilience. They have a number of powerful defensive abilities that make them difficult to defeat in battle. Additionally, they have a unique unit called the “Stone Warden,” which is a powerful melee unit that can deal significant damage to enemy units.

They have a number of powerful spells at their disposal that can be used to debuff enemies or buff their own units. They are particularly skilled at earth magic, which allows them to manipulate the terrain to their advantage.

2) Gnarled Frostlings

They are a hardy and resilient race of creatures that have adapted to living in cold, harsh environments

Frostlings also have a number of powerful spells at their disposal that can be used to debuff enemies or buff their own units. They are particularly skilled at ice magic, which allows them to freeze enemy units and slow their movement.

One of the unique features of the Gnarled Frostlings is their ability to construct ice fortresses. These structures provide them with a number of benefits, including increased defense and the ability to heal nearby units.

1) Human Paladins

The Human Paladins also have a number of powerful spells at their disposal that can be used to buff their own units or debuff enemy units. They are particularly skilled at light magic, which allows them to blind enemy units and deal extra damage to undead and demonic units.

One of the unique features of the Human Paladins is their “Holy Site” structure, which can be built in their cities. The Holy Site provides a number of benefits to the Human Paladins, including increased morale and the ability to recruit powerful paladin units.

They are a great choice for players who enjoy playing as a noble and righteous faction with a focus on melee combat and light magic.