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Age of Empires 4: Top 10 Best Siege Units

In Age of Empires 4, there are a lot of siege units for players to use. Some are good and others are underperforming.

Without enough siege units, it’ll be difficult to assault another civilization’s city, which may mean defeat in a multiplayer war (unless your opponent is as poor with siege units as you!).

Even if you’re only playing single-player campaigns or fighting against AI opponents, adding more siege unit options will help give you different avenues to victory and better serve your needs in building an army.

Today, we look at 10 of the best siege units that players can always rely on when attacking or defending in order to gain the upper hand in any battles. If you want to see our list, read on!

10) Battering Ram

Civilizations: All

Battering Rams are a powerful siege unit in Age of Empires 4, and is one of the first siege units available as you build up your town.

They take up just 1 population when created, compared to 3 population for other siege units.

Boasting huge damage to buildings, and they’re strong against ranged attacks. However, they’re also weak against melee attacks and have a low range.

Battering Rams are an amazing way to break down walls and other structures. However, they should be used with caution.

Protecting them is very important. Due to a solid weakness, they can be easily destroyed by quick defenders who know how to protect their buildings with infantry or cavalry units.

9) Mangonel

Civilizations: All except Chinese

One of the premiere area-of-effect siege units, Mangonels are exceptional at clearing out groups of infantry.

Especially powerful against ranged units, each Mangonel shot will cover a large area. Ranged attacks barely scratch the wood making up this unit’s body, making it a fine counter to ranged units.

It is slow and cumbersome, though. Setup time takes a while, too. It’s one of the more difficult siege units to use but it’s well worth building if you’re facing an infantry-heavy army.

8) Ribauldequin

Civilizations: English, French, and Ottomans

Only 3 civilizations can even create this unique unit, and it costs a whopping 300 wood and 600 gold.

However, Ribauldequins are powerful gunpowder units against both infantry and cavalry units. Each volley will displace a ton of lead into opposing forces.

No setup time is required as it wheels itself around the map. The only downside is the lack of anti-building damage, as it gains no bonuses when attacking structures.

7) Culverin

Civilizations: Abbasid Dynasty, Holy Roman Empire, French, and Malians

Every siege unit has its role, and the Culverin is no different.

Rather than being effective against buildings or infantry, Culverins are incredible at fighting other siege units, or ships.

While this use may be quite limited, you can absolutely turn the tide of a game by building just one or two Culverins and using them correctly.

6) Bombard

Civilizations: All except French and Ottomans

One of my personal favorites, there’s nothing quite like stacking a few bombards behind your army.

It features a pretty nice bonus damage buff vs buildings. Due to its high base attack, it also deals with heavy units well (including other siege units).

At a price of 300 wood and 600 gold, it isn’t even among the most expensive siege units in the game!

5) Springald

Civilizations: All

Springalds hit like a wet noodle against almost every unit in the game, other than siege or ships.

At a fairly cheap price of 250 wood and 250 gold, you can expect to produce Springalds in numbers against enemy units.

Protection is the name of the game for Springalds though. They have a super low HP stat of just 125. This sounds like a lot, but you must remember that melee units have big bonuses vs siege units!

4) Cannon

Civilizations: French

The Cannon is almost identical to the Culverin, only it features higher base damage. Not only this, the bonus damage to buildings and ships are greatly increased.

Only the French have access to this amazing gunpowder unit, though. The French are one of the best civilizations for beginners and the Cannon further bolsters this by teaching you how to use siege units.

3) Nest of Bees

Civilizations: Chinese

Honestly, I am tired of seeing this siege unit. I don’t play as the Chinese, I’m an English player. And the amount of times my infantry have been decimated by this siege unit is crazy.

Each volley will fire 8 burst attacks of 10 damage at the targeted area. The reload time is fairly low, and the range is respectable.

It’s super difficult to face Nest of Bees against harder AI enemies, and I can’t even imagine what it’d be like against a high ranked Chinese player!

2) Great Bombard

Civilizations: Ottomans

Unique to the Ottomans, the Great Bombard replaces the ordinary Bombard.

Costing a mind-boggling 450 wood and 900 gold, each Great Bombard is a heavy investment.

Such an investment can pay off significantly, though. Each shot deals 190 damage, increased by 580 (against buildings/ships) or 100 (against infantry).

To make this even more impressive, Great Bombards feature one of the longest ranges in the game. Even more so than Springalds (which are designed to out-range siege units).

1) Counterweight Trebuchet

Civilizations: All except Mongols

Counterweight Trebuchets are simply the best siege unit in the game. Low cost, good damage, and the highest range in the game, all combine to make an amazing unit.

While Trebuchet attacks are ineffective against anything other than infantry, you can just sit back at range and destroy your enemy’s base.

Did they invest in siege too? Well, they spent a lot more than you did, and you put those resources into other aspects of your army.

Massive half a dozen Counterweight Trebuchets and verging on your enemy’s base is a simple way to end the game. For me, this unit is the best siege unit in the game!