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Age of Wonders 4: Top 10 Best Units

One of the key elements of success in the game is having a strong army, and selecting the right units for the task at hand is crucial.

There are a wide variety of units available to players in Age of Wonders 4, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

10) Dwarf Engineer

The Dwarf Engineer is a unique unit in Age of Wonders 4 in that it is primarily a support unit rather than a combat unit. It has the ability to construct buildings, including fortresses and workshops, which can be used to produce other units and structures.

This makes the Dwarf Engineer a valuable asset for any player looking to expand their territory and build up their army.

It can also repair damaged mechanical units and structures, which can be a lifesaver in the heat of battle. This makes it an important defensive unit as well, as it can help to keep your other units and structures in good working order.

9) Cavalry

Cavalry is a classic unit in Age of Wonders 4 because it is historically and tactically significant. Cavalry requires more training than infantry and has a greater strategic impact on the battlefield due to their speed and power.

Each culture has six starting units, and while the tier of certain unit types varies between cultures, each culture has a light cavalry unit as one of their base roles.

8) Vampires

Vampires are a horrifying unit in Age of Wonders 4 because of their unique abilities and lore. In the game, vampires are depicted as undead creatures that feed on the blood of living beings to survive. They are powerful melee fighters that can regenerate health by draining the life force of their enemies.

They have ability to turn other units into vampires. In a battle, a single vampire unit can quickly turn the tide of the fight by turning enemy units into their own undead minions.

Such an ability can be a terrifying prospect for opposing players, as it can quickly lead to a snowball effect where the vampire’s army grows stronger with every battle.

7) High Elf Priestess

The High Elf Priestess is primarily a support unit, with the ability to heal friendly units and cure negative status effects. This makes her an essential unit for keeping other troops alive and healthy during battles.

In addition to her healing abilities, the High Elf Priestess is also capable of dealing magic damage to enemy units. This allows her to contribute to offensive efforts as well as defensive ones.

Overall, the High Elf Priestess is a good unit in Age of Wonders due to her healing abilities, magic damage, ranged attack, flying ability, and leadership abilities. She is a versatile unit that can contribute to both offensive and defensive efforts, making her a valuable asset on the battlefield.

6) War Mammoth

A massive creature that can trample over enemy units, dealing damage and causing them to scatter. This ability makes it particularly effective against large groups of weaker units, as it can cause significant damage to multiple targets at once.

It also has a high amount of health and armor, making it difficult to take down. This means that it can withstand a lot of enemy attacks and deal damage for a longer period of time

5) Dreadnought

Its focus on technology, infantry, artillery, production, and defense, as well as its specialized units and skills. Some of the Dreadnought’s skills, such as the Destabilized Mana Core, can greatly damage both friend and foe.

The Dreadnought’s units include machines, which are not affected by race specifications, and the Cannon unit.

4) Giant

The Giant is considered a grand unit in Age of Wonders 4 due to its immense size and strength, making it a formidable force on the battlefield. The Giant is typically slow-moving but has a high amount of health, making it difficult to take down. Its attacks are also very powerful, able to deal massive damage to both enemy units and structures.

It also has several unique abilities that make it an important unit in any army. Its Roar ability can cause nearby enemy units to become shaken, reducing their effectiveness in battle. The Giant can also throw boulders at enemy units, dealing significant damage from a distance.

3) Dragons

Dragons are considered legendary units due to their powerful combat abilities and rarity. Dragons are one of the strongest units in the game, with high attack power, health, and mobility. They also have the ability to fly, allowing them to bypass terrain obstacles and reach otherwise inaccessible locations.

Boasting several unique abilities that make them even more formidable. For example, Dragons have the ability to breathe fire, dealing significant damage to enemy units and structures. They can also cast spells, adding a magical element to their already impressive combat prowess.

2) Shadow Stalker

Shadow Stalkers are considered a dangerous unit in Age of Wonders 4 due to their unique abilities and resistance to certain types of attacks.

They deal both physical and cold damage, making them hard to resist. Additionally, they have high projectile resistance, mind control immunity, 60% physical protection, 100% frost protection, and 100% blight protection, which makes them challenging to take down.

1) Archdruids

Archdruids can summon powerful creatures to fight for them, such as elementals, treants, and other forest creatures. These summoned creatures can help the Archdruid control the battlefield and provide powerful support to their army.

Containing a natural affinity for archery, this allows them to deal significant damage from a distance. This makes them effective at taking out enemy units before they can get close, as well as during sieges.

Overall, the Archdruid’s strength lies in their ability to summon beasts to aid them in battle and their focus on city growth, making them a valuable unit in Age of Wonders.