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Does Warhammer 40k Have Dwarves?

Dwarfs are an immensley popular race in fantasy settings, from Warhammer to Lord of the Rings. Even in futuristic settings, you can often see Dwarves as defensive miners with epic weapons.

But there’s one big question, are there Dwarves in Warhammer 40k?

In this article, we will explore the existence of a Dwarf faction, also known early on as the Squats, in the grim dark universe of Warhammer 40k!

The Dwarf faction, also known as the Squats, had a unique presence in the early days of Warhammer 40K.

They were introduced as a playable faction and had their own distinct lore and miniatures. However, over time, the popularity of the Dwarf faction waned, and Games Workshop made the decision to discontinue them in the late 1990s

The reasons for discounting the Dwarf faction are multifaceted and can be attributed to various factors. One significant reason was the evolving direction of the Warhammer 40K universe.

As the narrative progressed, the focus shifted more towards the conflict between the Imperium and various alien races, such as Orks, Eldar, and Tyranids.

The Dwarf faction, with their more traditional fantasy-inspired aesthetic and lore, seemed out of place in this futuristic setting

Another factor that might have contributed to the discontinuation of the Dwarf faction was the decline in their popularity among players.

At the time, Games Workshop made the strategic decision to streamline its product line and focus on factions that had a higher demand and stronger player base.

This decision meant retiring the Dwarf faction from the tabletop game.

However, in recent years, Games Workshop has brought the spirit and elements of the Dwarf faction back in the form of the Leagues of Votann.

The Leagues of Votann draw inspiration from the original Dwarf faction but have been reimagined to fit more seamlessly into the futuristic setting of Warhammer 40K.

The Leagues of Votann

The Leagues of Votann are a group of factions within the Warhammer 40K universe that share a common ancestral heritage.

Their origins date back to the Votannic Diaspora, a significant event that led to the formation of these Leagues.

Each League possesses unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and distinct visual aesthetics. For example, the League of Iron is known for its stoic determination and heavily armored warriors, while the League of Thunder excels in rapid assaults and close-quarters combat.

These distinctions make the Leagues of Votann versatile and captivating additions to the Warhammer 40K universe.

The Votannic Diaspora was a tumultuous period in the history of the Leagues of Votann. It marked the scattering of tribes and clans, leading to the formation of distinct Leagues.

During this time, the Votannic culture faced numerous challenges and trials, including relentless warfare, resource scarcity, and the struggle to adapt to new environments.

Notable battles and campaigns played a crucial role in shaping the identity of the Leagues. These conflicts tested their resilience, and in some cases, allowed them to forge alliances with other factions.

In total, it was a transformative period that laid the foundation for the Leagues of Votann as we know them today.

Relationships With Other Factions

The Leagues of Votann have complex relationships with other factions in the Warhammer 40K universe.

Some Leagues have formed alliances with factions sharing similar ideologies and values, while others have become bitter rivals, caught in a state of perpetual conflict.

The dynamics of these relationships shape the narrative, often resulting in epic clashes or unexpected collaborations.

Notable conflicts include the League of Iron’s ongoing struggle against the Orks, and the League of Thunder’s relentless war against Chaos forces.

These interactions add depth and intrigue to the Warhammer 40K universe.

The Leagues of Votann have left their mark on the broader Warhammer 40K storyline. Their contributions have been pivotal in shaping the narrative, often influencing the outcome of major conflicts.

Whether it be defending vital strategic locations or launching daring counteroffensives, the Leagues of Votann have played significant roles throughout the universe’s history.

Over time, the Leagues have undergone changes and developments, adapting to new challenges and evolving their strategies.

These shifts have kept their stories fresh and captivating, cementing their status as beloved factions within the Warhammer 40K community.


Within the Leagues of Votann, several prominent factions stand out for their unique contributions and heroic leaders.

The League of Iron, renowned for its steadfastness and unyielding nature, is led by legendary heroes such as Kharag Imperial and Skara Ironfist. They inspire their warriors and exemplify the indomitable spirit of the League.

Similarly, the League of Thunder boasts heroic individuals like Varin Stormstride and Seraphine Thunderheart, known for their lightning-fast assaults and fierce determination.

These heroes and their Leagues are celebrated for their heroic deeds in battle and the impact they have made on the Warhammer 40K universe.


In conclusion, the Leagues of Votann are a fascinating part of the vast Warhammer 40K universe.

From their origins in the Votannic Diaspora to their unique characteristics and relationships with other factions, they have captivated fans with their rich lore.

Their impact on the narrative and ongoing contributions make them stand out among the myriad factions in the Warhammer 40K universe.

The enduring appeal of the Leagues of Votann is a testament to the immersive depth of the 40K universe.