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The Pros and Cons of Early Access Games

Early access games have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering players the opportunity to get a sneak peek at games that are still in development.

These games are typically released in a pre-release state, with the developers seeking feedback from players to help improve the game before its official release.

Early access games can be a great way for players to get an early look at upcoming titles, while also providing valuable feedback to the developers to help shape the final product.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that early-access games are still in development and may have bugs, glitches, and other issues that can impact the gameplay experience.

With that said, if you’re looking to get an early look at some of the most promising upcoming games, early access may be just the thing you’re looking for.

What is Early Access?

In gaming, “Early Access” typically refers to a pre-release version of a game that is made available to players before its official release.

Early access games are usually playable, but they are still in development and may have bugs, glitches, and other issues that need to be fixed before the game is officially released.

Early access games are often released on digital distribution platforms such as Steam, and players can purchase them at a discounted price before the official release.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that early access games are still in development and may not be representative of the final product.

Pros of Early Access Games

Additional funding: Many indie developers release Early Access games to raise the capital they need to improve the existing build and complete development.

Player feedback: Early Access allows developers to get feedback from their community and experts, helping them fine-tune the game and make it more enjoyable for players.

Control of the release date: Early Access games give developers more control over when their game is released to the public, allowing them to build hype and anticipation for the official release.

Making money with Early Access: Developers can make money by selling Early Access versions of their games.

Cons of Early Access Games

Delayed development: The development of a game might be delayed and slow down a lot.

Loss of momentum: Going with Early Access runs the risk of stealing momentum from the official release.

If there is a rocky pre-release launch, developers may not be able to address community feedback, or business concerns may slow development, which runs the risk of players ignoring the game.

Are Early Access Games Worth Buying?

Opinions on whether early access games are worth buying vary. According to How-To Geek, there are ways to figure out whether an Early Access game is worth buying, even without customer reviews.

Additionally, fewer Early Access games now are experimental, with most of them being as good as finished, needing just some extra hype and funding to be fully released.

On the other hand, according to a BBC News article, some people believe that supporting games in early development can be a “risky” investment of time because the final product might not meet expectations.

Why Are There So Many Early Access Games?

One reason why there are so many early access games is that it provides a cash flow for independent publishers during development while also providing a large number of players who are effectively testing and helping the developer find bugs.

Additionally, releasing a game on early access allows developers to engage in public beta testing, collect valuable feedback from early access buyers before the game’s final launch, and save time and money fixing major issues after release.

Early access can also be an effective strategy for developing a game for an indie developer because it enables them to earn a profit on a game while still making it and raising awareness for their game at the same time.

Is the Gaming Industry Being Ruined by Early Access?

Ultimately, that is a hard question to answer.

On one hand, many developers are taking advantage of the system to profit from unfinished, buggy games, simply by marketing them well.

On the other hand, many upcoming developers can gain a significant boost to their development efforts, often resulting in a better-finished product.

It really depends on the developers. Gamers should unite against developers who constantly release bad Early Access games. As well as perform their own due diligence before opening their wallet for developers they aren’t familiar with.

Are There Any Good Examples of Successful Early Release Titles?

Yes, there are many good examples of successful early access games. According to various sources, some of the most successful early access games include:

Valheim – a Viking-themed survival game that sold over 4 million copies in a matter of days on Steam.
Rimworld – a sci-fi colony simulator that has sold over 2 million copies.
The Long Dark – an exploration-survival game that has sold over 3.3 million copies.
ARK: Survival Evolved – Controversial entry but this survival game has sold over 20 million copies.
Factorio – a game about building and maintaining factories that has sold over 2 million copies.
Subnautica – an underwater adventure game that has sold over 5 million copies.

Are There Cheaper Prices for Unfinished Versions of a Game?

Prices do tend to be cheaper while a game is in Early Access.

With that being said, you should always purchase games on sale anyway.

How Can Developers Make Sure to Complete Their Projects on Time?

Plan and schedule: Developers should create a detailed plan and schedule for the project from the outset. This will help them to break down the project into manageable tasks and set specific deadlines for each task. They should also factor in time for testing, bug fixing, and unexpected delays.

Prioritize tasks: Developers should prioritize tasks based on their importance and difficulty. They should focus on completing critical tasks first and leave non-critical tasks for later. This will help them to avoid delays caused by spending too much time on less important tasks.

Use project management tools: There are many project management tools available that can help developers to manage their projects more efficiently. These tools can help them to track progress, assign tasks, and collaborate with team members.

Have a clear vision: Developers should have a clear vision of what they want to achieve with the game. This will help them to stay focused on the end goal and avoid getting sidetracked by unnecessary features or tasks.

Communicate with the team: Effective communication is crucial for keeping the project on track. Developers should regularly communicate with their team members to ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Be realistic: Developers should be realistic about what they can achieve within a given timeframe. They should avoid overpromising and underdelivering, as this can damage their reputation and the success of the project.


Overall, whether early access games are worth buying depends on personal preferences and risk tolerance.

Some gamers enjoy playing games in their unfinished state and contributing to their development, while others prefer to wait for the full release.

It is essential to research the game and its developer before purchasing it to get an idea of its development status and potential for success.