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Fallout 76: Top 10 Best Grenades & Landmines

Grenades are a crucial part of any Fallout 76 player’s arsenal, providing a way to deal with enemies from a distance or in groups.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the ten best grenades in Fallout 76 and their stats!

10) Frag Mine

When triggered, the Frag Mine releases shrapnel in a medium area of effect, dealing 150 damage to enemies.

One of the benefits of the Frag Mine is that it can be used to set traps for enemies. By placing the mine in strategic locations, players can lure enemies into the mine’s area of effect, dealing significant damage to them.

Additionally, the Frag Mine can be used in conjunction with other explosives or weapons to deal even more damage to enemies, making it a versatile tool in any player’s arsenal.

It’s worth noting that the Frag Mine is not as powerful as other explosives in Fallout 76. However, it is often found in certain areas of Appalachia and containers, making it a readily available source of explosive damage for players.

In conclusion, the Frag Mine is a useful tool in Fallout 76 for dealing damage to enemies and setting traps.

While it may not be as powerful as other explosives, it is readily available and can be used in conjunction with other weapons and explosives to deal significant damage to enemies.

9) Plasma Mine

The Plasma Mine deals both ballistic and energy damage, making it a powerful tool against a wide variety of enemies. The Plasma Mine deals 200 damage with a large area of effect, making it a great way to deal with groups.

It’s worth noting that the Plasma Mine requires the Demolition Expert perk at rank 4 and the Science perk at rank 1 to craft.

Its combination of ballistic and energy damage makes it effective against a wide variety of enemies, and its large area of effect is great for dealing with groups of enemies.

While it requires specific perks to craft, it can also be found in certain areas of the game world, making it a valuable source of explosive damage for players.

8) Pulse Mine

The Pulse Mine releases a burst of electrical energy that harms any nearby targets.

Unlike electromagnetic pulse mines found in previous Fallout games, the Pulse Mine does not deal bonus damage to robots and power armor.

The electrical burst from the Pulse Mine has a large area of effect, making it a great way to take out multiple enemies at once.

Be aware that it requires a Demolition Expert perk at rank 3 and the Science perk at rank 1 to craft.

7) Cryogenic Grenade

When this grenade explodes, it releases a cloud of vaporized and super-chilled nitrogen gas, which has a high chance of temporarily slowing down targets caught within its blast radius.

Additionally, the Cryogenic Grenade causes the enemy to lose all Action Points (AP) and stops AP from restoring for 10 seconds.

One of the best benefits of the Cryogenic Grenade is its ability to temporarily slow down enemies, making it easier for players to deal with them.

The slow effect can be especially useful against fast-moving enemies or those with high health, allowing players to more easily land shots or make their escape.

As well as this, the AP drain effect can be used to hinder enemies’ ability to chase after players or attack, giving players a strategic advantage in combat.

It’s worth noting that the Cryogenic Grenade requires the Demolition Expert perk at rank 3 and the Science perk at rank 1 to craft 3. However, it can also be found in certain areas of Appalachia and containers, making it a valuable source of explosive damage for players.

In conclusion, its ability to drain AP can also give players a strategic advantage in combat. Overall, it’s certainly a good grenade to consider.

6) Baseball Grenade

The Baseball Grenade is created by hollowing out a baseball and filling it with explosives and fragmentation. Pull the pin at the top of the grenade to start a fuse that sets off the explosives inside.

One of the benefits of the Baseball Grenade is that it is a relatively cheap explosive option for players. Compared to other grenades that require more rare resources to craft, the Baseball Grenade can be made with common materials like fertilizer and steel.

In addition, the Baseball Grenade is heavier and more powerful than a standard frag grenade, making it a useful tool for dealing damage to enemies.

5) MIRV Frag Grenade

One of the benefits of the MIRV Frag Grenade is its high damage output. Players have reported a single MIRV Frag Grenade can deal up to 70% damage to a level 50 Scorchbeast.

Unfortunately, the MIRV Frag Grenade can be difficult to obtain.

The plan for crafting the MIRV Frag Grenade can be found in explosive crates or on certain creatures like Behemoths and Deathclaws.

4) Nuka Grenade

Similar to mini nukes, Nuka Grenades are small ordnance packages that contain fissile nuclear material that explodes after being primed.

It is, in terms of damage, the most powerful explosive in the game. Dealing twice as much damage as a standard fragmentation grenade, in addition to 100 radiation damage, which lingers around the detonation site for several seconds.

This makes it a great tool for taking down tough enemies or clearing out groups of enemies.

To get your hands on this crazy piece of tech, the plan for crafting the Nuka Grenade can be found in the Whitespring Bunker.

3) Frag Grenade

The Frag Grenade is one of the most common explosives in the game and is effective against both individual enemies and groups.

A prime benefit is its versatility. It can be thrown over walls or obstacles to reach enemies that are difficult to hit with other weapons.

Another benefit is its availability. It is a common drop from enemies and can also be purchased from vendors in the game.

You can expect to obtain quite a large deposit of frag grenades on your travels. Saving them for bigger fights can make the game a hell of a lot easier!

2) Pulse Grenade

The Pulse Grenade is a thrown explosive weapon in Fallout 76 that is specifically designed to deal damage to robotic enemies.

Upon detonation, an electromagnetic pulse is created that washes over robots and deals damage similar to a regular fragmentation grenade, but over time instead of all at once.

In Fallout 76, robots are a common enemy type. The Pulse Grenade’s ability to deal damage over time to robots makes it a valuable tool for taking down these enemies.

Another benefit of the Pulse Grenade is its availability. It can be crafted using the Tinker’s Workbench and requires only a few common materials, such as steel and adhesive. This makes it a relatively easy weapon to obtain and use.

Just be aware that the Pulse Grenade is less effective against non-robotic enemies, such as human enemies or animals.

Also be mindful of the electromagnetic pulse created by the grenade. As it can also disrupt nearby electronic devices, including the player’s own equipment if they are within the blast radius.

1) Plasma Grenade

The Plasma Grenade can be crafted at a Tinker’s Workbench using common materials such as aluminum and adhesive.

The key use of the Plasma Grenade is its high damage output. It can deal up to 200 points of ballistic damage and 200 points of energy damage to enemies.

This makes it a powerful tool for taking down tough enemies, especially those with high energy resistance or armor.

Able to destroy turrets and other automated defenses, it can be invaluable in tough spots or boss fithts.

In conclusion, its high damage output and ability to take down tough enemies make it a valuable addition to any player’s arsenal. For these reasons, it’s certainly the best grenade in Fallout 76!