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The Best Spears in IdleOn, Ranked

If you love RPG games because of the level of customization you can achieve by combining tons of different gear and abilities, IdleOn might be for you. The game tries to be the best of both worlds by reducing the grind and allowing you to focus on the parts you care about while letting your cronies do the rest.

All of your extra characters finish quests and do tasks while you’re away from the game, and you can gear them up too to make sure they do this efficiently. This means that the next time you log in, only the best parts of the gameplay are waiting for you.

Weapons define your playstyle in most games including IdleOn, and there will always be a difference between hunting monsters with a bow or a sword. With the game’s vast selection of weapons, it might be hard to stick to one.

If you’re a melee guy but don’t like getting too up close and personal, then spears should be your weapon of choice. To help you transition, we’ll rank some of the best spears in the game and tell you how to obtain them, so you can try them out and see for yourself if this is your kind of weapon.

The Best Spears of IdleOn Ranked

Spears are the perfect middle ground between something like a sword and something like a bow and arrow. It gives you range, yet it’s still up close and personal. So, let’s look at the best ones that IdleOn has to offer.

One important thing to note is that this list will not include spears that are currently unobtainable.

9) Wooden Spear

The Wooden Spear is the most basic spear that IdleOn has. And it also happens to be the first one that you’ll get to use when you wish to give it to a character.

Its power is pretty low and so is the speed. And as for things like agility – you can forget that ever existed. However, one thing that makes it unique is that it’s the only spear in the game that you can give to any class – as all of the others require Warrior class.

8) Steel Axe

The Steel Axe does not look like a spear, but it functions exactly like one in IdleOn. It’s a decent upgrade in every way, since its speed, weapon power, strength, and wisdom are far better. Though interestingly, its reach is slightly lower.

And if you wish to sell them, you can get 75 Copper Coins and 43 Silver Coins – which is not too bad for an early game experience.

7) Enforced Slasher

The Enforced Slasher has better stats than the Royal Bayonet – but it’s not a good enough upgrade like the others. There is not too much of a reason for a player to use it when they can just go for something like The Ice Breaker instead.

It’s not completely useless, but it’s just neither too low level and nor high level – which kind of eliminates the purpose of having this.

6) Royal Bayonet

The Royal Bayonet is something that you really feel is an upgrade. It’s not a spear that you will use solely because you can’t afford any better – it’s actually a pretty decent upgrade overall.

Its starting stats have 5 speed, 20 weapon power, 10 strength, 2 wisdom, and a great 95 reach – which helps you take care of enemies before they get to touch you. It has 3 upgrade slots too, which really come in handy.

5) The Ice Breaker

The Ice Breaker is when things start to get really good. First of all, this spear has an elemental touch to it which is pretty cool. Then we have the fact that it introduces bonus effects, which you can never go wrong with – which in this case is a 5% CRIT damage boost.

The weapon power here is 33, which is a decent jump from everything on the bottom of this list. And the 13 strength and 6 wisdom isn’t bad either. The only shortcoming this spear does have is that the reach is just 76 – which is the third lowest on this list.

4) Deuscythe

The Deuscythe is a great weapon that every player should play around with at least once both because it looks so cool and the fact that it has great stats. We have 40 weapon power, 6 speed, 20 strength, and a 5% CRIT damage bonus.

The only thing that you’re missing here is wisdom – but it’s not needed in your spear by the time you get far enough in the game to unlock this one anyway.

3) Slimsharp Fin

Slimsharp Fin is where the big leagues come in, because the stats on this spear leave a mark. You get 48 weapon power, 24 strength, and an amazing 92 range which is as far as this particular stat goes.

And that’s not all, it comes with 5 upgradeable slots and a 6% total damage bonus too – both of which create a good combo. Plus, it sells for Platinum Coins.

2) Diabolical Flesh Ripper

Not only does the Diabolical Flesh Ripper have a menacing name and a great visual design, but it also comes with amazing stats and is the second-best spear in the game. We get 58 weapon power, 40 strength, and 92 reach.

And what sets this spear apart from everything before it is that it introduces dual bonus stats. You get 8% Mob Respawn, 7 speed (which is very fast) and 6% Total Damage – which is a great combo and lets you grind for amazing loot when you’re idle.

1) Magma Maul

The Magma Maul looks more like a huge bat rather than a spear – but appearances can be deceiving. It has great speed (7), 40 strength, 70 weapon power, and 5 upgrade slots.

And then, of course, we have the dual bonuses which are 12% total damage and 10% mob respawn.

Obtaining this bad boy is not an easy task since you will have to spend a lot of time on resource management. But it’s worth the effort in the end and you can even sell it for 1 Dementia Coin, 86 Platinum Coins, 73 Golden Coins, 59 Silver Coins, and 10 Copper Coins.

All in all, this is the spear to have in IdleOn and one of the best weapons in the IdleOn MMORPG altogether.


That’s it for our ranking of the best spears in IdleOn. We hope that you found it useful and are finally convinced to unlock some of the spears that are only obtainable after hundreds of hours into the game.

Let us know if we missed anything. And while you’re still here, make sure to check out some of our other helpful IdleOn guides too!