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Top 10 Best Bows in IdleOn

IdleOn is a great game for many reasons and an absolute delight for fans of the RPG genre. However, what I would call a highlight of the game is its variety in how much content it has to offer.

Whether it’s character classes, gear, unique items, different worlds, or difficult bosses – everything that you can imagine is present in this game.

And that brings us to the weaponry that your characters can use.

First of all, we have the main category of weapons, such as spears, bows, swords, and so on. And then we have different types available within each category too, which includes different types of bows that the player can unlock for their characters.

The bows that you start off with are very ordinary – but then you can go ahead and unlock much better ones later down the road. But not all of them are automatically better than each other because they have different uses that the player can take advantage of.

So, let’s take a look at the top 10 best bows in IdleOn that you should keep an eye out for.

While all bows shoot forward – not all of their arrows are the same. Some bows have an elemental touch, while others even shoot funny things like carrots.

Let’s take a look at our ranking for them!

10) Wooden Bow

The Wooden Bow is the most basic bow that you can unlock in IdleOn, so it’s no surprise that it comes last on the list. You can have it as early as level 1 of your character and comes with low damage and low speed.

It’s not completely useless because it does help you level your character up to the point where they can get a different bow – so don’t discard it immediately. But as soon as you unlock the Birch Longbow, it’s time to move on.

One interesting thing to note about the Wooden Bow is that most classes can use it.

9) Birch Longbow

Birch Longbow is your first promotion in IdleOn and it’s a pretty decent upgrade. You get better speed and better damage – and you can sell it for 20 silver coins too (whereas Wooden is sold for Copper Coins) if you want.

But it’s more or less meant to keep you busy until you can get something even better, because it does not have any special gimmicks that would put it above others.

This is also the first bow that only the Archer class can use – and everything that unlocks after it follows this rule as well.

8) Carrot Launcher

The Carrot Launcher may sound like it’s a joke item, but that’s not entirely true. While it lacks the speed of the Birch Longbow, its slower shots deal more damage.

If you’re fighting bosses or want to grind in an idle state – then the Carrow Launcher is easily the much better option.

If you pair the Carrot Launcher with a Carrotman, then that’s even better as it completes the theme. But other than the gimmick, this Bow is not something that you can keep for too long as leveling up will give you better options.

7) Spiked Menace

Spiked Menace is the first bow that really makes a dent. Though its weapon power at the beginning is slightly lower than the Carrot Launcher – it makes up for that in other stats.

First of all, you finally get 3 luck which the previous bows didn’t have. And then we have good agility, good strength, and a decent upgrade potential too.

6) Pharoah Bow

Pharoah Bow is not too different to Spiked Menace, but if you upgrade it properly, it has better weapon power and agility.

What makes it a difficult choice sometimes though is the fact that it’s not too easy to find the resources to obtain this bow. But it sells for a decent price that includes Gold, Silver, and Copper coins – so it’s not a waste to have even if you will get rid of it later.

5) Blizzard Bow

The Blizzard Bow is a massive upgrade from anything that you may have used prior to this point. Though it takes a lot of time to unlock, you get the starting weapon power of 30, decent speed, 15 agility, 205 reach, and 5% CRIT damage as an added bonus.

Not only that, but this is an elemental bow that comes with the gimmick of hitting enemies with the power of ice. So, it’s a pretty good option to have.

4) Blackhole Bow

Black holes are nothing to joke about in science, and fortunately that reputation has not been wasted in IdleOn when it comes to the Blackhole Bow.

This bow is an upgrade over the Blizzard Bow thanks to its 36 weapon power, 7 speed, 13 agility, 10 strength, and a whopping reach of 230.

This combination of stats is great and it becomes so much better when properly upgraded. And yes, you’re still getting that 5% CRIT damage bonus too.

3) Shardsure Leaf

Shardsure Leif continues the tradition of carrying a gimmick, which can be seen in its earthly, leaf-like design.

It’s unlocked pretty late into your IdleOn experience and carries amazing stats, such as 44 WP, 7 speed, 16 agility, 12 strength, and 5 upgrade slots.

Interestingly, it does not come with a CRIT damage bonus. Instead, it offers the player a 6% Total Damage increase instead, which is pretty useful.

2) Diabolical Continuit

This is when things start to get crazy. The Diabolical Continuit not only looks and sounds like a majestic bow, but it even comes with a dual combination of bonuses.

You get 8% Mob Respawn and 6% Total Damage as a boost, which makes this bow amazing for idle gameplay because the mobs will keep respawning in your absence.

As for the individual stats, everything is better than the previously mentioned bows. The only thing that the later class of bows lacks is Luck stats, but you won’t need it this far into the game anyway.

1) Sentiment Core Grunkler

Don’t be confused by the odd name – this is still a bow that we’re talking about. And it’s arguably the very best Bow in the game with incredibly generous stats.

The starting weapon power is 65 and the speed is unbelievably quick at a stat of 8. Then we have 20 strength, 30 agility, 5 upgrade slots, and a long 320 reach.

As for the additional bonuses, we have 12% Total damage and 10% Mob Respawn – which you know by now is nothing to scoff at. And lastly, if you sell this Bow, you can get Silver, Golden, Platinum, and Dementia Coins!