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IdleOn: Top 10 Best Classes

IdleOn is one of the most intriguing MMORPGs due to its hybrid combination of genres. It looks very simple on the surface, but there is a lot of complexity in its gameplay mechanics for players who stick around for a few hours.

As the name implies, one very unique feature of the game is the fact that your characters still grind even after you close the game. In the idle period, they become stronger and then you reap the rewards when you log back in.

Like any other RPG, IdleOn includes many classes (including subclasses) that the player can choose to play as. They all come with different pros and cons – though it’s undeniable that some of them are far better than the others.

So, what are the top 10 best classes in IdleOn? We’re here to save your time with a guide to the best classes that the game has to offer, making it easier for you to pick when you play.

10) Journeyman

Journeyman being at the bottom of this list does not imply that it’s a useless class by any means. However, it’s a class that every expert recommends that you save for your seventh character slot.

This is because of the fact that this class does not immediately help you out very much if you just started playing the game.

But once you have the other classes set up in your previous slots, then the Journeyman boosts your account with his unique abilities. Which, in turn, helps your account a lot overall.

9) Hunter

Hunting is a useful thing in IdleOn because when you get to the later Worlds, a lot of recipes require animals.

The best way to catch animals is to use a Hunter because they come with the Trapping skill, which is pretty effective for resource gathering.

The Hunter also evolves into the Beast Master, which comes with the Breeding profession which adds even more to your animal-related resources. So, it’s a pretty good class to have when you’re in a good place offensively.

8) Squire

Other than the Barbarian, you can also turn into a Squire as an upgrade from the Warrior class and their profession is Construction – which is just as useful as it sounds.  And fortunately, you can solve the cooldown issue with speed effects too.

Refinery is a very important aspect of the game and having a class that can add a significant boost to it is always a good idea. Plus, they’re decent fighters too.

And you can also turn them into a Divine Knight later, which you’ll read about later in this list.

7) Archer

The Archer class is a great choice to have in the early hours of IdleOn, but only if you already have Warrior and Mage in your slots. But it’s not a very useful class to start off with.

However, once you start upgrading it and unlock the Bowman version – then you’ll start to understand why it’s recommended on this list. This class scales great in dealing great amounts of damage and wiping off single enemy targets.

And if you have two Bowman characters, you can get a broad range of bug sampling, which can be pretty useful as a resource.

6) Mage

The Archer class is something that should definitely be a part of your first three classes – but they are a bit dry to start off with. That’s why you should try to go for a Mage after having a Warrior because they help you farm Wood and Metal resources – which are extremely useful in the early hours of the game.

And later on, the Mage evolves into a Wizard, which is a pretty decent upgrade. But it’s not until you get to the end when this truly pays off.

Once you unlock the Elemental Sorcerer upgrade, you can summon monsters from another dimension, which lets you obtain basic monster drops at a great speed.

5) Warrior

When you’re new to the game, the best class to go for is Warrior because it’s a balanced class.

They help you kill enemies at a decent pace, which then goes on to develop your loot. And then, you can top it off by adding more variety to your slots, such as mages, archers, and more.

When you get to the other Worlds, there is a decent amount of upgrading in the form of the Barbarian – which is considered one of the best classes in the game in terms of brute strength

4) Siege Breaker

The Siege Breaker class is amazing for those who want a great AFK build – which means that characters in this class work a bit better when you’re not looking.

This is because it comes with the ability to spawn Plunderous Mobs, which then goes on to make enemy monsters respawn at a rapid pace.

The more enemies Siege Breaker kills, the more of them come out. And when hundreds are slain at such a rapid pace, you gain a great amount of loot and experience.

3) Maestro

Maestro is the perfect option for those who want a great drop rate and crystal talents in their team – especially when it comes to things like post office pens.

A lot of people do see this class as a heavy investment due to the fact that it takes a while to level them up – but your efforts are paid back in gold due to how useful they are.

The fact that this class helps you level up the skills of everyone else makes it kind of a booster – which is always a good idea to have in an MMO. And on top of that, the 410% skill exp that they can gain is wildly attractive.

2) Divine Knight

Divine Knight is a class that was only added to the game recently, but it quickly became a fan favorite. This class has a large number of attacks that covers a large radius – which helps you take down mobs with ease.

So, if you want a character that can farm without too much effort, this is the best option you can pick.

Perhaps the most exciting thing about the Divine Knight is that he can revive monsters with the Divine Intervention skill, which makes this class more powerful than a lot of others.

1) Shaman

Shaman is a class that you just can’t go wrong with. Not only are Shamans very useful overall, but they are also an incredible choice for those who want a long-term investment. As you keep unlocking upgrades by going through different Worlds, they become a very valuable asset to your account.

First of all, the alchemy and lab bonuses make them an excellent idle character.

And when you play long enough to unlock the Elite upgrade called the Bubonic Conjuror, you will have one of the best classes in the game, especially in terms of combat.

Of course, it’s very easy to level up too so you don’t have to worry about making it one of your earlier character slots.

Overall, the Shaman class is the best in IdleOn due to its usefulness across the board, as well as longevity towards the late game.

That’s it for our list of the top 10 classes in IdleOn. At the end of the day, the correct way to play the game is to have one of each. But you have to start off somewhere – and that’s why it’s not a bad idea to prioritize the best classes first.

We hope you found this guide useful, and while you’re still here, don’t forget to check out some of our other guides too!