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Top 10 Best Guild Bonuses in IdleOn

IdleOn is a relatively new game that focuses on cutting out the worst parts of modern gaming. Instead of spending time counting the money in your wallet, you can spend time actually enjoying the game without having to pay for every other weapon or item.

While the gameplay loop is not too different from other RPG games where you fight monsters and collect loot, you can get to the more interesting parts of the game faster by employing characters other than your own to complete quests for you. That means that even when you’re away from the game because life gets you down, you can always come back and see that you never stopped progressing.

Guilds are a great multiplayer feature of IdleOn, as it lets a group of up to 210 people complete a set of goals and earn rewards and bonuses for all members of the guild. Doing the daily and weekly tasks to level up the guild is important, but it’s also important to know which bonuses the best are to invest your precious time in.

Here are some of the best guild bonuses to go for so that you and everyone in your guild can reap its benefits.

Two is a company, three’s a crowd, and two hundred and ten people in a team is just tons of fun. And when a bonus helps the entire guild, that feels so much more special than gaining bonuses all by yourself.

So, let’s take a look at the best ones!

10) Bonus GP for Small Guilds

The total capacity of Guilds in IdleOn may be huge, but that does not mean that every guild is going to be that large. And in that case, your bonuses and gains are small.

Fortunately, the Bonus GP for Small Guilds is a Guild Bonus that increases your total GP points if your guild has a small number of members. For example, if your guild has 11 members or less – you get 96.08% GP. And the bigger your Guild gets, the lesser the rewards become.

At 60 members, the GP drops to 0 and then this bonus is useless.

9) Star Dazzle

Star Dazzle is exactly what you’d expect it to be. It gives you a boost in the Star Talent (also known as Special Talents) points that you earn. The more you level it up, the more points that you’ll earn.

And then, you can invest those points to get stat boosts and other kinds of bonuses.

8) Gold Charm

This list of Guild Bonuses would be incomplete without something that increases the Total Drop Rate of things. After all, better loot is a win in anyone’s books no matter what their playstyle is like.

With the Gold Charm bonus, you get a boost in your drop rate right away. And the more you level it up, the luckier you get.

7) Guild Gifts

What good are Guild Gifts if you’re not getting a bunch of them? Even without a birthday, you deserve some special treatment. Although you do get some gifts by default, the quantity is not always that satisfactory.

Fortunately, we have the Guild Gifts bonus, which raises your chances of getting an extra Guilt Gift to be added to your inventory. So, it’s very much a no-brainer to add this to your bonuses.

6) Power of Pow

When we increase every other stat of our characters, it’s easy to forget about Weapon Power at times because we tend to go for the best ones that IdleOn has to offer. However, just the base WP of a weapon is not all that you can do in the game.

Almost every type of stat booster in the game has at least one option that gives you a WP boost. So, when you combine something like the Power of Pow Guild Bonus with the power that your weapon already has – you end up with something very dangerous.

5) C2 Card Spotter

Cards in IdleOn are a great way to gain stat boosts to become stronger, faster, and better. And if they’re passive, then they don’t even need to be equipped to do their magic. So, a Guild Bonus that increases the Card Drop Rate in IdleOn is certainly a very useful bonus to have.

After all, a lot of the cards have specific requirements for dropping and it’s always a good idea to have better chances of getting them when you put in the effort.

4) Rucksack

The Rucksack Guild Bonus feels like a gift from the heavens for anyone who is a fan of the RPG elements of IdleOn. It increases the total carry cap of the player, which means that your inventory gets bigger when this bonus is equipped.

The more it’s leveled up, the more your total carry cap increases – which is an amazing advantage to have by your side.

3) Multi Tool

Skill Efficiency is a great thing because it helps you get better at everything that you do. And IdleOn is a game that’s all about getting better at things and then doing them more efficiently – so it’s no surprise that Multi Tool is a great Guild Bonus to have.

It gives you a boost to your Total Skill Efficiency, which you can then increase by leveling it up further. It’s a pretty decent boost that makes your tasks smoother.

2) Sleepy Skiller

What’s better than gaining skill XP? Gaining it when you’re AFK of course. And most players are always looking for ways to make this experience faster.

Fortunately, the Sleepy Skiller Guild Bonus is perfect for this as it boosts your AFK Skill gain rate. It starts off very simple, but the bonuses become too good to pass on once you max it out.

1) REM Fighting

No matter how much we like fighting actively in IdleON – it’s undeniable that idle farming is incredibly fun too. It’s like coming home to a freshly cooked meal after a long day of work. And the best way to get AFK gains is having your troops fight mobs, which leaves tons of loot for the player to grab.

That’s where the REM Fighting Guild Bonus comes in, which boosts your AFK Fight gain rate. The more you level it up, the more it boosts your gains, so there’s nothing not to love here.

That’s all for our list of the top 10 best IdleOn Guild Bonuses that everyone should have. We hope that you found this guide helpful and let us know if we missed anything that you consider crucial.

While you’re still here, make sure to check out many of our other helpful IdleOn guides too!