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Top 10 Best Obols in IdleOn

IdleOn is a game filled with dozens of unique items, classes, worlds to explore, and stats. And all of them have some role to play when it comes to creating a great loadout for your team of diverse characters.

Though you can easily get through World 1 of the game without needing anything extra, things like Obols become very important later on.

If you’re unfamiliar, Obols are collectibles that you can play on character or family slots at the Obol Altar.

Once an Obol is equipped, it provides stat-based bonuses for things like increasing damage and luck. And while all of them provide an advantage – some of them are far more useful than the others.

But that does depend on your preferences too because you may not need any additional strength bonuses if you already have Special Talents that focus on that.

In any case, let’s take a look at the 10 best Obols in IdleOn that you can use for every type of character build!

There are many Obols in IdleOn to choose from and it can get difficult to pick favorites since they all offer something useful. But some things are just so useful that almost everyone can agree on them, and those are the Obols that you’ll find on this list.

10) Platinum Obol of Construction

Building speed in IdleOn is not that bad, but we completely understand feeling frustrated sometimes when things are not moving fast enough.

In that case, the Platinum obol of Construction helps immensely because it has a 12% Build Speed boost – which is quite a decent figure when you think about it.

And it has 3 strength too, which feels like a free bonus.

9) Dementia Obol of Experience

If you’re not happy with the pace at which you gain XP later on in the game, then you can always try out the Dementia Obol of Experience.

It increases your XP gain from killing monsters by 4%, which is a pretty decent improvement.

And it also comes with 1 weapon power, 5 strength, 5 agility, and 5 wisdom – which makes up for a pretty decent combo.

8) Platinum Obol of Blinding Speed

Ever feel like the entire world would be better if your characters could move just a little bit faster? I know we have.

Even if it doesn’t make a big difference, you still feel like things could be better if a little more sped up.

That’s where the Platinum Obol of Blinding Speed comes in. It has a 2% movement speed boost, which can make all the difference for those who want to be faster. It also has 4 agility as an added bonus.

7) Dementia Obol of Infinite Damage

If you only want damage and don’t care about defense, then the Dementia Obol of Infinite Damage is for you. It has 3 weapon power, 5 strength, 5 agility, 5 wisdom, and 5 luck.

And then on top of all of that – it gives you 100 base damage which is very high, especially by the usual standards of Obols.

6) Dementia Obol of Magisterial Metals

The Dementia Obol of Magisterial Metals is great for players who like to mine resources since it comes with 8% Mining Efficiency and 5 Mining Power too.

And don’t worry about running into threats when mining, because this Obol also comes with 5 strength.

5) Slushy Obol of Much Dilapidation

The Slushy Obol of Much Dilapidation comes with 3% Skill Efficiency, which is not something that you can find on just any Obol.

And then it also features 4 strength, 4 agility, 4 wisdom, and 4 luck – which ends up creating a pretty good combo.

Plus, it’s quite rare in terms of design too since it’s based on a mini boss from the game rather than just a random icon of a dice or weapon.

4) Vigilant Obol of Ice Guard

The Vigilant Obol of Ice Guard is a great Square Obol for those who want a decent stat boost in both offense and defense.

It has 2 weapon power, 3 strength, 3 agility, 3 wisdom, 3 luck, and 5 defense.

But the real bonus comes in the 8% drop chance, which can be the key factor in getting lucky with a good drop.

3) Golden Obol of Big Boy Damage

This Obol comes with 20 base damage, which is pretty useful for those who love playing offensively.

And then we have 1 weapon power, 1 strength, 1 agility, and 1 wisdom which further sweetens the pot.

The best part about this is that if you want to use a weapon that is lacking in any specific department, then an Obol like this can help you sustain good stats nonetheless.

2) Jagged Obol of Massive Trolling

The Jagged Obol of Massive Trolling may sound like a joke item, but the only joke here is how ridiculously useful this Obol is.

We have 4 weapon power, 9 strength, 9 agility, 9 wisdom, 9 luck, 10 defense, and then even 3% all stats.

We don’t even have to explain how useful all of that is, especially when combined into one item that you can passively equip.

1) Dementia Obol of Infinisixes

When it comes to having the very best Obols, a lot of players prioritize those that are represented by Dice – because they carry a lot of useful passive effects.

Though silver and platinum Obols with Dice on them are pretty useful too, it’d be overkill to include all of them so let’s go with the best.

Dementia Obol of Infinisixes is by far one of the most useful Obols that you can get your handson in the game.

It has a Weapon Power of 3, 5 strength, 5 agility, 5 wisdom, 5 luck, and 100 base damage – which is a great combination of things to have in something that is just an extra thing to apply to your characters.


That’s it for our guide of the top 10 best Obols in IdleOn that you can use. Keep in mind that this list is our opinion based on experiences, and we understand that your favorite Obols might be different.

But in any case, we hope that you found useful information today which you can apply to your gameplay. And while you’re still here, make sure to check out some of our other useful IdleOn guides too!