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Top 10 Best Stamps in IdleOn

If you’re looking for a game that doesn’t try to fill the journey to the fun parts with monotony, IdleOn might be right up your alley. It’s very common these days for games to make progression a chore so they can extract money from you, but in this game, you can progress even without grinding every waking moment.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re enjoying the monster hunting inside the game or dealing with real life problems, if you’ve set up and geared up your companion characters properly, they will continue completing quests for you at the same time. As an RPG game, loot is one of the most important parts of IdleOn.

Stamps in particular play a crucial role in the late-game and the bonuses are a huge boost when it comes to farming money. Stamps themselves are split into the Combat, Skill and Misc categories, and with each type of stamp being focused on 1 specific stat, it’s not easy for beginners to figure out what combinations they should go for. So besides unlocking all the stamps, which stamps should you focus on upgrading?

We’ll cover 10 of the best stamps in the game and why you should upgrade them first.

Stamps are a very useful resource in IdleOn that you can manage, apply, and upgrade to make the best out of every stat in the game. Not all of them are created equal, so let’s look at the 10 best ones.

10) Matty Bag Stamp

The Matty Bag Stamp increases the Carrying Capacity for Material Items. This may not sound like a big deal if you’re an early-level player – but those who have their inventory filled to the brim with resources knows how useful this can be.

And then you can even upgrade it to increase your Carry Cap, which makes it even better than it already is.

9) Talent S Stamp

The Talent S Stamp is exactly what it sounds like. It gives the player a boost of Star Talent Points, which can then be used as an investment in whichever Star/Special Talent that you like.

It can be leveled up quite a bit, which lets you farm a lot of points before it starts to feel obsolete.

8) Gear Stamp

Building is an important part of any resource-based game, and IdleOn is no exception. The Gear Stamp

Unfortunately, this stamp is not obtainable in the game at the moment – but it might come back at a later point so it’s worth mentioning here.

7) Nest Eggs Stamp

The Nest Eggs Stamp is very straightforward. If you like breeding and want the XP gained from it to be better, then this stamp will do you wonders.

Even to start off with, the boost that it provides is not that low. And as you keep leveling it up, things become much more convenient for everyone involved.

6) Feather Stamp

The Feather Stamp gives players a +% Movement Speed boost, which perfectly fits the idea of the lightness of a feather. See what the developer did here?

In any case, it’s a very useful stamp to have because it can be upgraded quite a bit. And its max level, the speed boost that you receive is very generous – especially if you pair it with other such boost items.

5) Cool Diggy Tool Stamp

Mining is one of the skills in IdleOn that you never really stop using, even later on in the game. And the more you level up, the harder it becomes to gain meaningful resources since it takes a while to craft and combine better things.

Fortunately, the Cool Diggy Tool Stamp gives you a + Base Mining Efficiency boost, improves your mining experiences and lets you get to the good stuff sooner.

4) Multikill Stamp

Multikill is usually something that players discourage because it’s not awfully useful in the long run. But when it comes to stamps, the Multikill Stamp is very useful because it works similarly to a CRIT rate upgrade.

It gives you a boost for +% Base Multikill Rate for all worlds, which means that you will be more likely to kill multiple enemies at once with this stamp by your side.

3) Conjocharmo Stamp

The Conjocharmo Stamp gives the player + Base LUCK stats, which come in handy more than you would expect. A lot of things in the game rely on luck, especially the drop of good loot – so having more of it by your side never hurts, even if it’s in the form of a Combat Stamp.

And what’s worth mentioning here is that this is not just a minor boost. After you level it up a bit, you get a generous amount of Base LUCK that is visible when things start off.

2) Dementia Sword Stamp

The Dementia Sword stamp gives you a Total Damage bonus, which starts off pretty low. But when you level it up, the amount at which your damage gets boosted is actually a lot.

So, if you feel like you can use some extra strength, this stamp is undoubtedly what you’re looking for.

1) Multitool Stamp

Multitool Stamp is not something that boosts a specific skill for the player. Instead, it gives you a boost for All Skill Efficiency – which instantly makes it a favorite for thousands of players.

The more you upgrade it, the better your bonuses become. And every single level up is worth the effort you’ll put into it.

That’s it for our guide of the 10 best Stamps in IdleOn that you should use right now. Unlike some of our other guides, this one is more subjective because there is a very large number of Stamps available in the game.

So, some of the Stamps that we did not include here might prove to be more useful to you than those that we did mention. But in any case, we hope that you found this guide useful and learned something new today. And while you’re still here, make sure to check out some of our other helpful IdleOn guides too!