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Mage and Monsters: Top 10 Best Units

Mage and Monsters is a popular mobile strategy game where players must build an army of powerful units to defeat their enemies. Units refer to the characters or creatures that a player can hire or acquire to become part of their army. These units come in various types such as mages, warriors, archers, and other magical creatures.

In Mage and Monsters, players can obtain units through recruitment, summoning, or in-game rewards. Each unit has its own unique skills, abilities, and strengths that can be utilized in battle. For instance, mages are known for their magical abilities that can deal heavy damage from a distance, while warriors excel in close-combat and have high health points.

When it comes to selecting the best units in Mage and Monsters, it often depends on the player’s gaming style, strategy, and preferences. Generally speaking, players tend to opt for a diverse mix of units that can complement each other’s strengths and cover each other’s weaknesses.

Please note the army compositions will heavily depend on which Mage you choose to command your army.

10) Paladins

Range: Melee

Health: 196

Damage: 38

Attack Speed: Medium

Ability: Heals for 30 health when attacking

Starting off the list with the Paladin, it has respectable stats across the board and a nice HP heal when attacking.

Healing for 30 health can carry you through the mid-rounds (15-25), especially with a healing spell or HP bonuses. While fighting in later rounds, the healing only helps to keep the Paladin alive for an extra second or two.

The developers should really give the Paladin scaling HP per hit for the Paladin. Nothing too crazy but it would bump up the effectiveness of this unit sevenfold.

9) Archers

Range: High

Health: 14

Damage: 6

Attack Speed: Fast

Ability: None

Archer spam is one of my favorite strategies to use, and one I’ve used to conquer all but the hardest of difficulties.

Due to how cheap they are, you can spend the first 20 rounds almost exclusively picking up archers. Keep your gold at 500 for the interest each round, and spend any excess choosing additional units (hopefully archers every time).

Once you have enough at round 20, you can upgrade straight to tier 5 units and invest in a strong front-line. More on that later down the list!

8) Arch Angels

Range: Melee

Health: 336

Damage: 88

Attack Speed: Very fast

Ability: Regenerates 40 health every 2 seconds

With the right buffs, Arch Angels can be really difficult to kill. They do tend to be pretty fast (in terms of movement speed) so make sure to alter the move speed in the army builder screen before the round starts (change to 50% speed).

Arch Angel’s attack damage and speed is pretty crazy, especially with lifesteal and melee damage bonuses.

Unfortunately, melee units aren’t the best options for damage outputs. When melee units get more of a buff, Arch Angels will surely be a better option to choose.

7) Golems

Range: Melee

Health: 266

Damage: 33

Attack Speed: Medium

Ability: Deals back 20 damage to melee attackers

Golems are a great front-line unit for early/mid rounds due to their high health. Dealing 20 damage back to attackers is super strong against weaker foes.

If you’ve reached the later stages of the game (rounds 25+) then the Golems will lose a lot of what makes them good, as the HP isn’t super high and 20 damage is pretty much nothing.

However, Golem spam is a fun strategy to use if you are using Summon Unit spells to help deal with enemy ranged units.

6) Royal Guards

Range: Melee

Health: 140

Damage: 55

Attack Speed: Fast

Ability: 30% chance to crit for 400% damage

Royal Guards are exceptional glass cannon units that can deal a ton of damage.

I once tried a Royal Guard army with full damage buffs. They sliced through enemy units and bosses, but also died really quickly.

I’m still figuring out the best way to use this unit but so far, Royal Guards are one of my favorites.

5) Pyromancers

Range: Medium

Health: 49

Damage: 22

Attack Speed: Fast

Ability: Every 6th attack also passes through enemy units.

Another unit I haven’t massively tested. However, I have been pleasantly surprised by the massive damage output in the games I’ve used Pyromancers.

The passthrough ability will melt back-line ranged units. Anymore than 20 Pyromancers seems to be overkill though.

I’d say it’s worth implementing a solid amount of Pyromancers in any army stratagem you use, but be sure to upgrade the ranged damage buff as it’s sorely needed in later rounds.

4) Frost Giants

Range: Melee

Health: 434

Damage: 132

Attack Speed: Medium

Ability: When attacked, has a 30% chance to freeze the attacker for 2 seconds

Frost Giants are the staple of any front-line and should be included en-masse if you want to keep your ranged units alive.

Boasting the 2nd highest HP stat of any unit in the game, as well as one of the best passive abilities, Frost Giants should always be considered.

Sure, reaching tier 5 might be out of reach for some people but that just means you need to manage your economy more. It’s completely possible to be recruiting tier 5 units by round 20.

3) Cyclops

Range: Very High

Health: 112

Damage: 63

Attack Speed: Medium

Ability: None

Cyclops’ are the hardest-hitting ranged units in Mage and Monsters, as well as the ranged unit with the highest range.

Particularly effective against boss monsters, they are best used in the later stages of the game to tackle those annoying enemy front-lines/bosses that devastate your own tanky units.

While Cyclops aren’t worth spamming in my opinion, they are a necessary requirement to pick up if you’re wanting to collect gems by defeating the hardest game modes and map.

2) Dwarven Constructs

Range: Melee

Health: 560

Damage: 55

Attack Speed: Medium

Ability: Attacks damage all nearby enemy units

My favorite front-line unit, Dwarven Constructs are super chunky and difficult to kill. Investing in lifesteal seems to be very effective with the Dwarven Construct’s AoE attacks.

Without at least 10 Dwarven Constructs in your army, you’ll really struggle to survive the later rounds. You should aim to get around 20 though, as well as some Frost Giants and Cyclops.

1) Necromancers

Range: Short

Health: 84

Damage: 42

Attack Speed: Medium

Ability: After his fast attack, summons an Undead Dwarf, and then summons after every 6 attacks

Honestly, I’m very surprised to see Necromancers avoid the nerf hammer every update, they are absolutely busted right now. Although this might just be ranged play-style talking.

I mentioned Archer spam before, but that is just the beginning. Once you have a good size amount of Archers, you should invest in Necromancers.

If you have at least 20 of them, they are constantly summoning undead units to fight for you. This means you have an almost unlimited front-line that never dies, so your ranged units can keep firing.

Combine Necromancers with some Dwarven Constructs and Frost Giants for an unbeatable, 100% win-rate strategy. Necromancers are definitely the best unit in Mage and Monsters right now!