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Middle Earth STB: Top 10 Best Isengard Models

Isengard is a faction in the Middle Earth: Strategy Battle Game that is known for its powerful and technologically advanced army.

Home to the wizard Saruman, who has harnessed the power of industry to create an army of Uruk-hai, powerful warriors with superior strength and armor.

Join us for this article of the 10 best Isengard Models in the MESTB. Using this list, you’ll be able to create the perfect army roster for your Isengard gaming!

10) Sharku and Warg

Sharku and Warg unit consists of Sharku, a mounted hero, and a warg, a fast-moving cavalry unit.

One advantage of the Sharku and Warg unit is its mobility. The warg is a fast-moving unit that can quickly move around the battlefield and engage enemy units. It can also be used for hit-and-run tactics, allowing the unit to quickly strike and then retreat before the enemy can counterattack.

Another advantage of the Sharku and Warg unit is its versatility. Sharku is a powerful hero that can be used in both melee and ranged combat. He has the ability to shoot arrows with deadly accuracy and can also engage in close combat with his dagger.

The warg is also versatile, as it can be used to flank enemy units or to charge head-on into enemy lines

9) Dunlending Warriors

Extremely cost-effective, they are cheaper than other Isengard units like Uruk-hai and Berserkers. Dunlending Warriors can also be equipped with shields, making them more resilient to ranged attacks.

Dunlending Warriors can be used as a screening unit to protect other Isengard units from enemy charges, or as a flanking unit to attack enemy units from the side or rear.

They can also be equipped with throwing spears, allowing them to attack enemy units from a distance before charging into melee combat.

In addition, the Dunlending Warriors unit has a special rule called “Wild Men of Dunland”, which allows them to move and shoot in the same turn. This makes them effective at harassing enemy units and disrupting their formation

8) Uruk-hai Warriors

The Uruk-hai Warriors unit is one of the best units in the Isengard faction in MESBG tabletop game due to its strength, durability, and versatility.

Uruk-hai Warriors are stronger and more durable than other Isengard units, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.

One advantage of the Uruk-hai Warriors unit is their strength. They have high strength values, making them effective at taking down enemy units in melee combat. They are also armed with swords, shields, and heavy armor, making them difficult to defeat in combat.

Another advantage of the Uruk-hai Warriors unit is their durability. They have high defense values and the ability to take a lot of damage before being defeated.

This makes them an excellent unit for holding objectives or defending important areas of the battlefield!

7) Uruk-hai Scouts

Uruk-hai Scouts are equipped with bows and can move up to 10 inches per turn, allowing them to quickly reposition and take advantage of enemy weaknesses.

They can shoot their bows and then move away before the enemy can retaliate, making them difficult to catch and kill. This tactic is especially effective against slow-moving or heavily-armored enemy units.

As well as this, they are a relatively cheap unit to field. This can be especially useful in scenarios where players need to capture multiple objectives or defend a wide area of the battlefield.

Furthermore, the Uruk-hai Scouts unit has access to special rules and upgrades that make them even more powerful. For example, the Legendary Legion of Lurtz’s Scouts allows players to field a large number of Uruk-hai Scouts with unique abilities and equipment!

6) Saruman the White

One of Saruman’s biggest advantages is his magical abilities. He is a powerful wizard and can cast spells that can heal his own units, weaken enemy units, or even blast them with lightning.

He can also use his magic to immobilize enemy heroes, making them vulnerable to attacks.

Another advantage of Saruman is his leadership ability. He can inspire other Isengard units and give them bonuses to their fighting abilities.

This makes him an excellent choice for players who want to create a well-rounded and effective Isengard army.

5) Lutz

Lurtz is one of the best hero units in the Isengard faction due to his unique abilities and equipment.

As a hero unit, he has access to unique abilities and equipment that make him more powerful than regular Isengard units.

Exceptional in combat, he can give bonuses to the fighting abilities of nearby Isengard units.

Another advantage of Lurtz is his powerful ranged attack. He is equipped with a crossbow that can deal significant damage to enemy units, especially at long range.

This makes him an excellent choice for players who want a hero unit that can deal damage from a safe distance

4) Warg Riders

Warg Riders are fast-moving cavalry units that can quickly move across the battlefield and engage enemy units from unexpected angles.

This makes them an excellent choice for players who want to create a mobile and aggressive Isengard army.

Useful in a variety of roles, they can be used to harass enemy units, disrupt their formations, and provide support to other Isengard units. They can also be used to capture objectives or flank enemy units, making them a valuable asset in any Isengard army.

Finally, Warg Riders are cost-effective units that provide a lot of value for their points cost. They are less expensive than other mobile units, such as Uruk-hai Scouts, but still provide a lot of utility on the battlefield!

3) Uruk-hai Berserkers

Uruk-hai Berserkers are capable of dealing significant damage in close combat.

They are equipped with two-handed weapons that allow them to strike with great force, making them a formidable opponent for enemy units.

Sporting the “Fury” ability, which allows them to make additional attacks when they roll a 6 to hit. This makes them even more deadly in combat!

Another ability is their “Berserker Rage”, which allows them to ignore wounds and continue fighting even when they are badly injured. This makes them an excellent choice for players who want a unit that can withstand enemy attacks and keep fighting.

Every army needs a hard-hitting unit that refuses to go down. However, they will be vulnerable to ranged fire, so keep them safe as they traverse the battlefield.

2) Troll

Big, hulking monsters are the perfect compliment for an Isengard army full of Uruk-Hai and powerful heroes.

With the “Terror” ability, it can cause enemy units to become shaken and lose their nerve in the face of the Troll’s intimidating presence.

Equipped with a large, two-handed weapon that allows it to strike with great force, each swing can output a ton of damage.

It also has the “Heroic Strength” ability, which allows it to increase its strength and deal even more damage in combat!

Also able to regenerate wounds during the battle, Trolls are remarkably difficult to kill.

Overall, be sure to include at least one troll in your army list!

1) Ugluk

A versatile hero who can be used in a variety of ways on the battlefield. Armored with some nice defensive stats due to heavy armor, he has some formidable offensive power too.

The “Fury” ability allows him to make additional attacks when he rolls a 6 to hit. While this won’t happen super often, the fact Ugluk’s attacks hit like a truck will be game-winning when they do!

In addition, Ugluk has the “Snaga” ability, which allows him to bring a group of Orc warriors into battle with him. These Orcs can be used to provide support to Ugluk or to capture objectives on the battlefield. This ability makes Ugluk a valuable asset for players who want to be able to control more areas of the battlefield.

Finally, Ugluk has access to unique equipment and upgrades that make him even more powerful.

For example, he can be equipped with a banner that provides bonuses to nearby units, or he can be given additional armor to make him even more durable.

Ugluk is certainly the best unit available to Isengard, and should be an auto-include in any list!