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The Best Food Sources in Northgard, Ranked

Ahoy, brave Vikings and curious explorers of the digital realm!

Welcome to our epic saga of sustenance, survival, and scrumptiousness in the frosty lands of Northgard!

If you’re here, then you’re probably as obsessed with this phenomenal strategy game as we are, and you’re looking to conquer not just the enemy clans but your clan’s hunger pangs too. We’re about to embark on a deliciously daring quest, a journey through the best food sources in the icy wilderness of Northgard.

From the humble yet dependable hunting grounds to the bountiful fish-laden coasts, we’re going to rank them all. So grab your mead, strap on your battle-axe, and let’s dive headfirst into the mouth-watering world of Northgard’s finest food sources!

Before we sally forth and start munching our way through the icy wonderland, let’s take a quick detour.
Northgard, for those of you uninitiated, is not your run-of-the-mill neighborhood. It’s a dazzling, yet perilous realm inspired by Norse mythology, and brought to life in a real-time strategy game where every decision can mean the difference between glory and ruin.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to lead your band of brave Vikings, establishing and managing your very own settlement. From conquering new territories for the glory of the gods, to managing resources, to fending off direwolves and undead warriors, there’s hardly a dull moment in this land of ice and snow.

The game’s not just about the clash of axes and shields though. Oh, heavens no! Behind the scenes, it’s a veritable culinary tour de force. It’s a saga of survival, where finding, managing, and yes, savoring the best food sources is key to making it through the harsh winters and emerging victorious.

Importance of Food Management

Gather ’round, fellow Norsemen and women, because we’re about to delve into the all-important, belly-filling topic of food in Northgard. Ah, food! It’s the lifeblood of your clan, the engine that drives your victory, and quite possibly the secret sauce to your survival.

In Northgard, food isn’t just about satiating the appetites of your burly Vikings after a hard day of battle. Oh no, it’s much, much more. It’s about strategy, foresight, and a delicate balancing act between feast and famine. This ain’t no Sunday picnic, folks.

Food is your lifeline in the game, and managing it well is essential. It’s what keeps your clan hale and hearty, ready to face whatever new challenges the gods throw their way. Without enough food, your villagers starve, your warriors weaken, and your settlement could crumble faster than a cookie.

But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about quantity, it’s about diversity too. Different food sources offer varied amounts of food and can be affected by the seasons, the territory, and even the whims of the weather gods. So, as you chart your path to victory, remember that a well-fed Viking is a happy, and more importantly, a successful Viking.

Here are the best food sources in the game ranked!

6) Villagers

These are the baseline units generated by the Town Hall and gather food at a rate of 4 during summer and 2.4 during winter.

Their gathering speed can be influenced by the level of happiness and total player population​.

5) Healers

They gather food at the same rate as villagers: 4 during summer and 2.4 during winter. However, when they are healing, they will not gather food, which can potentially impact your economy.

Healers can be upgraded in several ways to increase their healing speed, but not their food-gathering rate.

4) Sheep

Sheep don’t produce food directly, but they can be slaughtered for a one-time gain of 80 food. The Clan Heidrun starts with one sheep and is the only clan that can build a Sheepfold to produce food.

A sheepfold produces 2.7 food in the summer and 1.62 food in the winter, which is actually the worst stat on the list, but sheep are ranked higher as they don’t need to be fed.

3) Hunters

They can be trained at the Hunter’s Lodge, which requires a Woodcutter’s Lodge and Deer in the tile. They produce 4.75 food during summer and 3 food during winter per Hunter.

When the Hunter’s Lodge is upgraded, it allows for one more Hunter and increases food production in the area by 20%.

2) Farmers

Farmers provide the best base food production stat in the game at an average of 4.35 overall – 5 in summer and 2.4 in winter.

Usually, farmers will be the most efficient food source for you overall because of their highest average and extremely high food production rate in the summer.

1) Fisherman

Fisherman is our highest rated food production source as it is the most stable!

Fishermen are able to produce the same amounts of food in both winter and summer at the rate of 4.35.