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Rounds: Top 10 Best Perk Cards

Rounds hit the competitive multi-player world hard when it was released back in April 2021.

It’s a rogue-lite shooter where every round gets more intense. You win? your opponent gets a power-up, and vice versa.

Essentially, the losing player of each round unlocks clever upgrades to create a better build to counter their opponent. Rounds offers over 11.2 million different powerup combinations, 65+ unique powerups, and 70+ maps.

If you want to start playing Rounds competitively or even just against your friends, you’ll need to know the best perk cards.

These cards are available when you lose a round. It is absolutely essential you choose the right cards, as they decide the power of your character through the remaining rounds.

This list will show you the 10 best perk cards you can choose in Rounds. Make sure to memorise each entry, so you can immediately recognise them if they pop up!

10) Bouncy

It’s super frustrating to face players who constantly dip, dive, duck, and dodge your bullets.

Having Bouncy on your character gives them a lot more to think about, as they need to keep dodging.

If you become skilled enough, you can use the environment to block certain pathways.

Bouncy works well with some of the other perk cards on this list, as you want to have on-hit effects active too.

9) Glass Cannon

Massively increasing your damage per shot is always a good choice.

Of course, it makes you susceptible to attacks. Even being hit once will spell the end for you.

However, you can make up for this with some good dodging and positioning.

The sheer amount of damage each shot from your weapon will deal is well worth the investment here.

8) Combine

Combine will reduce your ammo count but the damage from the missing shots are added to your main shot. Each hit will significantly deplete your enemy’s health…if you can hit them.

Sure, this park card requires a lot of skill, but Rounds is a skillful game. Don’t ignore the more skillful cards, as you’ll never improve.

Definitely pick Combine when you see it. You may mess up the first few times but once it clicks, it’s one of the best strategies you can do.

7) Healing Field

Healing Field is certainly designed for a more defensive playstyle. Being able to heal up mid-fight can be a big advantage over your opponent.

You should mix it with other blocking cards so get tons and tons of healing through the rounds.

Just make sure not to choose Healing Field if you’ve chosen perks that reduce HP, such as Glass Cannon. Healing won’t mean much if you get one-shot each time!

6) Big Bullets

Landing shots is one of the most crucial aspects of Rounds, as players have the block ability, as well as mobility.

Big Bullets make your shots insanely large, and very difficult to dodge. Combine this with previous cards for a truly devastating setup.

I particularly like Big Bullets with the Bouncy perk. Your opponent is forced to dodge so much that they can’t concentrate on aiming as much!

5) Leech

Leech is specifically designed for one purpose only; to create the most annoying build of all time.

Pick the perks for as much HP as possible, and add some blocking bonuses in there too.

Then choose Leech and laugh as your opponent simply cannot kill you.

Good maneuverability is absolutely necessary though to avoid your opponent defeating you using the environment!

4) Remote Control

Easily the most difficult perk card to use in Rounds. Remote allows you to completely control the aim and direction of your shot.

Even against agile opponents, a good player should be able to catch them.

You need to choose other perk cards that compliment this, though. On-hit effects are super important here, as well as some survivability to make sure you don’t die while micro-ing your shot.

3) Parasite

Parasite is quite OP right now, it will likely get nerfed in the future.

Such massive bonuses are a boon to any play style, it offers enough to be an auto-pick for any character build.

The reload time increase is absolutely nothing in comparison to the benefits. Parasite should always be chosen if it appears.

2) Tank

Tank is super good for a defensive playstyle.

Many benefits are featured, such as increased survivability, and awesome synergy with a multitude of other perks.

In general, it can be good alongside a high-damage build too, often giving you enough HP to actually survive a hit.

The Tank perk card in Rounds is a good choice for players who prioritize survivability and prefer a more defensive playstyle.

Its ability to increase a player’s health and durability can make them more difficult to defeat and create opportunities for strategic play.

1) Poison

Unless your opponent has invested heavily into HP, this perk card will be the most useful out of any other choices.

Landing a shot usually just means you have an advantage. With Poison active, landing a shot almost guarantees you win.

The poison effect deals high damage and will happily eat away at your opponent’s HP bar.

I’ve lost so, so many times against this perk. It is surely the best perk card to choose in Rounds!