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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Top 10 Best Attacker Characters

When building your team, it’s important to consider what kind of role each character will play on your squad.

This is so that they complement each other well enough that they work together as an effective unit, rather than being just thrown together randomly.

You won’t be successful without much thought put into how well they work together or against other teams’ strengths & weaknesses.

10) Darth Revan

Darth Revan can be an invaluable asset to your team. His unique leader ability allows him to grant all allies +20% Defense, which makes him a great fit for any squad. His survivability is also quite high due to his passive ability that grants him 20% Turn Meter whenever he suffers a debuff.

As well as his special attack that increases his Max Health by 30% for 3 turns and recovers 100% of his Max Health at the start of each turn for 2 turns.

Darth Revan also has good synergy with many other characters: Zeta C-3PO (Sith) gives +10 Speed and Critical Chance; Grand Master Yoda (Jedi) gives +15% Defense chance; Aayla Secura (Jedi) grants Advantageous Attackers 50% less Damage; Jolee Bindo grants Buff Immunity; and Ahsoka Tano grants Turn Meter Gain on Basic attacks against enemies with Buff Immunity

9) Darth Malak

Darth Malak has high damage output, able to deal significant amounts of damage to enemies with his basic attacks and his special abilities. His unique ability, Lord of the Sith, allows him to gain bonus offense for each debuffed enemy, which makes him even more dangerous as a damage dealer. Additionally, his special ability, Drain Life, deals massive damage to a single enemy and heals himself for a portion of the damage dealt, making him very difficult to take down.

durable character with high survivability. He has a high health pool and can recover health through his Drain Life ability, which makes him a tough opponent to take down. Additionally, he has a unique ability, Hero with No Fear, which grants him bonuses to his defense and tenacity when he is critically hit, further increasing his durability in battle.

8) Grand Admiral Thrawn

Grand Admiral Thrawn is a great attacker, with high survivability and disruptive abilities. He can be used to counter many teams, but it’s best to use him with other Empire characters. His leader ability increases the chances of your other characters doing critical damage by 20%, which makes them even more dangerous than they already are!

He also compatible with other Empire characters like Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine (and vice versa). If you want to know more about these synergies, check out our article on how to use Grand Admiral Thrawn as an attacker in Galaxy of Heroes!

7) Darth Nihilus

Darth Nihilus is a unique leader in that he has a passive ability that increases his damage output. When you use Darth Nihilus as your leader, all allies gain +10% ATK and Health. This makes him an ideal choice for any Sith team, since it allows all of your other characters to do more damage and take more punishment.

The best thing about Darth Nihilus is his ability to deal massive amounts of damage with his basic attacks. He has two attacks: Dark Ritual and Siphon Life. Dark Ritual deals moderate single target damage with no cooldown, while Siphon Life can be used on multiple enemies at once but has a longer cooldown (3 turns). Both moves do high amounts of damage

6)Darth Traya

Darth Traya has several abilities that can dispel and debuff enemies, making her a great character to use against teams that rely on buffs or debuffs.

Her basic attack has a chance to dispel all buffs on the target, while her special ability, Isolate, can remove an enemy from play and prevent them from gaining buffs or assisting their allies.

Her unique ability, Compassion is Weakness, grants her the ability to inflict several debuffs on an enemy whenever they attack her, making her a formidable opponent to face.

5) Jolee Bindo

Jolee Bindo is also a powerful healer, with several abilities that can heal himself and his allies. His basic attack has a chance to heal himself, while his special ability, Direct Focus, can heal a Jedi ally and grant them bonus offense and defense. His unique ability, Jedi Resilience, also grants him bonus health regeneration and protection recovery.

a Jedi character, and he has several abilities that synergize well with other Jedi allies. His leader ability, Old Republic Revitalization, grants all Old Republic allies bonus potency and critical hit avoidance, while his unique ability, Jedi Resilience, grants him and other Jedi allies bonus health regeneration and protection recovery. This makes him a great choice for players who want to build a strong Jedi team.

4) Bastila Shan

Bastila Shan is an amazing character to use in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes due to her unique abilities and significant support capabilities. As a Jedi Old Republic Leader, she can provide a brand new buff, Legendary Battle Meditation, to all allies and call allies to assist, granting them a slew of buffs.

Additionally, her leader ability starts her team with turn meter, making it essential to have your own team preloaded before hand.

Furthermore, her Special 2 ability, Subvert Defenses, deals special damage to the target enemy, dispels all buffs on them, and stuns them for one turn.

Her Special 1 ability, Bastila’s Call, dispels all debuffs from herself and another target ally, and they both gain Offense, Defense, Speed, Accuracy, and Critical Chance Up for three turns, after which Bastila calls that ally to assist

3) Juhani

Juhani’s basic attack deals Physical damage to the target enemy and all enemies adjacent to it, which makes her an excellent character for clearing out large groups of enemies at once.

Her first special ability is Force Leap, which allows her to jump forward and deal damage in an area around where she lands.

This makes Juhani very effective at dealing damage while also providing some crowd control by forcing enemies back into place after they’ve been hit by this move or others like it (such as Mace Windu’s Force Repulse).

2) HK-47

HK-47 has one of the highest damage outputs in the game, especially against enemies with debuffs. His basic attack can inflict a damage over time debuff, while his special ability, Assassination Protocol, can deal massive damage to a single enemy and can ignore their defense if they have any debuffs.

a droid character, and he has several abilities that synergize well with other droid allies. His leader ability, Droid Hunter, grants all droid allies bonus critical chance and critical damage, while his unique ability, Assassin Protocol, grants him and other droid allies bonus offense and critical damage. This makes him a great choice for players who want to build a strong

1) General Grievous

General Grievous is a powerful attacker, with his abilities and stats being among the best in the game. His basic attack deals decent damage, but it’s his special attacks that make him so strong. The first one deals heavy damage to all enemies, while the second one hits only one enemy but does massive damage. He also has an ability that lets him dodge attacks for 1 turn, which makes him extremely hard to kill unless you’re using a team of high-damage characters like Darth Sidious or Emperor Palpatine (more on them later).

Grievous has very good survivability as well: he has high health and defense stats combined with two defensive passives (one reduces damage taken by 50%, while another reduces critical chance by 50%). This makes him very difficult to take down even when facing off against other powerful attackers such as Darth Traya or Count Dooku