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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes: Top 10 Best Rebel Characters

Each of these Rebel characters brings something unique to the table, making them essential to any Rebel team composition. Princess Leia Organa, for instance, is a great leader who can deal massive damage with her basic attack and special ability.

She can also increase the critical chance and damage of her allies, which makes her an excellent support character. Han Solo, on the other hand, is a versatile character who can both deal damage and tank for his team.

His taunt ability is particularly useful, as it forces enemies to attack him instead of your other characters, allowing you to protect your team.

10) Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is another powerful character in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. He has high damage-dealing abilities, can taunt enemies and increase allies’ stats. He can also reduce enemies’ stats by taunting them. Wicket W. Warrick is a high-survivability character with a lot of utility.

He can increase allies’ stats, reduce enemies’ stats and heal allies. Wedge Antilles is a powerful offensive unit. He has high damage-dealing abilities, and can increase allies’ stats with his ability “Inspiring Shot.” In addition, he can reduce enemies’ stats with his other ability “Rearm.” Wedge also has two healing abilities: “Medical Droid” and “Echo Base Resupply.”

9) Hera Syndulla

A Rebel pilot who leads the Ghost crew. She can increase allies’ stats, reduce enemies’ stats and heal her allies. She has high survivability and can be used in many different ways to help you win battles. Ahsoka Tano is a powerful Jedi who can deal high damage and increase allies’ stats.

She can also reduce enemies’ stats, heal allies, and even stun them! Finally, Baze Malbus is a high damage dealing character who can increase his allies’ stats and reduce enemies’ stats. He also has the ability to heal allies, making him an important addition to any team that needs extra help surviving battles.

8) Princess Leia Organa

She’s a powerful leader who can inflict massive damage in a single attack. She also has high survivability and can boost allies’ stats, which makes her an excellent addition to any Rebel team. Next up is Han Solo, who is one of the strongest characters in the game.

She’s got a lot of abilities that can dish out damage, but he also has some tricks up his sleeve. her taunt ability will force enemies to attack him instead of your other characters, making him an excellent choice when you want to protect the rest of your team from enemy attacks.

7) Wedge Antilles

Antilles is a great support character in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes for a few reasons. First and foremost, he’s an offensive character, which means he can deal massive damage with his basic attack and special ability. This makes him a valuable asset to any team that needs extra firepower. However, what sets Wedge apart from other offensive characters is his ability to support his teammates.

One of Wedge’s most useful abilities is “Inspiring Shot,” which increases the speed and offense of his allies. This can be a game-changer in battles, as it allows your team to act faster and deal more damage. Additionally, Wedge’s other ability, “Rearm,” reduces the cooldown of his allies’ special abilities. This means that your team can use their most powerful attacks more frequently, giving you an edge in battles

5) Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano is considered a great support character in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes because of her abilities to heal allies and grant them additional attacks. Her basic attack dispels all negative statuses from allies and grants them offense up.

Her special ability, “Elegant Form,” grants all allies defense up and a heal-over-time effect. Finally, her unique ability, “Fulcrum,” allows Ahsoka to assist any ally who uses a basic attack and grants them an additional attack if they are a Jedi.

4) Lando Calrissian

Lando’s “Double Down” ability is incredibly useful in battles. Not only does it deal physical damage to all enemies, but it also grants critical chance up to all allies for two turns. This means that your allies are much more likely to score critical hits and deal extra damage, which can turn the tide of a battle. Additionally, because “Double Down” targets all enemies, it can be particularly useful in battles against multiple opponents.

His basic ability, “Gambler’s Shot,” is also a valuable asset. This ability has a high damage variance, which means that it can deal a wide range of damage to the target enemy. However, it also has an additional 30% chance of scoring a critical hit, which makes it even more deadly. This ability can be particularly useful against enemies with high health or defense, as it can chip away at their health and eventually take them down.

3) Baze Malbus

Baze has a special ability called “Blaze of Glory,” which deals massive physical damage to all enemies and has a 70% chance to inflict buff immunity for two turns. This ability can be particularly useful against enemies who have powerful buffs or who rely on healing, as it can prevent them from using those abilities for a significant amount of time.

But perhaps the most valuable aspect of Baze’s kit is his unique ability, “Guardian of the Whills.” This ability allows Baze to taunt enemies and also grants him protection up and health regeneration whenever an ally is damaged. This means that Baze can draw enemy attacks away from your more vulnerable allies, while also sustaining himself with protection up and health regeneration.

2) Wicket W. Warrick

Wicket’s unique ability, “Return of the Tribe,” can be a game-changer in battles. This ability has a 40% chance to revive a defeated Ewok ally with 50% health and protection.

This means that if one of your Ewok allies falls in battle, Wicket has a chance to bring them back to life and keep your team fighting. This ability can be particularly useful in battles where your allies are taking a lot of damage, as it can help keep your team alive and fighting until the end.

1) Chewbacca

Chewbacca’s “Loyal Friend” ability is also incredibly valuable. This ability taunts enemies, drawing their attacks away from your more vulnerable allies, while also granting allies stacking offense up for two turns. This means that your allies can deal more damage to enemies and take them out more quickly.

Additionally, because the ability taunts enemies, it can be particularly useful in battles where you need to protect your more vulnerable allies from taking damage.

Finally, Chewbacca’s “Furious Bowcaster” ability can deal significant damage to enemies and has a chance to assist his allies on their attacks. This means that Chewbacca can help your allies take out enemies more quickly and efficiently, while also dealing damage himself.

As well as this, because the ability has a chance to assist allies on their attacks, it can be particularly useful in battles where you need to take out enemies quickly or in battles where your allies are outnumbered.