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Top 10 Best Scepters in Amethyst Imbuement (Minecraft Mod)

Minecraft has captured the imaginations of many of us for the past decade, and if you haven’t heard of it, it’s time to leave the rock you’ve been living under.

Magic and Minecraft have flirted a lot in the past, and some of the biggest gameplay additions since its release have been related to magic.

Enchanting and potions added entirely new frameworks to the game and significantly expanded the things you could do with your existing tools.

It’s a shame that none of the recent updates had anything to do with magic, but thankfully, plenty of mods have stepped up over the years.

From Ars Magica to Amethyst Imbuement, there are various types of magic to explore.

Here, we’ll focus on Amethyst Imbuement and its primary spell casting tool, the scepter.

Our top 10 scepters are:

10) Equinox

Equinox is a tier 3 scepter with a strong boost for elemental spells. Unlike its precursor scepters, the blazing scepter, the sparking scepter, and the frosted scepter, you are not limited or nudged to one elemental line of spells.

You can combine the strongest spells from each type like Flameweave and Lightning Storm to destroy crowds of enemies with ease.

The Equinox also has a strong modifier for Fury spells too, making it ideal for fighting. If you like bringing nature’s wrath into the mix, this is the scepter for you.

9) Lethality

Lethality is, as the name suggests, a scepter entirely focused on delivering killing blows in combat.

It gives a huge boost to spell damage, but it comes with the price of every non-Fury spell having a longer cooldown, so its tier-3 nature is not much of a benefit.

If you’re looking to dispatch an enemy near you in a short amount of time though, none of the alternatives can hold a candle to it.

A nice bonus to Lethality is that it also functions as a melee weapon at close range and using it to attack does not drain mana or durability.  

8) Soujourn

Sojourn is a great tier 3 utility scepter. It shortens the cooldown and increases the range of Traveler spells such as Dash and Teleport, and on top of that, it has a decent chance of speeding you up as a side effect.

Sojourn isn’t a one-trick wonder though, and comes with an extra range for all Witty spells too including Forcefield.

And somehow, even with all of that in mind, it also comes with a great unique spell in the form of Survey, which creates a map of your surroundings when cast. It’s safe to say this scepter is a vital part of your equipment.

7) Resonance

A much more unique scepter due to not having a skew for a specific set of spells, Resonance can be very useful as a jack of all trades.

It automatically increases any spell’s effective level and gives the player a high chance to repeat a spell immediately after the first casting.

You might think this is simply a chance to skip the cooldown, but no, repeating a spell this way does not use up any mana. Resonance also comes with a pretty good unique spell in the form of Resonate, which is a wave attack that damages all nearby enemies.

Its damage also stacks after each hit in a span of 2 seconds, which pairs perfectly with the chance of repeating the same spell multiple times.

6) Redemption

If you’ve ever played a support character in an MMO, the Redemption scepter is for you. It significantly increases the duration of all Healer spells, letting you and others regenerate insanely fast.

Unfortunately, the scepter isn’t good for much else, as the mana cost for all other spells is significantly higher and so are the cooldowns.

It’s not horrible though, and you do have access to other tier 3 spells in case you need to save yourself in a pinch.

If you’re not a fan of playing second fiddle to someone else, at least make sure you can convince one person in your party to rely on this scepter.

5) Aegis

Aegis is a great tier 3 scepter for tanky players, making sure they can stay alive to finish the fight.

Every spell cast automatically gives half a heart of shield, meaning you’re never that vulnerable if you’ve got a plan.

It also deals extra damage when casting spells on undead enemies like zombies, and the best part is that the spells don’t even have to deal damage for it to apply.

It also completely ignores the invulnerability timer that usually stops you from dealing damage in quick succession.

4) Scepter of Recall

The Scepter of Recall is a tier 2 scepter that’s not a bad alternative to the Sojourn. It increases the range of all spells, making it decent for most spells, and comes with a great unique spell in the form of Recall.

When you first use Recall, you might get annoyed that its cooldown is 10 minutes.

But Recall is a lifesaver, as it instantly teleports you to your bed, letting you escape all sorts of predicaments. It might not be so useful on servers with the /home command, but in vanilla Minecraft it could save you so many diamonds.

3) Frosted Scepter

While the Frosted Scepter is merely a stopgap on the way to the tier 3 Equinox, it’s definitely the best single element scepter. Frost spells are generally very strong, but you also get an additional unique spell in the form of Ice Spikes.

Ice Spikes change the terrain so significantly when cast that they can block pretty much any enemy from coming to you, and the fangs themselves deal quite a lot of damage too.

If you’re in need of a good tier 2 scepter for combat, consider going with this one.

2) Bardic Scepter

Another support scepter like Redemption, the Bardic Scepter is unfortunately only level 2, leaving you out of many good healing spells.

It makes up for it significantly though with its unique spell Inspiring Song, which gives plenty of beneficial effects to nearby players including speed and health regeneration.

The Bardic Scepter is also much more flexible than Redemption, as it doesn’t have significant penalties to other spells.

1) Scepter of Vanguard

Unique spells tend to make or break scepters lower than tier 3, so the Scepter of the Vanguard stands out from the rest with its Barrier ability.

It grants the wielder the absorption effect, meaning you can tank quite a lot of hits, which comes in handy when fighting the undead.

Speaking of the undead, it has the same benefit as the Aegis where spells automatically deal damage when cast on the undead.

Couple that with a hefty XP and spell duration boost for Grace spells, it’s a great stop-gap scepter before you get to Aegis itself.

These are the ten recommendations that we have for the best Scepters in Amethyst Imbuement for Minecraft.

We hope you find them as useful as we do, and if we left out any of your favorite scepters – don’t shy away from letting us know!