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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Space Marine Chapters

The Space Marines are the greatest warriors in the galaxy, genetically enhanced super-soldiers who stand as the ultimate defenders of humanity. Each of the 1,000 Space Marine Chapters is unique, with its own traditions, tactics, and culture.

From the stoic Imperial Fists to the fierce Space Wolves, each Chapter has its own strengths and weaknesses, its own heroes and legends. In this article, we will be taking a closer look at my top ten Space Marine Chapters in Warhammer 40k, examining their history, tactics, and iconic figures.

Whether you are a veteran Space Marine player or a newcomer to the universe of Warhammer 40k, I hope you will find this list informative and entertaining.

So without further ado, let us begin our journey into the world of the Adeptus Astartes.

10) Black Templars

The Black Templars are a chapter of zealous warriors dedicated to the destruction of all enemies of the Imperium.

They are known for their massive numbers (as they do not follow the Codex Astartes restrictions on chapter size), their use of sword and shield in combat, and their hatred of psykers (due to their belief that all psykers are tainted by Chaos).

They are led by the fiery and uncompromising High Marshal Helbrecht and are based on the fleet of the Black Templars Crusade.

9) White Scars

The White Scars are a chapter of swift and mobile warriors. They are known for their hit-and-run tactics and use of bikes and other fast vehicles.

They are also one of the few chapters with a significant number of non-Caucasian members, reflecting their origins in the Mongol-inspired Chogoris culture.

In terms of leadership, White Scars are led by the fierce and charismatic Jaghatai Khan and are based on the planet of Chogoris.

8) The Raven Guard

The Raven Guard are a Space Marine Chapter known for their cool-headed, even intellectual temperament, their superb infiltration skills, and skill at furious close-quarters engagements.

Rather than face their enemies head on, Raven Guard are masters of unseen and guerrilla warfare, only engaging in frontal assaults when no other option presents itself.

The Raven Guard were the XIX Legion of the original Space Marine Legions, with their Primarch being Corvus Corax.

The Raven Guard have always had dedicated fans but have, rather appropriately, kept to the shadows for much of the history of 40K.

They are known for their stealthy tactics, with one of their few Terminator Armour-wearing units being the Deliverers.

7) The Iron Hands

The Iron Hands are considered to be one of the best Space Marine chapters due to their advanced technology, combat prowess, and unwavering dedication to the Emperor.

One of their defining traits is their reliance on cybernetic enhancements and bionic implants, which they view as a way to overcome the weakness and frailty of the human form. This makes them one of the most technologically advanced chapters in the Imperium, with a focus on heavy weapons and armored vehicles.

The Iron Hands also have a reputation for being ruthless and uncompromising in battle, with a preference for quick, decisive strikes that leave their enemies reeling. They are also skilled at siege warfare, able to break even the most heavily fortified defenses.

In addition, the Iron Hands have a strong sense of duty and loyalty to the Emperor, and will stop at nothing to protect the Imperium from its enemies. This unwavering dedication has earned them the respect and admiration of many other Space Marine chapters, as well as the wider Imperium.

6) Salamanders

One of the Salamanders’ defining traits is their unwavering commitment to protecting the innocent and the weak. They are known for making sacrifices to save civilians and fellow Space Marines, and for valuing human life above all else.

This has earned them a reputation as a compassionate and honorable chapter, even among their fellow Space Marines.

The Salamanders’ combat prowess is also legendary. They are known for their exceptional strength, endurance, and resilience, and for their mastery of close combat.

Their weapons and armor are crafted with great care, often being imbued with sacred relics or crafted from rare materials, making them among the most powerful and fearsome warriors in the Imperium.

In addition, the Salamanders have a strong sense of brotherhood and camaraderie, and are fiercely loyal to their Primarch, Vulkan. They have a deep respect for the traditions and values of their chapter, and work tirelessly to uphold its honor and reputation.

5) Imperial Fists

The Imperial Fists are a chapter of siege experts. They are known for their stoic demeanor and ability to hold their ground against overwhelming odds.

They are also the chapter responsible for defending the Imperial Palace during the Horus Heresy. They are led by the stoic and unflappable Sigismund and are based on the fortress-monastery of Phalanx.

4) The Space Wolves

The Space Wolves are a chapter of fierce warriors with a unique culture and traditions. They are known for their use of wolfskin cloaks, their ability to transform into wolves (or werewolves, depending on your interpretation), and their love of mead and other alcoholic beverages. They are led by the legendary Logan Grimnar and are based on the planet of Fenris.

3) Dark Angles

The Dark Angels are a chapter with a mysterious past. They are known for their obsession with hunting down the Fallen, former members who betrayed the chapter.

They are led by the enigmatic Azrael and are based on the planet of Caliban (although the planet was destroyed long ago). The Dark Angels are also known for their intricate and ornate armor, featuring many winged motifs.

2) The Blood Angels

The Blood Angels are a chapter with a dark secret. Their gene-seed is tainted with the Black Rage and Red Thirst, causing them to descend into a frenzy in battle.

However, they also have a strong sense of honor and nobility, and are known for their beautiful and intricate armor. They are led by the noble Dante and are based on the fortress-monastery of Baal.

1) Ultramarines

The Ultramarines are the best Space Marine chapter for several reasons. They have been featured prominently in many Warhammer 40k novels, video games, and other media, and have become an iconic part of the franchise.

One reason for the Ultramarines’ popularity is their reputation for being one of the most successful and effective Space Marine chapters in the Imperium. They have a long history of victories against some of the most dangerous enemies in the universe, and are widely respected by their fellow Space Marines and the wider Imperium.

Another reason for the Ultramarines’ popularity is their iconic color scheme of blue and gold. This has become one of the most recognizable color schemes in the Warhammer 40k universe, and has helped to make the Ultramarines stand out from other Space Marine chapters.

The Ultramarines also have a strong sense of duty and loyalty to the Emperor, which has earned them a reputation for being honorable and selfless warriors. They are known for their courage, honor, and unwavering commitment to upholding the values and traditions of the Space Marines.

Finally, the Ultramarines have a strong and charismatic leader in the form of their Primarch, Roboute Guilliman. He is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant and capable leaders in the Imperium, and has played a key role in many of the Ultramarines’ most famous victories.

Overall, the Ultramarines’ popularity is due to their reputation as one of the most successful and effective Space Marine chapters, their iconic color scheme, their strong sense of duty and honor, and their charismatic leader.