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Top 10 Ranged Combat Armies in Warhammer 40k

One of the most important aspects of the game is the type of army you choose to play with. In this article, we will be discussing the top ten ranged combat armies in Warhammer 40k.

This list is intended to be a frame of reference to work within while working on your own ideas.

It will hopefully keep you in the ballpark while deciding on your list and prevent you from building a shooty army so bad that you start to wonder if they are even allowed at tournaments.

10) Genestealer Cults

The Genestealer is a terrifying creature that resembles a cross between a reptile and an insect. It has a long, sinuous body, razor-sharp claws, and a mouth full of teeth that can shred through metal. The Genestealer is also able to infect humans with its genetic material, which alters their DNA and makes them more susceptible to the cult’s influence.

The human followers of the cults are known as neophytes. They are physically weaker than their Tyranid counterparts but are still formidable fighters. They are armed with a variety of ranged weapons, including autoguns and mining lasers, and are skilled in close combat.

9) Orks (Bad Moon Clan)

In the game, the Bad Moon Clan has a unique kultur, or special rule, that improves their ranged combat ability. According to the Goonhammer website, the Bad Moon Kultur provides two bonuses that apply to ranged attacks.

First, their Dakka and Heavy weapons have their range improved by 6 inches, which means that the second profile is applied 3 inches further.

Second, every time a model makes a ranged attack, the armor penetration of the attack is improved by 1 on every dice roll

the Clan is known for their love of wealth and luxury, and their Orks’ teef grow faster than anyone else’s, which allows them to acquire bigger and better weapons. Their unique kultur in the game improves their ranged combat ability, making them deadly opponents in battle.

They prefer to engage their foes at range, using their long-ranged weapons to devastating effect

8) The Leagues of Votann

The Leagues of Votann also have access to powerful artillery, so make sure to use it to take out enemy fortifications and vehicles.

The Votannic Bombard is a massive siege engine that can destroy enemy vehicles with ease, so make sure to use it to take out any tanks or other vehicles that your opponent may have.

When playing as the League, it’s important to focus on your core Hearthkyn Warriors and build your army around them. These tough and hard-hitting infantry can be customized with a variety of weapons and equipment, so make sure to choose the loadout that best suits your playstyle.

The Hernkyn Pioneer is a powerful transport vehicle that can carry up to 10 Hearthkyn Warriors, so make sure to use it to get your troops where they need to be on the battlefield.

7) Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Space Marines have access to a wide variety of ranged weapons, each with its own strengths and weaknesses

Some specific units or characters that excel in ranged combat include the Chaos Lord, who can boost the accuracy and damage of nearby units, and the Havocs, who can provide heavy firepower from a distance.

When using ranged weapons, it is important to position your units strategically to take advantage of cover and line of sight, and to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon.

6) Space Marines

With a wide range of ranged combat capabilities, Space Marines are certainly an amazing shooting army. They have access to a variety of ranged weapons, including bolters, plasma guns, and autocannons, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Space Marines can also use special ammunition, such as kraken bolts for armor-piercing and inferno bolts for area-of-effect damage.

In addition to their weapons, Space Marines have a variety of units and characters that excel in ranged combat.

For example, the Devastator Squad is a heavy weapons unit that can provide significant firepower from a distance, while the Techmarine can repair vehicles and fortifications while also providing ranged support.

5) Necrons

To effectively use Necrons in ranged combat, players should focus on positioning, target selection, and army composition.

Necrons are durable, but they can be slow, so it is important to position them in strategic locations to take advantage of cover and line of sight.

Target selection is also important, as Necron weapons are most effective against certain types of targets. For example, gauss weapons are best used against heavily armored targets, while tesla weapons are best used against groups of weaker enemies.

Army composition is also important, as players should aim to create a balanced force that can effectively deal with a variety of threats.

4) Eldar

They have a wide range of ranged weapons at their disposal, including shuriken catapults, scatter lasers, and bright lances.

Shuriken catapults are the standard weapon of Eldar infantry and are effective against lightly armored targets. Scatter lasers are highly effective against groups of enemies, while bright lances are powerful anti-vehicle weapons that can take out even the heaviest tanks

They also have the ability to move quickly and easily across the battlefield, making them difficult to pin down and allowing them to take advantage of cover and line of sight.

3) The Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard can use different types of terrain to their advantage during ranged combat. For example, they can use cover to protect themselves from enemy fire, or they can use elevated positions to gain a better line of sight and increase the range of their weapons.

Additionally, the Imperial Guard can use buildings and fortifications to create chokepoints and funnel enemy units into kill zones.

When building an army that excels in ranged combat, players should consider including a mix of infantry, vehicles, and artillery. Infantry units can hold objectives and provide a base of fire, while vehicles can provide mobile firepower and take out enemy armor.

Artillery units, such as Basilisks and Manticores, can provide long-range support and take out enemy units from a safe distance

2) Adeptus Mechanicus

To maximize the effectiveness of the Adeptus Mechanicus’ ranged combat abilities, players should focus on positioning, target selection, and army composition.

They are a relatively fragile faction, so it is important to position their units carefully to take advantage of cover and line of sight.

Players should aim to create a balanced force that can effectively deal with a variety of threats.

One of the Mechanicus’ most iconic weapons is the plasma gun. This weapon is highly effective against heavily armored targets, such as tanks and monstrous creatures, but can also be dangerous to the user if it overheats.

They also have access to the Dunerider and Dunecrawler vehicles, which are armed with powerful ranged weapons and can transport troops across the battlefield.

1) The Tau

Known for their exceptional ranged combat capabilities. Their advanced technology and skilled warriors make them a formidable force on the battlefield.

The Tau have access to a variety of vehicles that are armed with powerful ranged weapons. The Hammerhead gunship, for example, is armed with a powerful railgun that can penetrate even the toughest armor.

The XV88 Broadside Battlesuit is another powerful unit that is armed with heavy railguns and missile pods.

Their ranged weapons are known for their high accuracy, thanks in part to the Markerlights ability. This means that the Tau can reliably hit even the toughest targets on the battlefield.