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Unleash Your Inner Warlord: A Comprehensive Warhammer 40k Beginner’s Guide

Introduction to Warhammer 40k

Warhammer 40,000 (also known as Warhammer 40k or simply 40k) is a tabletop miniature wargame that was first released by Games Workshop in 1987.

The game is set in a dystopian universe in the far future, where humanity has spread across the galaxy and is engaged in a never-ending war against various alien races and supernatural forces. It is a science-fiction game with elements of fantasy and Gothic horror.

Players build and paint miniature armies, which they use to battle against each other on a tabletop battlefield. The game is turn-based, with players taking alternating turns to move their units, attack their opponent, and complete various objectives. The game involves strategy, tactics, and luck.

The lore of Warhammer 40k is deep and complex, with a vast fictional universe that is constantly expanding. The game is known for its dark and gritty aesthetic, with its soldiers wearing massive, ornate armor and wielding powerful weapons.

The game is also known for its detailed backstories and complex political intrigue, with various factions vying for power and control.

Choosing Your Faction

Choosing a Warhammer 40k faction can be an exciting but daunting task, as there are many factions to choose from, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and playstyles. Here are some tips to help you choose a faction that suits your playstyle and preferences:

  • Consider the lore: Each faction has a rich backstory and unique culture within the Warhammer 40k universe. Consider which faction’s lore appeals to you the most and which one you find the most interesting.
  • Playstyle: Consider the type of army you want to build and play with. Do you prefer melee combat or ranged combat? Do you want to play a fast, mobile army or a slow, heavily armored one? Each faction has its own playstyle and strengths and weaknesses, so choose one that fits your preferred playstyle.
  • Aesthetics: Warhammer 40k is known for its intricate and beautifully crafted miniatures. Choose a faction whose aesthetic you like and are excited to paint and collect.
  • Competitive or casual play: Consider whether you want to play Warhammer 40k competitively or casually. Some factions are stronger in competitive play, while others are more suited to a casual setting. Choose a faction that suits your preferred playstyle.
  • Availability: Consider the availability of the faction’s miniatures and other materials. Some factions may be harder to find, while others may be more readily available.

Research each faction, talk to other players, and try out different armies before making a decision. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the game.

Assembling Your Army

Choose a Faction:

Before you can start assembling your army, you need to choose a faction that you want to play with. Consider the faction’s lore, playstyle, and aesthetics, as well as your own personal preferences.

Decide on a Point Limit:

Most games of Warhammer 40k are played at a certain point limit, which determines the size of each player’s army. The most common point limit is 2,000 points, but smaller games can be played at 1,000 or 1,500 points. Decide on a point limit that you want to play at before you start assembling your army.

Select Units:

Once you have chosen your faction and point limit, you can start selecting units to include in your army. Use the Warhammer 40k rulebook or army codex for your chosen faction to help you choose units that fit your preferred playstyle, and make sure to stay within your chosen point limit.

Build Your Units:

Once you have selected your units, you will need to build them. Use plastic glue to put together the miniatures according to the instructions provided, and use a hobby knife to remove any mold lines or excess plastic.

Paint Your Army:

After you have assembled your army, you can start painting them. This step can be time-consuming but is essential for making your army look great on the tabletop.

Base Your Miniatures:

Once your miniatures are painted, you will need to base them. Use sand, gravel, or other materials to create a textured base, and then paint it to match the rest of your army.

Organize Your Army:

Finally, organize your army into detachments, which are groups of units that work together on the battlefield. Use the Warhammer 40k rulebook or army codex to help you create detachments that fit your chosen point limit and playstyle.

Painting Your Miniatures

Painting miniatures for Warhammer 40k can seem daunting for beginners.

However, it is remarkably easy. You don’t need much skill to get them to a good standard.

Remember, no one picks up models and investigates the details individually. As long as they look fine from a short distance, then you’re good to go.

To do this, you simply obtain some base and shade paints. You can get enough for your army for less than £20!

Base Coating: One of the easiest ways to paint miniatures is by using base paints. Simply apply a coat of base paint to a particular piece of the model. For example, when painting Orks, you would paint the skin with WAAAGH Flesh, metal bits with Leadbelcher, and clothes with Dryad Bark.

Washes: Another beginner-friendly painting technique is using washes. A wash is a thin, watery paint that is applied over a base coat to create shading and depth. You can apply Agrax Earthshade liberally to the whole model.


Of course, there are more advanced methods you can use to really make the details of your miniatures stand out (highlighting & drybrushing) but take it easy on yourself for now.

Understanding the Rules

Your starting point is the Warhammer 40k Core Rules PDF, freely available to anyone with an internet connection.

Another good starting point is watching the following video: How to Play Warhammer 40k [In Under 10 Minutes]

After that, try some practice games against yourself or friends/family. Take it step by step, such as not introducing psychic powers until you’ve got the rest of the rules down to a tee.

Other than that…it’s a case of practicing!

Learning Warhammer 40k is super fun due to how casual it is. Enjoy yourself and take it slow.

Building and Customizing Your Army

I’ve talked about assembling and painting your army already, but this section focuses more on the customization part.

It is super important that your army is a reflection of you.

You don’t have to copy the paint job done on the box art. Nor do you need to give your squads the weapons shown on the art either.

It’s all down to you and what you want. Paint them how you like, and give them the weapons you think are coolest, or that fit your playstyle the most.

As an example, I gave half my Orks some two-handed assault rifles rather than a pistol and choppa. I like the versatility, even if it isn’t getting the “most” out of them.

The World and Lore of Warhammer 40k

The franchise is known for its tabletop wargaming, novels, comics, and video games. The story is set in the 41st millennium, where humanity is in a constant state of war, defending itself from alien invasions.

The main defenders of humanity are the Space Marines and Adeptus Astartes, who are genetically enhanced soldiers that are stronger, faster, and more resilient than regular humans.

Other factions in the game include the Imperium of Man, a galaxy-spanning human empire; Chaos, a malevolent force seeking to destroy the Imperium; and Xenos, a group of various alien species that threaten humanity.

The lore of Warhammer 40K is vast and complex, with a rich history, mythology, and characters. It involves the rise and fall of empires, epic battles, and intricate political intrigue.

Getting Involved in the Community

To get involved in the Warhammer community, there are several ways to do so.

You can start by visiting the official Warhammer Community website to learn more about the various games and ways to play. Additionally, you can join online forums such as the r/Warhammer40k subreddit to connect with other fans and players.

You can also attend local game stores or conventions to participate in events and meet other Warhammer enthusiasts.

Another option is to participate in online tournaments or leagues, which can be found on websites such as Warhammer World.

Finally, you can also join hobby groups or clubs, where you can participate in activities such as painting and modeling miniatures.

Competitive Play and Tournaments

Competitive play and tournaments in Warhammer 40k are a way for players to test their skills and strategies against others in a structured and organized environment.

In competitive play, players bring their armies to compete against each other, following specific rules and guidelines set out by the tournament organizers.

These tournaments can range from local events held at game stores to large-scale international competitions.

Army Building

In competitive play, players are usually required to bring a specific number of points worth of miniatures, which are used to create their army.

Each unit in the army has a point value, and players must stay within a predetermined point limit when building their army. This is done to ensure a level playing field and prevent any player from having an unfair advantage.

Tournament Structure

During the tournament, players play several games, each with a specific objective to complete. The player who wins the most games and scores the most points is declared the winner.

These events can be a great way to learn new strategies, meet fellow players, and compete at a high level.


Tournaments can also offer rewards such as prizes, trophies, or invitations to larger events. They are often sponsored by game stores, manufacturers, or other organizations that support the Warhammer community.

Some of the largest Warhammer 40k tournaments include the Las Vegas Open, Adepticon, and the Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tournament.


Participating in a tournament requires preparation, skill, and practice. Players must know the rules, build an effective army, and have a good understanding of the game’s mechanics. With experience and dedication, players can improve their skills and compete at the highest levels of Warhammer 40k.

Expanding Your Warhammer 40k Experience

There are many ways that you can expand their Warhammer 40k experience. Here are some ideas:

Play different armies:

One of the best ways to expand your Warhammer 40k experience is to try out new armies. Each faction in the game has its own unique playstyle, lore, and units. Playing different armies can help you learn new strategies and give you a better understanding of the game as a whole.

Read the novels:

The Warhammer 40k universe has a vast amount of lore and backstory. Reading the novels can give you a deeper understanding of the factions, characters, and events that shape the game’s narrative.

Try different game modes:

Warhammer 40k offers a variety of game modes, including kill team, narrative play, and open play. Each mode has its own rules and objectives, providing a unique gameplay experience.

Attend tournaments:

As mentioned earlier, tournaments are a great way to test your skills against other players and learn new strategies. Attending tournaments can also help you meet new people and make connections within the Warhammer community.

Paint and customize your miniatures:

Painting and customizing your miniatures can be a fun and rewarding aspect of the Warhammer 40k hobby. It allows you to personalize your army and make it unique.

Watch battle reports and tutorials:

There are many Warhammer 40k content creators on YouTube who produce battle reports and tutorials. Watching these videos can help you learn new strategies and techniques.

Join a gaming group:

Joining a gaming group or club can help you meet new people and play games in a more social setting. It can also be a great way to share tips and learn from other players.

And there we have it…
You are now ready to go forth and conquer the universe in the name of the Emperor!

Or destroy it, depending on your view.

There is so, so much more to the Warhammer 40k world. It’s impossible to put it all in one post.

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