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Warhammer 40k: 10 0f the Best Tyranids Units

The Tyranids are a fictional alien race in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game. They are a bio-engineered hive-mind species that travels through space in massive organic ships called Hive Fleets, consuming all organic matter in their path.

Organic aliens such as these are composed of various bio-forms, including Genestealers, Hormagaunts, and Carnifexes, each with its unique physiology and role in the hive mind hierarchy. They are incredibly adaptable, able to evolve and mutate to meet the challenges presented by their enemies, making them a formidable foe on the battlefield.

The Tyranids’ primary goal is to consume all organic matter in the galaxy, including other life forms and planets, to fuel their endless hunger. They are a relentless foe that cannot be reasoned with or negotiated with, making them a significant threat to all life in the galaxy.

Often depicted as a swarm-like force, with a vast number of creatures overwhelming their enemies through sheer numbers and brute force. They are also known for their ability to adapt quickly to their enemies’ tactics, making them difficult to defeat.

10) Mawloc


The Mawloc is a burrowing monster that can tunnel through the ground and emerge from below its prey to devour it.

Similar to the Trygon, the Mawloc’s special ability allows it to pop up next to an enemy unit within range of its attack, allowing it to deal damage before the enemy has time to react or move away.

Its unique ability, “Terror from the Deep,” forces enemy units within range to take a Leadership test or suffer penalties to their hit rolls and other abilities.

9) Hive Crone


The Hive Crone is a flying monster that can be used to great effect in a Tyranid army. With its powerful ranged attacks and high mobility, it can easily take out enemy vehicles and infantry from the skies.

Its special rule, “Living Battering Ram,” allows it to deal additional damage to vehicles and buildings when it makes a successful charge.



Gargoyles are fast-moving flying units that can be used to harass enemy units and disrupt their movements.

They can also be used to capture objectives or tie up enemy units in close combat. Their main weakness is their low Toughness value, which means they die quickly if caught out in the open by enemy fire.

7) Biovores


Biovores are relatively cheap in terms of points cost, which means that you can include several of them in your army without sacrificing too many points that could be used elsewhere. This makes them an excellent choice for players who want to field a large, horde-style army.

Biovores have a unique weapon called the Spore Mine Launcher, which allows them to lay down mines that can explode and damage enemy units. This weapon is especially effective against infantry and light vehicles, making them useful for disrupting the enemy’s battle lines and slowing their advance.

Ont heir datasheet is a special rule called “Living Artillery,” which allows them to fire their Spore Mine Launchers even if they are out of line of sight of the enemy. This means that they can be hidden behind cover or terrain and still provide support to your army.

6) Termagants


Termagants are the most basic infantry unit in a Tyranid army, but they’re still very useful. They can be equipped with a variety of weapons and upgrades, making them versatile in many situations.

They’re also very cheap, which means you can field a lot of them without breaking the bank.

5) Ripper Swarms


Ripper Swarms are small, fast-moving units that can be used to capture objectives or tie up enemy units in close combat.

They’re also useful for screening your other units from enemy fire, thanks to their small size and ability to move quickly across the battlefield.

4) Zoanthrope


The Zoanthrope is a psychic unit that can be used to great effect in a Tyranid army.

It has a high number of wounds and can deal significant damage to enemy units, but it’s also fairly slow and expensive compared to other options.



The Exocrine is a Tyranid unit that specializes in close combat. It’s a bit like a Tyranid Carnifex, but with more special rules and options. The Exocrine has a high strength value, which means it can hit hard when it charges into combat.

The downside is that the Exocrine isn’t very fast–it only has a movement of 4 inches per turn, so you’ll need to plan your moves carefully if you want to get into position quickly enough before an enemy unit gets out of range or takes too much damage from other units on the battlefield (like some of those nasty guns we talked about earlier).

2) Haruspex


The Haruspex is a Tyranid unit which can be used to great effect in the armies of any player who wants to take advantage of its strengths.

The Haruspex is a support unit, but it’s also capable of dealing damage when needed. It has the ability to heal itself and other Tyranids around it by devouring enemy units that have been killed during battle.

This makes them very hardy against opponents with low-strength weapons, since they will usually only suffer wounds rather than dying outright from their attacks.

1) Tyrannofex


The Tyrannofex is a large and powerful Tyranid unit that serves as an artillery piece, capable of unleashing devastating blasts of acid.

The Tyrannofex can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield and is armed with two sets of twin-linked devourers that fire deadly bio-acidic projectiles at long range.

In conclusion, the Tyranids army offers a wide variety of units to choose from, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

From monstrous creatures to fast-moving infantry, there is something for every player’s playstyle in the Tyranids army.

Whether you prefer to overwhelm your opponents with sheer numbers or take a more tactical approach, the Tyranids have the tools to make your strategy a reality.

With the ability to adapt to any battlefield condition and evolve to meet new challenges, the Tyranids are a formidable force to be reckoned with.