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Warhammer 40k: 10 Heroes of the Xenos Races

Warhammer 40k is a gritty and brutal universe where heroes come in all shapes and sizes, even among the xenos races. Here are ten of the greatest heroes from the various alien species that populate the galaxy.

10) Ymgarl Genestealers

The Ymgarl Genestealers are a variant of the Tyranid species that are known for their ability to infiltrate and adapt to any environment. They are highly skilled warriors and assassins, and have been known to take out entire squads of Space Marines.

Ymgarl Genestealers are also able to mutate and evolve rapidly, making them even more dangerous to their enemies. They are feared by many as the ultimate predators of the Tyranid swarm.

Its claw-tipped fingers can suddenly elongate and fuse together to form curved blades and barbed hooks or split apart into tentacles of sinewy alien flesh to slash or entangle those victims who try to escape. Under assault, its chitinous carapaces can thicken and help its leathery hide absorb the energy of incoming melee or ranged assaults.

Some Imperial observers who have had contact with this creature and have reported this strain of Genestealer’s ability to change the colour of their skins believe they do so to better go undetected in the darkness of night or other extreme light conditions.

9) Urien Rakarth

Pain is the only universal constant. Pain is all. It is the key to creation and destruction both. Thus does he who masters pain become a god.

Urien Rakarth is a haemonculus of the Dark Eldar who is known for his ability to create horrific and deadly creatures. He has also fought in many battles, using his twisted creations to sow chaos among his enemies.

Urien Rakarth is a master of torture and pain, and is able to extract information and secrets from even the most stoic of captives. He is feared and respected among the Dark Eldar, and his creations are the stuff of nightmares.

8) Krootmaster Shaper

Krootmaster Shaper Kroot is a respected leader of the Kroot, a race of avian-like creatures who are known for their ability to adapt to any environment.

He has led his people in many battles, using his knowledge of tactics and terrain to gain the upper hand. Krootmaster Shaper Kroot is also a skilled hunter, and is able to track down even the most elusive prey.

A particularly large Kindred is typically run by a Master Shaper, while a group consisting of multiple Kindreds may be headed by a Shaper Council comprised of three to five Kroot Shapers, who act as overseers to the other Shapers, and ensure that Shapers do not lead their warriors down a dangerous or dead end evolutionary path.

7) Fexian

Fexian is a renowned Earth Caste engineer of the T’au Empire who has designed some of the most advanced weapons and vehicles in the galaxy. He has also fought on the front lines, using his knowledge to gain an advantage over his enemies.

Fexian is a master of technology, and is able to create new devices and machines with ease. He is also a skilled fighter, and is able to hold his own in battle when necessary.

6) The Silent King


In the Warhammer 40k universe, the Silent King is a powerful and enigmatic figure among the Necrons, a race of ancient robotic beings. According to the Warhammer 40k Wiki, the Silent King’s name is Szarekh, and he once ruled over the entire Necron race before turning against the malevolent C’tan and sealing them away to save his people.

Szarekh was later driven mad by the realization that his actions had caused the weakening of the Necron race and the loss of their souls. He disappeared for millennia, but returned in secret to work towards the resurgence of the Necrons, as described on the Warhammer Community website .

Szarekh is a powerful warrior, able to dominate both the shooting and combat phases of battle, as noted on the Warhammer Community website. He is armed with the Sceptre of Eternal Glory, which can unleash devastating attacks against his enemies.

According to the Amazon page for a Warhammer 40k product , the Silent King rides to war aboard his Dais of Dominion, surrounded by the phaerons of his Triarch and crackling noctilith Menhirs, unleashing god-like powers of annihilation upon his foes.

5) Asdrubael Vect

Death is my meat; terror my wine.

Asdrubael Vect is the ruler of the Dark City of Commorragh and the most powerful of the Dark Eldar. He is a master manipulator and strategist, and his schemes have led to the downfall of many of his rivals.

Vect is also a skilled warrior, and is able to hold his own even against the most dangerous opponents. He is widely feared and respected among the Dark Eldar, and his rule over Commorragh is absolute.

4) The Swarmlord

The Swarmlord is a massive and deadly creature of the Tyranids who serves as a powerful synapse creature for the hive mind. Its combat prowess is unmatched, and it has been known to take on entire armies single-handedly.

The Swarmlord is also a master strategist, and is able to coordinate the actions of the Tyranid swarm with incredible efficiency.

It is feared by many as the ultimate weapon of the Tyranids, and its appearance on a battlefield is often seen as a sign of impending doom.

3) Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka

I’m Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka an’ I speak wiv da word of da godz. I’m da prophet of da WAAAGH! an’ whole worlds burn in my boot prints.

Ghazghkull is a massive and brutal warlord of the Orks who has led countless Waaaghs across the galaxy. His sheer ferocity and cunning have made him a feared opponent among even the most stalwart defenders of the Imperium.

He is also known for his strategic mind, and has led his armies to many victories against seemingly insurmountable odds. Ghazghkull is a figure of great importance to the Ork race, and is seen by many as a prophet of Gork (or possibly Mork).

2) Prince Yriel

We fight not for ourselves, but for the fate of all Eldar.

Yriel is a Corsair Prince of the Eldar who wields the legendary Spear of Twilight. He has led many daring raids against the forces of Chaos and the Imperium, and is known for his cunning and bravery.

Yriel is a master of the art of war, and is able to anticipate his enemies’ moves and strike at their weak points with incredible precision. He is also known for his ability to inspire his troops, and is considered a hero among the Eldar.

1) Commander Farsight

United, our will is greater than any other force. We shall inherit the stars, even if we must first cleanse them in blood.

Commander Farsight is a legendary Tau commander in the Warhammer 40k universe. He is known for his skill, bravery, and his unique battlesuit, which is equipped with a range of advanced technology and weaponry.

According to the Warhammer 40k Wiki , Farsight was born as Shovah Kais Mont’yr on the planet of Vior’la, and quickly rose through the ranks of the Tau military due to his tactical genius and bravery in battle. He eventually became the first Tau commander to lead an expedition beyond the known boundaries of the Tau Empire, discovering a new sector of space that would come to be known as the Farsight Enclaves.

Farsight is also known for his rebellion against the Ethereal Caste, who he believed were holding the Tau people back from their true potential.

He founded the breakaway Farsight Enclaves, which operate outside the control of the main Tau Empire. His battlesuit is equipped with a signature weapon called the Dawn Blade, which is said to be imbued with the power of the stars themselves.

In battle, Farsight is a skilled warrior and commander, capable of leading his forces to victory against even the most formidable of foes. He is also known for his courage and determination, as well as his willingness to take risks in pursuit of victory.

Overall, Commander Farsight is a revered figure among the Tau people, seen as a symbol of independence and defiance against the rigid caste system of their society.