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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Value Combat Patrol Boxes

If you’re a Warhammer 40,000 player looking to start a new army or expand an existing one, you might want to consider getting a Combat Patrol box. These boxes contain a selection of miniatures from a specific faction, along with a rulebook and other essential accessories, all at a discounted price compared to buying the items separately.

Not only do they provide great value, but they also offer a good starting point for players who are new to the game and unsure about what units to choose. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Combat Patrol boxes and what makes them such a popular choice among Warhammer 40,000 enthusiasts.

10 ) Space Marines Combat Patrol –

This box is a great starting point for any Space Marines army. It includes an Intercessor Squad, Assault Intercessor Squad, Outrider Squad, and a Primaris Captain.

The Intercessor Squad is a solid core unit that can be used for holding objectives and providing suppressing fire.

The Assault Intercessor Squad is a close combat unit that excels at assaulting enemy positions.

The Outrider Squad is a fast-moving unit that can be used for flanking maneuvers and harassing enemy units. The Primaris Captain is a strong hero unit that can buff nearby units and deal significant damage in combat.

9) Necrons Combat Patrol

The Necrons are a unique and intriguing faction in Warhammer 40k. They are an ancient race of robotic beings who have awoken from a long slumber to reclaim the galaxy.

Their lore and aesthetic are both fascinating and appealing to many players. This makes the Necrons Combat Patrol box a great choice for players who are interested in the faction or looking to expand their existing Necron army.

8) Adeptus Mechanicus Combat Patrol

The Adeptus Mechanicus Combat Patrol box is a popular choice among Warhammer 40k players who are interested in the Adeptus Mechanicus faction. The box contains 15 miniatures, including a Techpriest Enginseer, Onager Dunecrawler, Kataphron Destroyers, and Skitarii Rangers.

One reason why the Adeptus Mechanicus Combat Patrol box is so good is that it offers a great value for its price. The total value of the miniatures in the box is around $140, but the box is priced at $77, which saves players some money compared to buying the miniatures individually.

Another reason why the Adeptus Mechanicus Combat Patrol box is so good is that it provides players with a playable force in the new Combat Patrol format.

This format is designed to be smaller and more accessible to new players, making it an ideal starting point for those interested in the Adeptus Mechanicus faction or Warhammer 40k in general.

7) Tyranids Combat Patrol

The Tyranids Combat Patrol box has been recently released for Warhammer 40k, and it is ideal for new players to the Tyranids faction or to those who have been playing since Hive Fleet Behemoth was first sighted . It comes with 43 Tyranid models, mostly core options, and offers good value for a decent price.

the box includes the best troop choice, one of the best HQs, and an extra box of horde units that are free, making it a great choice for those wanting to build a horde-based army.

The box also includes the Synapse Tyranid Warriors, which can help corral the other units on the battlefield, cheap and disposable Rippers as a speed bump for the enemy, and a customizable Hive Tyrant with many options.

6) Death guard Combat Patrol

The Death Guard army has a unique and distinctive aesthetic that many players find appealing. The miniatures included in the Combat Patrol box are beautifully sculpted and detailed, with a grotesque and decayed look that perfectly captures the essence of the Death Guard.

Overall, the Death Guard Combat Patrol is a great choice for players looking to start a resilient and deadly Death Guard army, with a unique aesthetic and a good mix of units to build from.

5) T’au Empire Combat Patrol

The T’au Empire Combat Patrol box is considered by many Warhammer 40k players to be an epic starting point for building a T’au Empire army. There are several reasons why this box is so popular and highly regarded.

The box contains a good mix of units that provide players with a solid foundation for building a T’au Empire army. The core Fire Warriors Strike Team is a versatile and effective troop choice that can lay down withering storms of pulse fire while claiming objectives.

The T’au Ethereal on Hover Drone is a powerful leader who can provide valuable buffs to nearby units and has a fast move speed of 10″, gaining the Fly keyword.

The box also includes a number of other units such as Ghostkeels, Stealth Suits, and a Commander, which allow players to customize their army and experiment with different playstyles.

4) Chaos Space Marines Combat Patrol

A Master of Possession, Chaos Space Marines, a Venomcrawler, and a Greater Possessed. The Master of Possession is a support unit that can buff nearby units and deal damage with its spells.

The Chaos Space Marines are a solid core unit that can be used for holding objectives and providing suppressing fire. The Venomcrawler is a heavy support unit that can be used to take out tough enemy units.

The Greater Possessed is a strong hero unit that can deal significant damage in combat.

3) Blood Angels Combat Patrol

The Blood Angels Combat Patrol is unique because it includes units that are exclusive to the Blood Angels chapter, such as the Sanguinary Guard and the Baal Predator, as well as a mix of intercessors and infiltrators.

Additionally, the impulsor transport vehicle, which reflects the supercharged rhino engine of the Blood Angels, is often selected as the Blood Angel-specific unit in the Combat Patrol.

The Combat Patrol serves as a “generic” core to start from, and there are many ways to build out an army from it, as well as potential to use it as a starting point for a completely different chapter

2) Ork Combat Patrol

The Ork Combat Patrol box is an excellent choice for players who are looking to start a new Ork army or add some new units to an existing one. There are several reasons why the Ork Combat Patrol box is considered to be one of the best out there.

Firstly, the Orks are a fun and entertaining army to play. They are known for their quirky and humorous personalities, as well as their love of violence and destruction. This makes them a favorite among many Warhammer 40,000 players.

Secondly, the Ork Combat Patrol box contains a great selection of units that can be used to create a well-rounded army list. You get a Warboss, Nobz, Boyz, and a Deff Dread, which can be used to create a balanced mix of close combat and shooting units.

The Warboss is a powerful hero unit that can buff nearby units and deal a lot of damage in close combat.

The Nobz are a tough and durable elite unit that can dish out significant damage in melee. The Boyz are a swarm unit that can overwhelm enemy positions with their sheer numbers. The Deff Dread is a heavy support unit that can take out tough enemy units with its powerful weapons.

1) Drukhari Combat Patrol

The Drukhari Combat Patrol box is awesome for several reasons. First, it offers a great value for the price. You get four different units, including Kabalite Warriors, Wyches, a Venom, and a Succubus, which can be used to create a variety of different army lists and playstyles.

Additionally, the miniatures included in the box are highly-detailed and well-sculpted, making them a joy to paint and collect.

From a gameplay perspective, the Drukhari are a highly mobile army that specializes in hit-and-run tactics, using their speed and maneuverability to outflank and outmaneuver their opponents. The Kabalite Warriors are a solid core unit that can provide long-range fire support, while the Wyches are a close combat unit that excel at tearing through enemy units in melee.

The Venom is a fast-moving transport that can be used to ferry troops around the battlefield, while the Succubus is a powerful hero unit that can dish out significant damage in close combat.