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Warhammer 40k: 10 of The Imperium’s Greatest Heroes

There are numerous heroes in Warhammer 40,000, but here are 10 notable heroes of The Imperium who are actually heroic according to sources.

10) Ciaphas Cain

Ciaphas Cain is a hero of the Imperium, and has been many times. He has saved countless worlds from destruction by Chaos forces, including Cadia. He is also known as The Hero of the Imperium, The Saviour of Cadia, and The Champion of the Emperor.

Ciaphas Cain was born on Terra in 792 M2 (which translates to around 999 years before present day). His father was an officer in the Imperial Guard who died when he was young; his mother died soon after that due to malnutrition caused by food shortages during an Ork invasion on their home world (Terra).

This left him alone at age 12 until he joined up with another orphan named Jurgen who had been living off scraps from trash bins near their orphanage since he was 8 years old.

Together they survived off whatever they could find until one day when Jurgen got into trouble for stealing some bread from a bakery shop and ended up getting arrested by some local constables who were patrolling nearby streets looking for anyone breaking curfew laws set forth by Imperial authorities; this included minors without parental supervision after dark time periods unless accompanied by another adult over 18 years old such as teachers or parents themselves.

9) Sebastian Yarrick

Heroes of Armageddon! You have withstood the evil savagery of the Orks, and they have nothing left for you to fear. So raise high the black banners of vengeance — now it is our time.

Yarrick’s most famous battles were fought during the Second and Third Wars for Armageddon, where he fought against the Orks under the command of the Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka.

During the Second War for Armageddon, Yarrick was captured by the Orks after a fierce battle, but managed to escape and go on to lead the defense of Hades Hive against the Ork invasion. He became known as “The Hero of Hades Hive” for his actions during the battle, which included personally destroying an Ork Stompa with a melta bomb .

In the Third War for Armageddon, Yarrick was once again instrumental in the defense of the planet, leading a combined force of Imperial Guard and Space Marine units against the Ork horde. He was also responsible for the destruction of one of Ghazghkull’s gargantuan war machines, an achievement that earned him the nickname “Old Bale Eye”.

Throughout his career, Yarrick has faced many challenges and enemies, including Chaos Space Marines, Genestealers, and even other members of the Imperium who sought to undermine his authority. Despite these obstacles, he has always remained committed to the defense of humanity and the ideals of the Imperium.

8) Captain Gabriel Angelos

I am confident by this much. Whether I am victorious or slain, my sins will know retribution.

The Captain of the Blood Ravens, Gabriel Angelos is a Space Marine legend. He has been awarded the title of “The Hammer of the Gods” and “The Slayer of Heretics” by his peers, as well as being known as “The Shield of Humanity”. He was also given the honorific title of “Champion of Humanity”, which is only given to those who have saved it from destruction on multiple occasions.

Gabriel Angelos is one of the most powerful warriors in all 40k history; he can take on entire armies single-handedly and win!

His weapon is called The Hammer Of Retribution (which sounds really cool), but we don’t know much about it other than that it’s probably really big and heavy because he swings it around like a toy when fighting Orks or Chaos Marines (those guys are tough).

7) Gregor Eisenhorn

Inquisitor Eisenhorn is a legendary figure in the Warhammer 40k universe and one of the Imperium’s greatest heroes. He is best known for his investigations into Chaos and the Ordo Malleus, but he has also been involved in many other conflicts over the course of his long career.

Eisenhorn was born on Terra to an aristocratic family with ties to both Adeptus Arbites and Imperial Guard regiments.

His father died when Gregor was young, leaving him orphaned at an early age; however, he still managed to secure entry into Schola Progenium facilities where he trained alongside future Inquisitors such as Solomon Lok (who would later be killed by Eisenhorn himself).

Once he had completed his training at Schola Progenium facilities on Terra itself, Eisenhorn joined up with Inquisitorial forces under Lord Hector Rexinor during their campaign against rebels on Gryphonne IV.

The campaign was led by rogue Tech-Priestess Eliphas who had been conducting heretical experiments involving xenos technology recovered from ruins beneath Mount Deathfire nearby her temple complex there.”

6) Lord Hector Rex

I know your name, slave of Khorne, and I know your nature, An’ggrath you are, and the bonds that hold you here are not so strong. Go back to the Chaos, back to your master’s side and beg his forgiveness for your defeat here.

Hector Rex is the Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Malleus, and one of the few Inquisitors who can be said to have been blessed by the Emperor himself. He was given his title after he single-handedly fought off an entire army of daemons during their invasion on Terra.

Inquisitor Rex has many titles: The Right Hand of the Emperor, The Hammer of Heretics, The Scourge of Heretics and even The Sword of the Emperor! These titles were given due to his prowess in battle against Chaos and other threats to humanity (especially psykers).

5) Marneus Calgar

We are the Ultramarines, the Sons of Guilliman. Whilst we draw breath, we stand. Whilst we stand, we fight. Whilst we fight, we prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath.

Marneus Calgar is the Chapter Master of the Ultramarines and Lord of Macragge. He is also known as “The Shield of Humanity,” because he has saved countless worlds from destruction by Chaos. His most famous deed was when he led a force to defend Cadia from an attack by Abaddon’s Black Legion, which was attempting to destroy that world so that no one could use it as a base for further attacks against Chaos forces in the future.

Calgar was born on Terra, where he trained under Leman Russ himself before joining his Primarch’s Space Marine Legion during its first campaign against Orks on Armageddon Prime in 745 M40 (Terran year).

Following this battle Calgar rose through the ranks quickly due to his courage and skill at arms until finally becoming Captain of his own company within only two decades after joining up with them as part of their First Company (“First Captain”).

4) Saint Celestine

Despair, and you give yourself to the shadows. Believe, truly believe in the Emperor of Mankind, and you shall walk in His light no matter how dark the path you tread.

Saint Celestine is an immortal Living Saint and the most revered of all the Sisters of Battle. She is known by many titles, including “The Living Saint” and “Lady of the Geminae Superia.” She is also known as “The Angel of the Emperor,” “The Herald of the Imperium,” and “The Light of the Emperor.”

Saint Celestine was once a simple nun on Holy Terra who sought to live out her life in peace. But when she was killed during an attack on her convent by Chaos Space Marines, she rose again as an angelic being who could not die unless killed by heretics or traitors–a fate that would have beenfallen any other member of her order had it not been for Saint Celestine’s intervention!

Nowadays she travels across space with her trusted companions (including Seraphim Sister Miriya) looking for ways to help defend humanity against its enemies

3) Dante

For eleven hundred years, I have fought and I have seen the darkness in our galaxy. I have seen the vileness of the alien and the heresy of the mutant. I have witnessed the sin of possession. I have seen all the evil that the galaxy harbours, and I have slain all whose presence defiles the Emperor. I have seen what you will see. I have fought what you must fight, and I have slain what you must slay…so fear not and be proud, for we are the sons of Sanguinius, the protectors of Mankind. Aye, we are indeed the Angels of Death.

Dante is the current Chapter Master of the Blood Angels, one of the First Founding Chapters of Space Marines in the Warhammer 40k universe. He is a mighty warrior and a skilled commander, renowned for his tactical acumen and his ability to inspire his troops to greatness. Dante has led the Blood Angels for over a thousand years, a remarkable feat even for a Space Marine, and has become a legend in his own time.

Dante is known throughout the Imperium for his leadership and his devotion to the ideals of the Blood Angels. He is a paragon of the Chapter’s noble traditions and embodies all of the virtues that the Blood Angels hold dear, including courage, honor, and selflessness. He is a tireless defender of the Imperium and has fought in countless battles against the enemies of humanity, including the Tyranids, the Orks, and the forces of Chaos .

Recently, Dante has undergone a significant transformation. He has crossed the Rubicon Primaris, a process that has transformed him into a Primaris Space Marine, and enhanced his already formidable abilities. Despite this change, Dante retains his iconic equipment, including his melta-spewing Perdition Pistol and the Axe Mortalis, which have been upscaled to suit his newly massive frame.

2) Logan Grimnar

Follow me, Sons of Russ! This night our enemies shall feel the fangs of the Wolf!

Logan Grimnar, also known as The Old Wolf, Fangfather, and High King of Fenris, is the Great Wolf and Chapter Master of the Space Wolves chapter in the Warhammer 40k universe[1][2]. He has held this position for over 500 years and is one of the oldest Chapter Masters in the Imperium. Logan Grimnar is a fearsome warrior with great martial pride, and never backs down from a fight.

He is one of the most belligerent and headstrong Chapter Masters in the Imperium of Man, yet remains absolutely loyal to the Emperor of Mankind and the great primarch of the Space Wolves, Leman Russ.

Logan Grimnar is a figure of awe and the warrior king of the Space Wolves, and epitomizes the noble fury of his people. He is often depicted on an ancient relic of the Chapter known as Stormrider, wielding his axe Morkai.

1) Roboute Guilliman

Why do I still live? What more do you want from me? I gave everything I had to you, to them. Look what they’ve made of our dream. This bloated, rotting carcass of an empire is driven not by reason and hope but by fear, hate and ignorance. Better that we had all burned in the fires of Horus’ ambition than live to see this.

Roboute Guilliman is the Primarch of the Ultramarines, Lord Commander of the Imperium and Lord of Ultramar. He was also known as “The Avenging Son”, “The Blade of Unity”, “The Liberator of Humanity” and “The Shield of Humanity”.

Roboute’s body was recovered by his father, who gave him a new name: Roboute Guilliman. Roboute then became one of his most trusted advisors and generals during The Great Crusade (a period where humanity expanded across space).

When Horus rebelled against The Emperor, Roboute led an army against him at Terra itself but was defeated when Horus killed Sanguinius (one of his brothers) before being wounded himself by Fulgrim in single combat.

After recovering from his injuries, he helped rebuild The Imperium after its fall into anarchy following Horus’ defeat at Terra. He established new systems such as Codex Astartes which standardized Space Marine Chapters into separate companies led by Captains instead having them all under one leader like before. This happened so that if another civil war were ever started again between different factions within The Imperium then there wouldn’t be any chance for someone like Horus getting power again.

Since each company would have their own leaders, it made sure everyone had equal say over what happens within their own groups while still obeying orders from above without question.