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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Aeldari Units

The Aeldari are a race of beings in the Warhammer 40k universe known for their grace, speed, and psychic abilities.

They have access to some of the most advanced technology in the galaxy and are feared by many for their fierce combat prowess. In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 best Aeldari units in Warhammer 40k.

10) Farseer


The Farseers are powerful psykers and leaders of the Eldar race in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are capable of seeing into the future, and use their powers to guide their people towards the best possible outcome in the face of impending doom.

Farseers are respected and revered among the Eldar, and many have served as advisors to their rulers. They often act as the link between the Eldar and their gods, the ancient beings known as the Aeldari.

In battle, Farseers are formidable opponents, wielding powerful psychic abilities to manipulate the battlefield and defeat their enemies. They are also skilled in close combat and can hold their own in a fight.

9) Wave Serpent


The Wave Serpent is a highly advanced transport vehicle used by the Eldar race in the Warhammer 40k universe. It is a heavily armored and armed vehicle that is capable of transporting a squad of Eldar soldiers across the battlefield quickly and safely.

The Wave Serpent is a versatile vehicle that can be equipped with a variety of weapons, including shuriken cannons, bright lances, and missile launchers. It is also heavily armored, with a powerful energy shield that can absorb incoming fire and protect the passengers inside.

One of the most unique features of the Wave Serpent is its ability to phase out of reality, making it difficult for enemy units to target and destroy. This ability, known as “Holo-Fields,” allows the Wave Serpent to disappear from view and reappear in a different location, making it a highly maneuverable and difficult target to hit.



The Wraithlord is a massive and powerful construct used by the Eldar race in the Warhammer 40k universe. It is a towering machine that is heavily armed and armored, capable of taking on even the toughest opponents on the battlefield.

Wraithlords are piloted by the spirits of powerful Eldar warriors who have passed on to the afterlife. These spirits are bound to the Wraithlord through powerful psychic rituals, giving the construct a powerful and unyielding will to fight.

In battle, the Wraithlord is a formidable opponent. It is heavily armed with a variety of weapons, including a Wraithblade, a Shuriken Catapult, and a heavy weapon such as a bright lance or starcannon. It is also heavily armored, making it a difficult target to destroy.

7)Eldrad Ulthran


Eldrad Ulthran is one of the most powerful and revered Farseers of the Eldar race in the Warhammer 40k universe. He is a master of the psychic arts and a powerful leader, respected and feared by both his allies and enemies.

Eldrad is known for his ability to see into the future and predict the outcomes of events. He has guided the Eldar race through some of their darkest hours, using his powers to help his people survive in a universe that is hostile to their existence.

In battle, Eldrad is a formidable opponent. He is armed with a powerful witchblade and is a master of psychic powers, able to manipulate the battlefield and destroy his enemies with ease. He is also highly skilled in close combat, capable of taking on even the toughest opponents.

6) Fire Dragons


Fire Dragons are a specialized unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are highly skilled in close combat and are armed with powerful anti-tank weapons, making them a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

The Fire Dragons are known for their expertise in destroying enemy armor. They are armed with a specialized weapon known as a fusion gun, which is capable of quickly and efficiently destroying even the toughest enemy tanks and vehicles.

In battle, Fire Dragons are often used to take out the heaviest enemy armor. They are often transported into battle using specialized transport vehicles such as the Wave Serpent, which allows them to get close to their target and unleash their devastating firepower.

5) Dire Avengers


Dire Avengers are a core unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are highly skilled in both ranged and melee combat, making them a versatile and effective unit on the battlefield.

In terms of equipment, Dire Avengers are typically armed with a shuriken catapult, a versatile and deadly Eldar weapon that fires razor-sharp discs at high speeds. They also carry a melee weapon, such as a power sword or diresword, which allows them to engage in close combat with enemy forces.

In battle, Dire Avengers are often used as a flexible and mobile unit. They are adept at moving quickly across the battlefield and can engage enemy forces at both short and long ranges. Their shuriken catapults are particularly effective against lightly armored troops, while their melee weapons can be used to take on tougher opponents.

4) Wraithguard


Wraithguard are a powerful and ancient unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are essentially robotic constructs, created from the souls of dead Eldar warriors that have been transferred into mechanical bodies.

Wraithguard are heavily armed and armored, making them a formidable force on the battlefield. They are typically armed with a wraithcannon, a powerful weapon that fires blasts of energy capable of destroying even the toughest enemy armor. They also carry a melee weapon, such as a ghostblade or wraithsword, which allows them to engage in close combat with enemy forces.

In terms of tactics, Wraithguard are typically used as a slow-moving but incredibly powerful unit. They are often deployed to hold key positions on the battlefield, such as objectives or chokepoints, where their heavy firepower and durability can make them difficult for enemy forces to dislodge.

3) Hemlock Wraithfighter


The Hemlock Wraithfighter is a unique aircraft used by the Eldar in the Warhammer 40k universe. It is a sleek and deadly fighter, armed with powerful psychic weaponry and capable of moving at incredible speeds through the air.

The Hemlock Wraithfighter is unique in that it is powered by psychic energy, rather than traditional engines or fuel. This allows it to move quickly and silently through the air, making it difficult for enemy forces to detect or track.

In terms of armament, the Hemlock Wraithfighter is typically armed with two heavy D-scythes, which are powerful psychic weapons capable of tearing through even the toughest enemy armor. It also carries a spirit stone, which allows it to absorb the souls of its enemies and use them to power its weapons and systems.

2) Dark Reapers


Dark Reapers are a specialized unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are expert marksmen and are known for their deadly accuracy with ranged weapons.

In terms of equipment, Dark Reapers are typically armed with a reaper launcher, a powerful missile launcher that can fire a variety of different missiles, including anti-tank, anti-infantry, and even anti-aircraft missiles. They also carry a melee weapon, such as a power sword or diresword, which allows them to engage in close combat with enemy forces if necessary.

In battle, Dark Reapers are often used as a long-range support unit. They are adept at taking out enemy vehicles and heavily armored troops from a distance, using their reaper launchers to deliver devastating blows to enemy forces. They are also effective at taking out large groups of infantry, using their missiles to cause explosive damage and take out multiple targets at once.

1) Shining Spears


Shining Spears are a fast-moving and highly mobile unit of Eldar warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe. They are mounted on jetbikes, which allow them to move quickly and easily around the battlefield, and are armed with deadly melee weapons, making them a formidable force in close combat.

In terms of equipment, Shining Spears are typically armed with a laser lance, a powerful weapon that can cut through even the toughest enemy armor. They also carry a shuriken pistol, which allows them to engage enemy forces at range if necessary.

In battle, Shining Spears are often used as a hit-and-run unit. They are able to move quickly around the battlefield, using their speed and mobility to avoid enemy fire and engage in close combat with enemy forces. Their laser lances make them particularly effective against heavily armored targets, such as enemy vehicles or elite infantry units.

In summary, the Aeldari have access to a wide variety of powerful units that are highly effective in a variety of roles. Whether you prefer fast and deadly melee units or powerful ranged units, the Aeldari have something for everyone.