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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Astra Militarum Units

The Astra Militarum, or Imperial Guard, is a massive and diverse army within the Warhammer 40k universe. With regiments and divisions serving under the Emperor of Mankind’s rule, the Astra Militarum is known for its dedication and loyalty towards the Emperor, earning them the nickname “The Emperor’s Finest.” In this guide, we’ll be taking a closer look at the top 10 best Astra Militarum units.

10) The Taurox Prime


The Taurox Prime is a highly versatile and heavily armed vehicle that incorporates advanced technologies not available to the wider Astra Militarum. It is specifically designed for specialist missions and is capable of operating in the most hazardous of war zones, making it an ideal choice for combat situations that require superior firepower and tactical support.

The Taurox Prime can be equipped with a Taurox Missile Launcher system, which can replace the vehicle’s turret and weapon to lessen its weight, or it can be fitted with a pintle-mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber. The vehicle is armed with a Taurox battle cannon and two Taurox hot-shot volley guns. Defensive Fire is a Stratagem used by Astra Militarum troops to hold ground and unleash decisive defensive volleys.

The Taurox Prime is a fast and agile vehicle that can easily transport special weapons and other cargo into position. Its small size and superior mobility make it a valuable asset for any Imperial Guard or Tempestus Scion regiment, and its adaptability and firepower ensure that it can perform a wide variety of specialist missions with ease. The Taurox Prime is also compatible with the Lambda Lions, which can give an extra AP to its weapons and make it an even more formidable force on the battlefield.

9) The Company Command Squad


The Company Command Squad is typically composed of five to ten highly trained and experienced soldiers, known as Veterans. These Veterans are handpicked by the commanding officer for their skills, bravery, and loyalty. The squad is led by a Master of the Fleet, who is responsible for coordinating the squad’s actions and providing tactical support to the rest of the force.

In terms of equipment, the Company Command Squad is typically armed with a variety of specialist weapons and equipment, including plasma guns, melta guns, and grenade launchers. They also carry a variety of standard-issue wargear, such as lasguns, laspistols, and close combat weapons. The squad also includes a Vox-caster, which allows them to communicate with other units across the battlefield.

One of the key roles of the Company Command Squad is to provide support and leadership to the rest of the force. They are often used to boost the morale of nearby troops, and the commanding officer can use their Vox-caster to issue orders and coordinate the actions of the army. The squad can also provide valuable tactical support, such as taking out high-value targets or calling in artillery strikes.

8) The hellhound Tank


The Hellhound is a flame-thrower tank of the Astra Militarum in the tabletop game Warhammer 40k that is based upon the Imperial Chimera armoured transport chassis. Its main weapon is the Inferno Cannon, also known as the “Dragonfire Thrower,” which discharges lethal self-igniting chemicals to flush out infantry in dense terrain and urban combat zones.

The Hellhound sometimes nicknamed the Dragon is armed with a large flamer and is used to wipe out masses of infantry. The Hellhound, being vulnerable to heavily armored enemy tanks, is protected by the liquefying melta blasts of the Devil Dog.

Both tanks can work in concert to make short work of the foe. The Artemia Pattern Hellhound from Forge World is considered one of the best Hellhound models out there both for looks and in the game.

7) The Leman Russ Battle Tank


The Leman Russ Battle Tank is the primary main battle tank of the Astra Militarum, also known as the Imperial Guard, and is the most widely deployed tank in the Imperium. It is named after the primarch of the Space Wolves Space Marines Chapter, Leman Russ. The Leman Russ is a medium tank designed and built with reliability and versatility in mind, rather than sophistication.

It has remained a rugged and dependable tank that has equipped the Imperial Guard for many centuries, with only fundamental changes in construction and appearance. The Leman Russ forms the spearhead of countless armored columns, crushing enemies mercilessly beneath its heavy treads. It has numerous hull-mounted guns and cannons that can bombard enemy forces.

The Leman Russ Demolisher is a variant of the Leman Russ that differs from the standard pattern Leman Russ in that its main weapon is a demolisher cannon.

6) The Wyvern rapid-firing artillery unit


The Wyvern is a self-propelled artillery unit that is based on the Chimera chassis, much like the Hellhound and Leman Russ. It is primarily used by the Astra Militarum as a support unit in battle. The Wyvern’s main weapon is the Quad Stormshard Mortar, which is a rapid-firing artillery piece that can fire up to 4 times a turn. Each shot has a blast radius that can hit multiple models in a unit, making it particularly effective against hordes of infantry.

The Wyvern’s mortar also has the Ignores Cover ability, which means that it can hit and damage models even if they are hiding behind cover. This makes the Wyvern a great counter to armies that rely heavily on cover for protection, like the Tau Empire. The Wyvern’s hull-mounted heavy bolter is also effective against infantry, providing additional firepower to take down enemy units.

In terms of tactics, the Wyvern is typically used as a back-line unit that provides fire support to the rest of the army. It is best positioned behind cover, where it can’t be targeted by enemy units, and used to take out enemy infantry units from a distance.

The Wyvern’s mobility allows it to reposition quickly to target different parts of the battlefield, making it an adaptable unit that can respond to changing battle conditions. Its main weakness is its vulnerability to enemy armor, as it lacks the anti-tank capabilities of other Imperial Guard units like the Leman Russ. However, when used in conjunction with other units like the Hellhound or the Basilisk, the Wyvern can be part of an effective combined arms strategy that can take down even the toughest enemy armies.

5) Tempestus Scions


They officially belong to a subdivision of the Adeptus Administratum known as the Militarum Tempestus. These elite shock troops are trained to carry out special operations such as deep strike assaults, reconnaissance, and infiltration beyond enemy lines.

The Scions are well equipped with a range of weapons, including hot-shot lasguns, plasma guns, and meltaguns, and they wear distinctive carapace armor that provides superior protection against enemy fire. They are deployed from Valkyrie and Vendetta airborne assault carriers, which allow them to rapidly deploy behind enemy lines and strike at key targets.

There are different regiments of Scions, each with their own unique characteristics, such as the Scions of Armageddon, who specialize in urban warfare, and the Lambdan Lions, who are known for their use of flamers and incendiary weapons.

Overall, the Scions are a formidable force on the battlefield and are often called upon to carry out the most dangerous and critical missions in the Warhammer 40k universe.

4) the Commissars


Commissars are political officers of the elite Officio Prefectus who serve in the regiments of the Astra Militarum or aboard the voidships of the Navis Imperialis. Their main duty is to maintain the morale of the troops during massive campaigns, often in the face of staggering casualties.

Commissars are stern and uncompromising individuals who are able to keep even the most anarchic regiments in line through fear, strength, and power. Every regiment has one or more attached Commissars who remain with the regiment throughout its duties. These officers have the authority to execute any soldier who shows cowardice or refuses to follow orders, and their presence is often enough to ensure that soldiers do not waver in their loyalty to the Imperium.

There are many known Commissars in the Warhammer 40k universe, including Yarrick, Gaunt, and Cain, among many others.

3) Bullgryns


Bullgryns are specialized, heavily armed Ogryns used for close assault operations by the Imperial Guard. They are recruited from the most obstinate of the Ogryn strain of abhumans, clad in heavy armor and armed with rugged assault weaponry built to withstand their unwieldy strength.

Bullgryns wear heavy Carapace Armor and carry assault weapons like Power Mauls to capitalize on the creature’s size and resilience. For firepower, they often wield the Grenadier Gauntlet.

The simple but effective Slab Shields are their trademark, locking together to form a mobile defense line. Bullgryns are known to be incredibly resilient and can withstand significant amounts of damage. They are typically used for close combat situations, where their size and strength allow them to excel

2) The Basilisk long-range artillery unit


The Basilisk is a long-range artillery unit used by the Imperial Guard Regiments throughout the Imperium in the Warhammer 40k universe. It is designed to provide medium to long-range fire support and is one of the most numerous and well-known of the Guard’s artillery units. The unit is based on the Chimera chassis and mounts an Earthshaker Cannon for direct and indirect fire.

The Basilisk is capable of leveling its weapon at the ground and can directly engage enemy units. Its Earthshaker Cannon is considered one of the most iconic and infamous weapons for Guard Artillery, as it can truly reach out and touch any unit on the battlefield. The cannon is powerful enough to level entire buildings and reduce hardened fortifications to rubble.

In the Warhammer 40k tabletop game, the Basilisk has a point cost of 108 and comes with a hull-mounted heavy bolter as its regular weapon load-out, making it an affordable unit points-wise

1) The Tank Commander


A Tank Commander is an officer of the Astra Militarum who commands the armored companies or regiments of the Imperial Guard, depending on their rank in the command hierarchy.

They are typically equipped with weapons such as the Lascannon and Leman Russ Battle Cannon. Tank Commanders are known to ride into battle in the cupola of a mighty Leman Russ battle tank. They often lead a squadron of Leman Russ tanks, and are virtually one with their machine, possessing an implicit knowledge of armored warfare in all its forms.

It is also worth noting that there are some notable Tank Commanders in the Warhammer 40k universe, such as Knight Commander Pask, a renowned Cadian Tank ace who has gained a reputation for an exceptional understanding of armored vehicles and warfare.