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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Chaos Space Marine Units

As the galaxy burns and the forces of Chaos grow ever stronger, the Chaos Space Marines stand at the forefront of the battle, wielding their twisted weapons and unleashing the power of the warp upon their enemies.

With so many units to choose from, it can be difficult for a Warhammer 40k player to determine which Chaos Space Marine units are truly the most effective.

Fear not, for we have compiled a list of the top 10 best Chaos Space Marine units, ranked in order of their effectiveness on the battlefield.

10) Noise Marines


A unique unit in the Chaos Space Marine army, armed with powerful sonic weapons that can tear through enemy troops with ease. These weapons are capable of unleashing devastating blasts of sound that can bypass enemy armor and tear through cover. Noise Marines are also immune to morale tests, making them incredibly effective at holding their ground and maintaining their position on the battlefield.

In addition to their sonic weapons, Noise Marines are also equipped with a variety of close combat weapons, such as power swords and chainswords. This makes them effective at taking on enemy infantry in close combat, as well as providing them with a degree of versatility on the battlefield.

One of the key strengths of Noise Marines is their ability to ignore cover. This makes them particularly effective at taking down enemy units that are hiding behind cover, such as infantry squads or vehicles. Additionally, the fact that they are immune to morale tests means that they are incredibly difficult to dislodge from their position on the battlefield, making them an excellent choice for holding objectives or defending key positions.

9) Chaos Bikers


Chaos Bikers are a highly mobile unit in the Chaos Space Marine army, mounted on powerful motorcycles and armed with a variety of deadly weapons. These fast-moving troops can quickly move across the battlefield, allowing them to strike at vulnerable enemy units and flank enemy positions.

One of the key strengths of Chaos Bikers is their speed and mobility. With their ability to move up to 14 inches in a single turn, Chaos Bikers can quickly reach enemy positions and unleash devastating attacks. They are also capable of advancing and shooting, allowing them to continue moving while firing their weapons, making them highly effective at harassing enemy units and vehicles.

In addition to their mobility, Chaos Bikers are also armed with a variety of deadly weapons. They can be equipped with bolt pistols, chainswords, and power weapons, making them effective at taking on enemy infantry and vehicles. They can also be equipped with special weapons, such as plasma guns or meltaguns, making them effective at taking down heavily-armored enemy vehicles.

8) Possessed Chaos Space Marines


Possessed are a unique unit in the Chaos Space Marine army, infused with the power of Chaos and possessing incredible strength and resilience. These twisted warriors are armed with a variety of deadly weapons and abilities, making them a versatile unit that can be used to take on a variety of different enemy units.

One of the key strengths of Possessed is their incredible strength and resilience. Possessed have a high toughness and multiple wounds, making them incredibly difficult to take down. They can also regenerate lost wounds, making them even more durable on the battlefield.

In addition to their resilience, Possessed are also armed with a variety of deadly weapons. They can be equipped with close combat weapons, such as power swords and axes, or with ranged weapons, such as bolters and plasma guns. They can also be equipped with special abilities, such as the ability to reroll failed hits or wounds, making them even more deadly in combat.

7) The Raptors


the Raptors are a specialized unit within the Chaos Space Marine army. They are known for their ability to infiltrate enemy lines and strike from unexpected angles, making them a highly effective unit for disrupting enemy formations and taking out key targets.

One of the key strengths of the Raptors is their ability to move quickly and quietly. They are equipped with jump packs, which allow them to quickly move across the battlefield and leap over obstacles. They are also trained in stealth tactics, allowing them to infiltrate enemy lines undetected.

In addition to their mobility and stealth, Raptors are also armed with a variety of deadly weapons. They can be equipped with close combat weapons, such as chainswords and power weapons, or with ranged weapons, such as boltguns and plasma guns. They can also be equipped with special abilities, such as the ability to reroll failed hits or wounds, making them even more deadly in combat.

However, there are some weaknesses to consider when using Raptors. Firstly, they can be expensive points-wise, which can limit the number of units that you are able to field in your army. Additionally, they lack heavy armor, which makes them vulnerable to enemy fire. To mitigate this weakness, it is important to use cover and terrain to your advantage when deploying Raptors on the battlefield.

6) Chaos Spawn


Chaos Spawn are terrifying and mutated creatures that are created when a Chaos Space Marine becomes too corrupted by the power of Chaos. These monstrous creatures are unpredictable and often uncontrollable, making them a dangerous but powerful unit to unleash on the battlefield.

Chaos Spawn are created when a Chaos Space Marine is exposed to the raw power of Chaos and undergoes a horrific transformation. Their bodies mutate and twist, growing additional limbs and appendages, and their minds become warped and twisted, making them unpredictable and often violent.

Despite their unpredictable nature, Chaos Spawn are incredibly resilient and difficult to kill. They have high toughness and multiple wounds, making them incredibly difficult to take down. They can also regenerate lost wounds, making them even more durable on the battlefield.

5) Heldrake


the Heldrake is a terrifying flying unit used by the Chaos Space Marine army. It is a winged, dragon-like creature with deadly weapons and the ability to swoop down on its enemies and wreak havoc.

The Heldrake is one of the most feared units in the Chaos Space Marine army due to its versatility and lethality. It is equipped with a variety of deadly weapons, including a Baleflamer, a weapon that spews out a torrent of flame that can incinerate entire squads of enemy troops. It also has the ability to use its claws and talons in close combat, making it a deadly opponent in melee combat.

In addition to its weapons, the Heldrake is also incredibly maneuverable. It has the ability to fly, allowing it to move quickly across the battlefield and avoid enemy fire. It can also perform a swooping attack, in which it dives down on its enemies, dealing out damage and potentially carrying off a model with its claws.

However, there are some weaknesses to consider when using a Heldrake. Firstly, it is vulnerable to anti-aircraft weapons, such as heavy bolters or missile launchers. Additionally, it can be expensive in terms of points, which can limit the number of units that you are able to field in your army.

4) Chaos Lord


the Chaos Lord is a powerful leader unit in the Chaos Space Marine army. They are formidable warriors who have risen through the ranks of the Chaos Space Marines by defeating their rivals and proving their worth in battle.

Chaos Lords are equipped with a variety of deadly weapons, such as power swords, axes, and maces. They can also be equipped with ranged weapons, such as plasma guns or boltguns. In addition to their weapons, they can also be equipped with special abilities, such as the ability to reroll failed hits or wounds, making them even more deadly in combat.

One of the key strengths of the Chaos Lord is their ability to inspire their troops. They have an aura of leadership that can improve the morale and combat effectiveness of nearby units, making them a valuable addition to any Chaos Space Marine army.

3) Terminators


the Chaos Terminators are heavily armored infantry units in the Chaos Space Marine army. They are equipped with powerful weapons and have the ability to teleport onto the battlefield, making them a deadly and versatile unit.

Chaos Terminators are heavily armored and equipped with a variety of deadly weapons, such as power fists, lightning claws, and combi-bolters. They are also equipped with Terminator armor, which provides them with additional protection and allows them to shrug off enemy fire.

One of the key strengths of the Chaos Terminators is their ability to teleport onto the battlefield. This allows them to quickly move to key areas of the battlefield and take out enemy units. They can also be used to reinforce key positions, such as objectives or flanks, making them an incredibly versatile unit.

2) Chaos Obliterators


Chaos Obliterators are a type of unit that are biologically fused to their suits of Power Armour.

They are Chaos Space Marines whose bodies have been affected by the so-called Obliterator Virus, turning them into living weapons. These monstrous amalgams of Marine, armor, and Daemon, have the ability to generate different weapons from their mutated flesh. The constant mental and physical trauma of absorbing weapons into their bodies or being biologically welded by their own bodies to their armor has made them insane.

Obliterators are capable of unleashing an array of devastating firepower, with each model able to carry up to four different weapons. They are often deployed in squads of two to three, and can be found in most Chaos Space Marine armies.

1) Daemon Prince


The Chaos Daemon Prince is a powerful HQ unit in the Chaos Space Marine army. They are former mortal champions who have been elevated to daemonhood by one of the Chaos Gods 1. As such, they possess immense strength, resilience, and otherworldly abilities.

Chaos Daemon Princes are towering figures, often standing twice the height of a regular Space Marine. They have wings, giving them the ability to fly across the battlefield, and they are armed with deadly weapons, such as power fists, swords, or axes. They are also capable of casting psychic powers, making them a formidable presence on the battlefield.

One of the key strengths of the Chaos Daemon Prince is their versatility. They can be customized to suit a variety of battlefield roles, such as melee combat, ranged combat, or psychic support. They can also be given a variety of upgrades, such as additional psychic powers, improved weapons, or special abilities that make them more resilient in combat.

In conclusion, the Chaos Space Marine army is a force to be reckoned with, possessing a variety of deadly units that can strike fear into the hearts of any enemy force. Whether you prefer to charge headlong into battle or strike from afar with devastating ranged attacks, there is a Chaos Space Marine unit that is perfect for your playstyle.