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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Drukhari Units

The Drukhari are a sadistic, hedonistic race that revels in the pain and suffering of others. They are a highly advanced civilization that has mastered technologies such as anti-gravity devices, advanced weaponry, and psychic abilities. They live in the dark city of Commorragh, which is hidden in the Webway, a network of tunnels and portals that spans the galaxy.

In battle, the Drukhari rely on speed, maneuverability, and surprise to overwhelm their opponents. They have a wide range of units, including fast-moving Raiders and Venoms, deadly elite units such as the Incubi and Scourges, and powerful psykers like the Haemonculi. They also have access to terrifying creatures such as the grotesque Grotesques and the monstrous Talos.

One of the defining characteristics of the Drukhari is their reliance on the drug called “Wych Cults.” These drugs enhance their reflexes and senses, allowing them to fight with even greater speed and precision. However, the drugs are highly addictive, and prolonged use can lead to physical and mental deterioration.

Overall, the Drukhari army is a highly mobile and deadly force that relies on speed and cunning to defeat its opponents. They are a complex faction that requires a skilled player to use effectively but can be highly rewarding for those who master them.

10) Reavers


Reavers are fast-moving units armed with a variety of deadly weapons, including cluster caltrops, grav-talon, and heat lance.

They excel at hit-and-run tactics, using their speed and agility to outmaneuver enemy units and strike from unexpected angles.

They are also fairly resilient, with a 4+ armor save and the ability to gain a 4+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks.

9) Hellions


Hellions are fast and agile units armed with deadly glaives.

They can quickly move around the battlefield, thanks to their Skyboard ability, and strike at enemy units from unexpected angles.

They are also fairly resilient, with a 4+ invulnerable save, and can use their Gruesome Talons ability to gain extra attacks in combat.

8) Wracks


Wracks are tough and resilient infantry units armed with a variety of deadly weapons, including ossefactors, liquifiers, and electrocorrosive whips.

They can soak up damage thanks to their 4+ armor save, 6+ Feel No Pain save, and the ability to heal themselves during the game. They are also excellent at holding objectives, thanks to their Objective Secured ability.

7) Mandrakes


Mandrakes are fast and stealthy units armed with deadly nightfiend blades. They can infiltrate enemy lines and strike from unexpected angles, thanks to their Infiltrator ability.

They are also fairly resilient, with a 4+ invulnerable save, and can use their Night Piercing ability to ignore cover bonuses when making their attacks.

6) Incubi


Incubi are highly skilled melee fighters armed with deadly klaives.

They are capable of taking on tough enemy units in close combat, thanks to their high weapon skill and strength.

They also have a 4+ invulnerable save, making them fairly resilient, and can use their Onslaught ability to gain extra attacks in combat.

5) Scourges


Scourges are elite warriors armed with a variety of deadly ranged weapons, including haywire blasters, heat lances, and splinter cannons.

They are highly mobile, able to deep strike onto the battlefield and target key enemy units from unexpected angles.

They are also fairly resilient, with a 4+ armor save and the ability to take a 5+ invulnerable save against shooting attacks.

4) Razorwing Jetfighter


The Razorwing Jetfighter is a fast and agile aircraft armed with a variety of deadly weapons, including disintegrator cannons, monoscythe missiles, and twin splinter rifles.

It can move up to 90″ per turn, making it one of the fastest units in the game, and can target both enemy infantry and vehicles with its weapons.

3) Talos


The Talos is a monstrous creature armed with a variety of deadly weapons, including a macro-scalpel, stinger pod, and chain-flails. It is also highly resilient, with a 4+ invulnerable save and the ability to heal itself during the game.

In close combat, the Talos can dish out a great deal of damage, making it an excellent choice for taking on tough enemy units.

2) Ravager


The Ravager is a long-range weapon platform armed with three Dark Lances, making it capable of taking out enemy vehicles and monsters with ease.

It is also fairly fast and maneuverable, able to keep up with the rest of a Drukhari army and take out key targets from a distance.

1) Archon


As mentioned earlier, the Archon is a key leader for any Drukhari force.

Archon is highly skilled in both melee and ranged combat, and their aura of terror can cause enemy units to lose their nerve and flee the battlefield.

They can also use their Command Points to grant nearby units bonuses to their attacks, making them a valuable addition to any Drukhari army.