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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Fast Attack Units

When it comes to fast attack vehicles in Warhammer 40k, there are plenty of options to choose from.

These vehicles are designed to be fast, maneuverable, and deadly, making them ideal for hit-and-run tactics, flanking maneuvers, and disrupting the enemy

10) Necron Tomb Blade


The Necron Tomb Blade is a fast attack vehicle used by the Necron army in Warhammer 40k. It’s a sleek and agile skimmer that is equipped with a variety of deadly weapons.

The Tomb Blade is designed to be fast and nimble, allowing it to quickly move around the battlefield and flank enemy units.

One of the standout features of the Tomb Blade is its ability to hover over difficult terrain, allowing it to easily move through forests, ruins, and other obstacles without penalty.

This makes it a great choice for scouting and reconnaissance missions, as well as hit-and-run attacks.

9) Adeptus Mechanicus Sydonian Dragoon


The Adeptus Mechanicus Sydonian Dragoon is a fast attack unit used by the Adeptus Mechanicus in Warhammer 40k. It’s a deadly cavalry unit that is designed to be fast and agile, allowing it to quickly move around the battlefield and engage enemy units.

The Sydonian Dragoon is armed with a taser lance or an arc lance, both of which are powerful melee weapons that can take out enemy vehicles and infantry with ease.

The taser lance is a specialized weapon that discharges a powerful electrical current on impact, while the arc lance is a more traditional lance that can punch through armor and shields.

8) Dark Eldar Reaver Jetbike


The Reaver Jetbikes are used by the Dark Eldar’s Reaver gangs, who are known for their speed and agility. The bikes themselves are sleek and aerodynamic, and are powered by anti-gravitic engines that allow them to move at incredible speeds.

In terms of armament, the Reaver Jetbikes are typically equipped with splinter rifles, which fire razor-sharp shards of poisoned crystal, as well as cluster caltrops, which can be dropped behind the bike to damage pursuing enemies.

7) Tau Piranha


The Tau Piranha is a fast attack vehicle used by the Tau Empire in Warhammer 40k. It’s a nimble skimmer that is designed to be fast and agile, allowing it to quickly move around the battlefield and flank enemy units.

Here are some reasons why the Tau Piranha is considered to be a great choice for a Tau army.

The Tau Piranha is equipped with a variety of weapons, including fusion blasters, burst cannons, and gun drones. The fusion blaster is a powerful weapon that is capable of taking out heavy vehicles and infantry, while the burst cannon is a rapid-fire weapon that is great for taking out light vehicles and infantry.

Additionally, the Piranha can be equipped with gun drones, which can provide additional firepower and help protect the vehicle from enemy attacks.

6) Tyranid Gargoyle


The Tyranid Gargoyle is a flying unit, which means it can move over terrain without penalty and can also move over enemy units. This makes it ideal for getting into hard-to-reach areas and disrupting enemy formations.

The Tyranid Gargoyle is often used in large swarms, which allows them to overwhelm enemy units with sheer numbers.

Additionally, they can be used to tie up enemy units in close combat, preventing them from firing on other Tyranid units.

5) Imperial Guard Hellhound


The Hellhound is a highly versatile tank that can be outfitted with a variety of weapons to suit different tactical situations.

Its most common configuration is the Inferno Cannon, a short-ranged weapon that unleashes a torrent of flames that can decimate enemy infantry, but it can also be equipped with a Heavy Bolter, a Multi-Melta, or even a Battle Cannon

While the Hellhound is not the toughest tank in the Imperial Guard arsenal, it is still a durable vehicle that can take a lot of punishment.

Its armor is thick enough to shrug off most small arms fire, and it has a relatively high toughness value that makes it resistant to enemy attacks.

4)Ork Warbuggy


The Warbuggy can be outfitted with a transport capacity, allowing it to transport Ork infantry into battle. This makes it a valuable asset for Ork armies that rely on close combat, allowing them to quickly deliver their troops to the front lines.

Overall, the Ork Warbuggy is a highly useful vehicle in the Ork army that offers a lot of tactical flexibility and firepower for a relatively low points cost.

Its speed, versatility, and transport capacity make it a valuable asset in any Ork army, and its resilience makes it a tough opponent for enemy units to deal with.

3) Space Marine Attack Bike


The Attack Bike can work in tandem with other Space Marine units, such as Land Speeders and Bikes, to create a fast-moving and deadly strike force.

Its speed and firepower make it a valuable asset in any Space Marine army, and its ability to support other units makes it an even more versatile and useful option.

The Attack Bike is a relatively cheap vehicle that is easy to produce in large numbers. This makes it a cost-effective option for Space Marine armies, allowing them to field large numbers of Attack Bikes to overwhelm enemy positions.

2) Eldar Vyper


The Vyper can serve a variety of roles in an Eldar army, including as a fast-moving scout, a harassing unit, or as a mobile anti-tank platform.

Its versatility and speed make it a valuable asset in any Eldar army, and its ability to fill multiple roles makes it an even more desirable option.

the Eldar army that offers a lot of tactical flexibility and firepower for a relatively low points cost. Its speed, versatility, and transport capacity make it a valuable asset in any Eldar army, and its resilience and synergy with other units make it an even more desirable option.

1) Space Marine Land Speeder


The Land Speeder can be outfitted with a variety of anti-aircraft weapons, such as the Typhoon Missile Launcher or the Skyhammer Missile Launcher.

This makes it a valuable asset in Space Marine armies that need to defend against enemy aircraft.

The Land Speeder has a sleek and iconic design that has become synonymous with the Space Marine army. Its futuristic appearance and high-tech weaponry make it a fan favorite among Warhammer 40,000 enthusiasts.