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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Genestealer Cults Units

Genestealers are a type of Tyranid that have been genetically modified to be able to infiltrate and infect other races. They are an important part of the Tyranid arsenal, as they allow the Hive Mind to spread its influence without having to commit more resources than necessary.

The Genestealer Cults are a group of cultists who worship the Hive Mind, often unaware that they are being used by it for infiltration purposes. The cults were first introduced in Rogue Trader (1987), where they were described as worshippers of Chaos Undivided; this was later changed so that all members worshiped Nurgle instead.

10) Acolyte Hybrids


Acolyte Hybrids are the most basic unit in the Genestealer Cult army. They are cheap and effective, but they lack some of the more advanced equipment you’ll find on other units.

Acolyte Hybrids can be used as a counter-assault unit or as an objective holder, but they’re best suited for holding down backfield objectives while your other units move up towards enemy lines.

They’re also useful for tying up enemy units that might otherwise threaten your more valuable models like Purestrain Genestealers or Patriarch Ghouls.

9)Neophyte Hybrids


The Neophyte Hybrids are another basic units in the Genestealer Cults army. They’re also cheap, easy to use(like the Acolyte Hybrids) and can be quite effective if used correctly.

They have a decent statline with an average of 3 wounds each (5 on their T4 bodies), which makes them hard to kill in combat thanks to their high toughness value and access to Power Weapons as well as special rules like Feel No Pain (FNP) and Furious Charge (FC).

Neophytes are also one of the few units that can take Flamethrowers, making them great for clearing out infantry units or softening up vehicles before your Cult Ambush arrives on scene!

8) The Aberrants


Aberrants are the most powerful unit in your army, and they’re also the most expensive. They’re a melee unit that can be equipped with a variety of weapons and mutations, but they don’t have any ranged attacks at all. Their main role is to charge into combat quickly so that they can get stuck into the enemy before they have time to react.

Aberrants aren’t especially good at fighting vehicles or heavy infantry (like Primaris Space Marines), but they excel against light infantry like Guardsmen or Orks because of their high Strength score and access to special rules like Hammer of Wrath (which allows them to reroll failed hit rolls).

If you want something that’s going to tear through hordes like nothing else in your army then this is definitely your go-to choice!

7) Genestealers


These guys are pretty much guaranteed to kill something when they get into combat.
The Genestealer has three attacks with its claws and one with its tail, which makes it a great choice for taking down enemy infantry units.

The only drawback is that they’re not very good at taking out vehicles or monsters (though some players have had success using them against Space Marine Primaris Intercessors).



The Magus is the leader of your cult, and he’s one of the most important units in your army. He has a ton of special rules that make him an invaluable asset on the battlefield.
The first thing you should know about him is that he can cast psychic powers from any friendly model within 6″ (including himself).

This means that if you want to use your psychic powers effectively, you’ll need to keep him close to his army so he can get into position quickly.
The second thing I want to mention is his ability called “Independent Character”.

This rule allows him to be deployed separately from other units in your force as long as they don’t have this rule themselves (such as another Magus). This makes it easier for him to get into place without having too many things blocking his path or getting in each other’s way during deployment!

5) Patriarch


The Patriarch is another leader Genestealer Cult unit, and he’s also one of the most powerful units in the game. He has an impressive statline that makes him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

His weapons include two rending claws, which have a chance to cause instant death on an enemy model; a pair of scything talons that allow him to re-roll failed hit rolls against infantry models; and an arm blade with which he can attack at Initiative 5 (the highest possible value). He also has access to some special rules that make him even more dangerous.

The Patriarch’s Noxious Vomit ability allows him to make all enemies within 6″ suffer -1 penalty on their To Hit rolls for each successful wound caused by his attacks in combat; while his Unnatural Strength allows him to re-roll failed wound rolls against vehicles or buildings whenever he uses them against such targets!

4)Acolyte Iconward


They are spiritual guides who inspire their fellow cultists to greater heights of fanaticism and zealotry.

The Acolyte Iconward is a great choice for your squad if you want to help them get up close and personal with your enemies, as they have the ability to give nearby units a re-roll on failed charges. This can be useful when charging into combat against other melee units or even tanks!

3) Primus


They’re a leader, so they can give orders to other units and make them more effective. You need to protect them at all costs because if they die, so does your entire cult!

They have some good offensive capabilities as well: their pistol has an AP value of -1 and can shoot twice per turn (once with each hand).

This means that Primus can potentially deal 3 wounds per turn if he gets lucky with his shots.
The best tactic for Primus is keeping him safe while still being able to shoot at enemy units from range; he should never be charging into combat unless absolutely necessary!

2) Leman Russ


Using the “Blood Brothers” rule, Genestealer Cults are allowed to add an Astra Militarum unit to their army. Your best option is to pick the Leman Russ Battle Tanks as they provide excellent value for the points cost.

The Leman Russ battle tank is considered to be one of the best tanks in Warhammer 40k because of its toughness, armor, reliability, and ruggedness.

It is said to be the most famous tank in the galaxy. It has a Toughness of 8, 12 Wounds and 2+ Armor, making it a tough tank to beat.

Despite being crude, slow, and poorly-designed, the Leman Russ is still an excellent benchmark for the abilities and advanced nature of Imperial technology.

Its armor may not be the most sophisticated, but it is practical and rugged, allowing it to weather the harshest environments or enemy fire 3. Additionally, the Leman Russ is an extremely complex and advanced main battle tank.

1) Aberrant Hypermorphs


Aberrant Hypermorphs are the most powerful and elite of the Genestealer Cults. They are created from those who have been infected with the Genestealer’s genetic material, but have not yet undergone full transformation into a hybrid creature.

These hybrids retain their human appearance, but possess incredible strength and speed as well as an ability to regenerate wounds at an astonishing rate.

The Aberrants are often used as shock troops for Hive Fleets or by the cult itself when it needs to deal with particularly dangerous threats that cannot be handled by its regular forces alone.