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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Looking Armies

Warhammer 40k is not only a game of strategy and combat, but it is also a game of aesthetics. The look and feel of an army can make it stand out on the battlefield and really bring it to life.

With that in mind, we have taken a closer look at the various armies available in the game, and have compiled a list of the top 10 best-looking armies in Warhammer 40k.

10) Orks

Orks have a unique aesthetic that stands out from other armies. They are known for their crude, ramshackle appearance, which is a result of their love for scavenging and tinkering with technology. This means that Ork models are often adorned with a variety of different items, such as scraps of metal, pipes, and other random parts, making each one look unique and full of character.

Orks are a very versatile army to play with, which means that you can create a diverse range of units that look different from one another. You can field armies that are heavily focused on close combat, ranged combat, or even a mixture of both. This allows you to tailor your army to suit your playstyle, and also means that you can create a visually interesting army with a lot of variety in terms of model appearance.

Another reason why Orks are a great-looking army is that they have a lot of personality. Each Ork model is designed with a lot of care and attention to detail, which means that they all have a unique pose, expression, and overall demeanor.

This helps to bring your army to life and makes it feel like a cohesive force, rather than a collection of generic models.

Orks are simply a lot of fun to paint and customize. Their unique appearance allows for a lot of creativity when it comes to painting them, and you can really make each model stand out with some clever color choices and weathering effects.

Additionally, their love for customization means that you can kitbash and convert your models to your heart’s content, which can result in some truly unique and eye-catching units.

9) Tau

First of all, Tau have a very unique aesthetic that sets them apart from other armies in the game. Their sleek, futuristic designs give them a high-tech look that is both intimidating and impressive. From their battlesuits to their grav-tanks, every aspect of the Tau army looks like it belongs in a sci-fi movie.

In addition to their unique design, Tau also have a very consistent visual theme throughout their army. Everything from their infantry units to their war machines features the same blue and white color scheme, giving the army a cohesive and polished look. This attention to detail is evident in everything from the armor plates on their battlesuits to the markings on their vehicles.

Another reason why Tau are a great-looking army is their attention to detail. The intricate designs on their weapons and equipment add a level of realism to the army that makes it feel like you’re playing with a finely crafted set of miniatures. Whether you’re admiring the detail on a tau pulse rifle or the intricate wiring on a battlesuit, there is always something visually interesting to appreciate when it comes to the tau.

8) Tyranids

These swarm armies of genetically-modified creatures possess a distinctly organic aesthetic, with curving, bulbous shapes that reflect their monstrous origins.

There are several reasons why Tyranids stand out and are considered awesome looking:

Alien Design: Tyranids have a very distinct and alien design that sets them apart from other armies. With their insect-like bodies, multiple limbs, and sharp claws, they look like creatures from another world. Their appearance is both intimidating and fascinating, making them a popular choice among players.

Diversity of Units: Tyranids have a diverse range of units, each with its own unique appearance. From the smaller Gaunts, to the larger Carnifexes and Hive Tyrants, each unit has its own unique features and characteristics. This diversity allows players to create a visually stunning and varied army.

Organic Aesthetic: Unlike other armies which rely on technology and machinery, Tyranids have a completely organic aesthetic. Their weapons and armor are grown from their own bodies, giving them a distinct and unique appearance. This organic aesthetic is a refreshing change from the more mechanical armies in the Warhammer 40k universe.

Adaptable Color Schemes: Tyranids have a wide range of color schemes that players can choose from. The organic nature of the army allows for a great deal of creativity when it comes to painting and customizing units. This allows players to create a visually stunning and unique army that stands out on the tabletop.

7) Blood Angels

The Blood Angels are a chapter of Space Marines that are heavily influenced by ancient Rome and Greece, with their armor and weapons sporting intricate designs of mythological creatures and heroes.

The Blood Angels’ iconic red and gold color scheme is instantly recognizable and adds to their striking appearance. The bright red armor and gold accents make them stand out on the tabletop and create a powerful visual impact.

Blood Angels have some of the most ornate and decorative armor in the Warhammer 40k universe. Their armor is adorned with intricate details, including filigree, skulls, and wings. This attention to detail adds to their striking appearance and sets them apart from other armies.

Blood Angels have several unique units that add to their cool factor. The Sanguinary Guard, for example, are elite warriors who wear ornate golden armor and wield angelic weapons. The Death Company are crazed berserkers who charge into battle with reckless abandon. These unique units add to the diversity and visual appeal of the army.

Featuring several iconic characters, such as Commander Dante and Sanguinius, who have striking appearances and rich backstories. These characters add depth and personality to the army and make them more than just faceless soldiers on the tabletop.

6) Necrons

These ancient beings are robotic and metallic, with a sleek, reflective armor that gives them an otherworldly appearance. Their weapons are often geometric and angular, reflecting their technological origins.

Sporting a sleek and futuristic aesthetic, with clean lines and a metallic finish. Their technology is advanced, and their appearance reflects this, making them look like an army from the future.

Necrons have a strong Egyptian theme, with their warrior skeletons and stylized architecture. This theme is reflected in their lore and tactics, with their focus on immortality and the afterlife. The Egyptian theme adds a layer of depth and personality to the army, making them more than just faceless robots.

One of their best features is how unique many of their models are. The Canoptek Wraiths, for example, are ghostly machines that fly across the battlefield. The Triarch Praetorians are elite warriors who wield energy scythes and teleport across the battlefield. These unique units add to the diversity and visual appeal of the army.

Necrons have a distinctive glow-in-the-dark effect that makes them stand out on the tabletop. Their weapons and eyes emit an eerie green glow, adding to their otherworldly appearance.

Necron models are highly customizable, allowing players to create unique and visually stunning armies. The metallic finish of the models makes them easy to paint and customize, and players can add their own personal touches to make their army stand out.

5) Imperial Guard

The Imperial Guard are a human army that have a distinctly militaristic aesthetic, with a strong emphasis on utilitarianism and practicality. Their tanks and vehicles are often decorated with drab, earthy colors and durable materials.

The Imperial Guard is known for its vast armies of soldiers, tanks, and artillery. However, the aesthetic appeal of the army is what truly sets it apart from the others.

One of the reasons why the Imperial Guard is so visually appealing is because it draws inspiration from real-world military forces. The uniforms and equipment of the Imperial Guard are reminiscent of soldiers from World War I and II. The tanks and artillery are based on real-life military technology. This makes the army feel more grounded in reality and adds to its overall aesthetic appeal.

Another reason why the Imperial Guard is visually appealing is because of the diversity in its units. The army includes a wide variety of soldiers, from basic infantry to specialized units like the Kasrkin and Ogryns. This allows players to create unique armies with different looks and feels. The Imperial Guard also has a range of tanks and artillery with distinct designs, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

The Imperial Guard also offers a lot of customization options, which is a big part of its appeal. Players can choose from a variety of regiments, each with its own color scheme and insignia. This allows players to create unique armies that stand out on the battlefield. Additionally, the army offers a range of conversion and kitbashing options, allowing players to create their own custom units and vehicles.

Finally, the artwork and lore of the Imperial Guard add to its overall aesthetic appeal. The army is often depicted in artwork as a massive, imposing force, with legions of soldiers and tanks marching across war-torn battlefields. The lore of the army is also rich and detailed, with stories of heroic soldiers fighting against impossible odds. This adds depth and meaning to the army, making it feel more than just a collection of miniatures on a table.

4) Chaos Space Marines

These corrupted versions of the noble Space Marines possess a twisted and sinister aesthetic that is characterized by sharp, jagged edges and dark, brooding colors.

Chaos Space Marines have a dark and gothic aesthetic, with twisted and corrupted versions of the iconic Space Marine armor. Their armor is adorned with spikes, chains, and other chaotic symbols, giving them a menacing and imposing appearance. The dark and gothic aesthetic is also reflected in their lore and tactics, with their focus on corruption, mutation, and chaos.

They also have a lot of customization options, allowing players to create unique and visually stunning armies. The twisted and corrupted armor of the Chaos Space Marines makes them perfect for customization, as well as advanced painting techniques.

Chaos Space Marines have several unique units and characters that add to their cool factor. The Chaos Lord is a powerful and imposing character that can lead the army into battle, while the Hellbrute is a hulking war machine that can wreak havoc on the battlefield. The Chaos Spawn are grotesque and twisted creatures that embody the corruption and mutation of the army.

Chaos Space Marines have distinctive markings and symbols that are instantly recognizable, such as the eight-pointed star of Chaos and the iconic eye of Horus. These symbols add to the visual appeal of the army and create a sense of unity and identity among the units.

Chaos Space Marines have a lot of contrast and detail in their design, making them visually stunning on the tabletop. The twisted and corrupted armor of the Chaos Space Marines is offset by the bright colors of their markings and symbols, creating a striking visual contrast. Additionally, the intricate details of the armor and weapons add depth and texture to the models, making them a joy to paint and admire.

3) Space Wolves

The Space Wolves are a fiercely independent chapter of Space Marines that focus heavily on Viking and Norse mythology, with their armor and weapons decorated with runes and other Norse symbols.

Space Wolves have a strong Viking theme, with their warriors sporting fur cloaks, intricate armor, and stylized helmets. This theme is reflected in their lore and tactics, with their focus on honor, glory, and battle. The Viking theme adds a layer of depth and personality to the army, making them more than just faceless soldiers.

Space Wolves have unique models that add to their cool factor. Their models are highly detailed, with intricate designs on their armor, weapons, and accessories. The models also feature unique poses, giving them a dynamic and active appearance on the tabletop.

While not every player likes it, Space Wolves have a distinctive color scheme, with their blue-gray armor and bright yellow shoulder pads. The bright yellow markings and symbols add a pop of color and contrast to the models, making them visually striking on the tabletop.

Characters make up a large portion of an army’s attractiveness. The legendary Space Wolf hero Ragnar Blackmane is a fan favorite, while the Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf is a powerful and imposing character that can lead the army into battle. These characters embody the honor, glory, and battle prowess of the Space Wolves, making them a joy to collect and play with.

2) Adeptus Mechanicus

The Adeptus Mechanicus is a force of cyborgs and robots that are fused with technology in every aspect of their being. Their gear is often intricate, with detailed designs that reflect their mechanical origins.

Adeptus Mechanicus is a visually stunning army in Warhammer 40k, with a distinct and unique appearance that sets them apart from other factions. Here are a few reasons why Adeptus Mechanicus is considered one of the best-looking armies in the game:

Adeptus Mechanicus has a steampunk aesthetic, with their warriors sporting intricate armor, robes, and mechanical implants. The army has a unique blend of traditional and futuristic elements, creating a visually striking appearance on the tabletop.

Adeptus Mechanicus has unique models that add to their cool factor. The models are highly detailed, with intricate designs on their armor, weapons, and accessories. The models also feature unique poses, giving them a dynamic and active appearance on the tabletop.

Adeptus Mechanicus has a distinctive color scheme, with their red robes and silver armor. The bright red color adds a pop of color and contrast to the models, making them visually striking on the tabletop.

The Skitarii Vanguard and Rangers are highly detailed troops that embody the blend of traditional and futuristic elements of the army. The Kastelan Robots are hulking war machines that can wreak havoc on the battlefield. These units, along with others like the Sicarian Infiltrators and Ironstrider Ballistarii, make Adeptus Mechanicus a unique and exciting army to collect and play with.

Overall, the steampunk aesthetic, unique models, customization options, distinctive color scheme, and iconic units make Adeptus Mechanicus one of the best-looking armies in Warhammer 40k. Whether you are a veteran player or a newcomer to the game, Adeptus Mechanicus is a great army to collect and play with.

1) Eldar

This ancient race possesses a graceful and elegant aesthetic that is often characterized by flowing curves and clean lines. Their armor and weapons are sleek and futuristic, with a strong emphasis on mobility and speed.

They have an elegant and futuristic aesthetic, with sleek armor, flowing robes, and intricate helmets. The army has a unique blend of traditional and futuristic elements, creating a visually striking appearance on the tabletop.

Some of the Eldar models are absolutely incredible. The models are highly detailed, with intricate designs on their armor, weapons, and accessories. The models also feature unique poses, giving them a dynamic and active appearance on the tabletop.

Eldar have several iconic units that add to their cool factor including their fast and deadly jetbikes, the Wraithknight towering over the battlefield, and the Harlequins with their acrobatic feats and colorful costumes.

These units, along with others like the Guardians, Dire Avengers, and Fire Dragons, make Eldar a unique and exciting army to collect and play with.