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Warhammer 40k: Top 10 Best Melee Armies

One of the key elements of the game is melee combat, where armies engage in close-range battles with swords, axes, and other weapons.

Melee armies can be fun to use in Warhammer 40k for a variety of reasons!

Firstly, they often have high mobility and can quickly close the distance between themselves and their opponents, allowing them to engage in close combat and wreak havoc on the enemy’s lines.

Additionally, melee armies often have powerful units with high strength and toughness, making them difficult to take down in combat.

Finally, there is a certain thrill to charging headlong into battle and engaging in brutal close combat, which can make playing a melee army a very satisfying experience.

In this blog post, we will be highlighting the top 10 melee combat-based armies in Warhammer 40k, focusing on their unique strengths, weaknesses, and notable units.

10) Deathwatch

Deathwatch is a Space Marine chapter that specializes in fighting xenos forces. They have access to a variety of units and abilities that make them a formidable force in close combat.

Their notable units include the Vanguard Veterans, which are highly mobile units that can move quickly across the battlefield and unleash devastating attacks.

They also have access to powerful characters, such as the Watch Captain and the Chaplain, who can enhance the abilities of nearby units.

9) Grey Knights

A Space Marine faction that is dedicated to fighting Daemons and other Chaos forces. They have access to powerful psychic abilities and melee weapons that make them a formidable force in close combat.

Their notable units include the Paladins, which are heavily armored units that can take a lot of punishment while dishing out devastating attacks.

They also have access to powerful characters, such as the Grand Master and the Brotherhood Champion, who can enhance the abilities of nearby units.

8) Blood Angels

They have a number of units and abilities that make them particularly effective in melee combat, such as the Death Company, Sanguinary Guard, and the ability to generate additional attacks through their Red Thirst ability.

They also have access to a variety of melee weapons, such as power swords, power fists, and thunder hammers, which allow them to take on a range of enemy units. Overall, the Blood Angels are a strong choice for players who enjoy close combat and want to overwhelm their enemies in hand-to-hand combat.

7) Space wolves

The Space Wolves are a Space Marine chapter that specializes in close combat. They are known for their ferocity and bravery in battle, and they have a variety of units that excel in melee combat.

Their notable units include the Thunderwolf Cavalry, which is a highly mobile unit that can charge into combat with devastating force.

They also have access to powerful characters, such as the Wolf Lord and the Wolf Priest, who can enhance the abilities of nearby units.

6) Orks (The Goffs)

The Goff Ork Clan is one of the most brutal and aggressive Ork factions in Warhammer 40k, known for their love of close combat.

Goff Orks are particularly effective in melee combat, with their units having high strength and toughness, as well as access to powerful melee weapons like power klaws and big choppas.

Goff Orks also have a number of special rules and abilities that make them even more dangerous in close combat.

For example, they have the “Mob Rule” ability, which allows them to re-roll failed morale tests if they are within range of their Warboss or other Ork characters.

They also have the “Da Biggest Boss” rule, which allows their Warboss to gain additional attacks and strength when he’s in combat with enemy characters.

5) Khorne Daemonkin

Dedicated to the Chaos God Khorne and his love of bloodshed and violence. They are known for their brutal close combat capabilities, with a focus on melee units that can deal out significant damage in hand-to-hand combat.

Khorne Daemonkin units often have high strength and toughness, as well as access to powerful melee weapons like chainswords, axes, and hammers.

One of the key strengths of Khorne Daemonkin is their ability to generate additional attacks in close combat through their Blood for the Blood God ability. This ability allows them to roll additional attacks for each enemy unit they kill in the Fight phase, making them even more deadly as the battle progresses.

4) Sisters of Battle

An all-female army in Warhammer 40k made up of zealous, power-armored battle nuns. They are known for their close combat capabilities, with many units having access to powerful melee weapons like chainswords, power swords, and maces.

Sisters of Battle in close combat is their ability to generate additional attacks through their Acts of Faith ability. This ability allows them to roll additional attacks for each roll of a 6+ when they fight in the Fight phase.

Additionally, their Bloody Rose Order provides bonuses to their melee attacks and charges, making them even more deadly in close combat.

3) Tyranids

The key strengths of Tyranids in close combat is their ability to generate additional attacks through their Adrenaline Surge ability.

This ability allows them to roll additional attacks for each roll of a 6+ when they charge, were charged, or performed a Heroic Intervention.

Tyranids can also use their Instinctive Behavior ability to gain bonuses to hit and wound in close combat when they are within range of their Synapse creatures.

A highly flexible army that can perform well in both melee and Ranged, with strong psychic and ability support, and options for running horde or monster-heavy armies.

However, the Tyranids are particularly deadly in close combat, with many units having high strength and toughness, as well as access to powerful melee weapons like scything talons and crushing claws.

2) Adeptus Custodes

The elite guardians of the Emperor of Mankind in the Warhammer 40K tabletop game. They are known for their incredible combat prowess and their unmatched skill in close combat.

The Custodes are a relatively small faction, but they are one of the most powerful and feared armies in the game.

They are incredibly fast and agile, with high movement speeds and the ability to deep strike into battle. Their units are also highly durable, with high toughness and armor saves.

In close combat, the Custodes are known for their devastating attacks, which are capable of dealing out massive damage to enemy units.

1) Harlequins

They are known for their incredible speed, agility, and acrobatic combat style. The Harlequins are the best close-combat fighters in the game, with a variety of weapons and abilities that make them incredibly deadly in melee combat.

They are able to quickly close the distance with enemy units and engage them in melee combat. They also have access to a variety of special abilities that make them even more deadly in close combat, including the “Flip Belt” ability, which allows them to move over terrain and other models with ease.