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Top 10 Deadliest Characters in the Warhammer 40k Universe

In the Warhammer 40k universe, you can be killed by anything. It doesn’t matter if it’s a knife or a sword or an axe or even just your own bare hands.

Anything can kill you in this universe, so it’s best not to take chances when dealing with any character on this list.

The characters featured here are among the most deadly in all of Warhammer 40k lore and history–and they’re not just limited to one faction either!

Some are heroes from other races who have fought against humanity before; others are villains who may have crossed paths with them before (or vice versa). Either way, these guys are going down as some of the most dangerous beings ever created for this franchise.*

10) Abaddon the Despoiler

Abaddon the Despoiler is the Warmaster of Chaos, leader of the Black Legion and wielder of the Talon of Horus. He has been described as one of the greatest military leaders in human history by his peers and enemies alike.

Abaddon’s personality can be summed up as “a mix between Arnie Schwarzenegger, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte and Attila The Hun.”

Abaddon was once known simply as Ezekyle Abaddon before he was taken by Chaos during an attack on his homeworld.

After being corrupted by Nurgle (the god who rules over disease), Abaddon became even more powerful than before; he now wields a daemonically-enhanced power sword called Widowmaker which gives him control over any kind of plague or pestilence imaginable!

9) Roboute Guilliman

Roboute Guilliman is the Primarch of the Ultramarines and Lord Commander of the Imperium. He is also known as The Avenging Son because he helped bring about a new golden age for humanity after it was nearly destroyed by Horus during his war against his father.

Guilliman was born on Macragge, where he lived with his father until he was sent away to Terra at age 10 to train as an officer in one of their armies. He eventually became one of their greatest generals and led many successful campaigns against xenos races like Orks and Tyranids before being reunited with his brothers during their attack on Horus’ forces at Isstvan V (which we’ll get into later).

After this battle was over, Guilliman helped write up new rules for how Space Marines should be organized into Chapters so they could better fight against threats like Chaos or other aliens without breaking down under pressure from inside their own ranks; these guidelines became what we now know today as “The Codex Astartes.”

8) Yarrick

Imperial Commissar Yarrick is a hero of the Imperium, having served in its armed forces for over 200 years. He is most notable for his actions during the Second War for Armageddon in which he led an army of Imperial Guard soldiers against Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka’s Orks on Armageddon Prime and eventually defeated them.

Afterwards, Yarrick was given command of all Imperial forces on Armageddon by Lord Commander Militant Angevin who gave him full authority over all military matters within his jurisdiction. This included being able to give orders directly to any officer regardless of rank or position within their chain of command — including Space Marines!

7) Vulkan

The fourth Primarch to be found was Vulkan, the master of the forge and creator of the Promethean Creed. He was found on Nocturne, a planet which had been devastated by war with its neighboring world of Armageddon. Vulkan was raised by his adoptive father and became a great warrior in his own right before leaving his home to join his brothers in battle against Horus’ rebellion.

Vulkan led his Salamanders Legion through many campaigns against Chaos forces during The Great Crusade until they were sent back to Terra when Horus attacked it with an army comprised mostly of Traitor Legions (those who had turned away from the Emperor).

During this time on Terra, Vulkan created many weapons that would later become staples among Space Marines such as bolters and flamers.

He also helped create other items such as power fists which were used by Terminators instead of regular Power Weapons because they were stronger than those used by normal Space Marines but still did not require too much maintenance or training for use outside their intended purpose within combat situations where only one hand could be used effectively at any given time due to heavy armor requirements etcetera…

6) Khârn the Betrayer

Khârn the Betrayer is a champion of Khorne, the Chaos God of Blood and War. He is known for his ferocity in battle and his uncontrollable rage, which often leads him to attack friend and foe alike. Khârn is also infamous for being the only person to have ever killed his own Primarch, Angron, in a fit of berserk fury.

Khârn is armed with Gorechild, a chainaxe that has been imbued with dark magic by Khorne himself. When Khârn kills an enemy with Gorechild, the axe becomes stronger and more deadly, making him even more dangerous in combat.

5) Typhus

Typhus is a Chaos Space Marine and the current Herald of Nurgle. He is known for carrying the Destroyer Hive, a weapon that unleashes swarms of flies that can infect and kill those they swarm upon. Typhus is also an accomplished sorcerer, and can call upon the powers of Nurgle to heal himself or spread disease among his enemies.

Typhus was originally a member of the Death Guard Legion before being corrupted by Nurgle. He now leads the Plague Marines, and is a feared opponent in battle.

4) Eldrad Ulthran

Eldrad Ulthran is a powerful Farseer of the Eldar race. He is known for his mastery of the psychic arts, and has used his powers to predict the future and manipulate events to his advantage. Eldrad is also a skilled warrior, and has fought in many battles against the enemies of the Eldar.

Eldrad is the leader of the Ulthwé Craftworld, and is revered by the Eldar as a wise and powerful leader. He is also feared by his enemies, who know that he is capable of manipulating events to his advantage.

3) Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is a powerful Warboss of the Ork race. He is known for his cunning and strategic mind, and has led many successful WAAAGHs against the enemies of the Orks. Ghazghkull is also a formidable warrior, and has defeated many opponents in single combat.

Ghazghkull was originally a member of the Goffs Clan before striking out on his own. He now leads the mighty Goff WAAAGH, and is a feared opponent in battle.

2) An’ggrath the Unbound

An’ggrath the Unbound is a Greater Daemon of Khorne. He is known for his immense size and strength, and is one of the most powerful daemons in the service of Khorne. An’ggrath is also a skilled warrior, and has fought in many battles against the enemies of Khorne.

An’ggrath is called “the Unbound” because he was able to break free of the chains that were used to bind him to the realm of Chaos. He now roams the galaxy, seeking out worthy opponents to battle.

1) Horus Lupercal

Horus Lupercal was one of the Primarchs of the Space Marine Legions, and was once a loyal servant of the Emperor. However, he was corrupted by Chaos during the Horus Heresy, and led a rebellion against the Imperium that nearly destroyed it.

Horus was a master of strategy and tactics, and was able to turn many of the other Primarchs to his side during the Heresy. He was eventually defeated by the loyalist forces at the Battle of Terra, but his legacy lives on as one of the most dangerous figures in the history of the Imperium.