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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Beasts of Chaos Units

The Beasts of Chaos are a faction in the tabletop wargame Age of Sigmar. They are a collection of three different armies: the Brayherds, the Warherds, and the Thunderscorn.

The Brayherds can ambush their foes and bury them under a sea of bodies, the Warherds unleash ferocious Minotaurs and massive horned monsters, and the Thunderscorn charge forward under baleful storms, absorbing the power of the elements to become even more deadly.

The Beasts of Chaos are the purest embodiment of primeval violence, and their entire culture subsists on anarchy, living to fight anyone, including other Beasts.

Called the true children of Chaos, being the malformed manifestation of Chaos in the mortal realms.

They emerge from woodland knots and rocky outcrops, bellowing their savage battle cries as they fall upon their prey.

Ever since the dawn of the Mortal Realms, they have stalked their most remote regions, butchering anyone foolish enough to trespass on their territory.

10) Manticore


The Manticore has a number of special abilities in the game, including its Fly ability, which allows it to move quickly across the battlefield and bypass obstacles.

It also has a powerful bite attack and can strike with its tail, which can cause additional damage or even poison its enemies.

In addition to its combat abilities, the Manticore can also be used as a mount for certain hero units, allowing them to take to the skies and gain additional mobility and combat prowess.

9) Chaos Giant


Chaos Giants are known for their incredible strength and durability, and their ability to wield massive weapons with ease.

Giants are often found in the service of Chaos, but they can also be found in the armies of Destruction and Order factions

They have a variety of special abilities that make them formidable opponents. They have a high number of wounds, which makes them difficult to kill, and they can deal out a lot of damage in close combat.

Giants also have a special ability called “Hurl Boulder,” which allows them to throw large rocks at their enemies from a distance

8) Bullgors


Bullgors are a type of unit in the Beasts of Chaos army in Age of Sigmar. They are large, heavily-armored infantry with the heads of bulls and the bodies of heavily-muscled humanoids.

Bullgors are known for their incredible strength and toughness, making them formidable opponents in melee combat.

In terms of gameplay, Bullgors are a powerful frontline unit that can be used to charge into enemy lines and wreak havoc.

They have high damage output and can dish out a lot of damage in melee combat, making them effective at taking down enemy units. They are also quite durable, with high toughness and a decent number of wounds, making them difficult to take down.

Bullgors also have a variety of special rules and abilities that make them even more effective in combat.

For example, they have a rule called “Bloodgreed” that allows them to make additional attacks if they kill an enemy unit in combat. They also have access to a variety of command abilities that can buff their own strength or weaken enemy units.

7) War Mammoth


The Chaos War Mammoth is said to have originated in the Realm of Chaos, where it was created by the dark powers that reside there.

It is a symbol of the destructive and chaotic nature of the Chaos factions, and its presence on the battlefield strikes fear into the hearts of its enemies.

It is typically used as a centerpiece for a Chaos army, and it can be a valuable addition to any army composition.

The Chaos War Mammoth is best used in larger games, where its high point cost can be justified. It is often deployed in the center of the battlefield, where it can draw enemy fire and disrupt enemy formations.

The Chaos War Mammoth is also effective at charging into enemy lines, causing chaos and destruction in its wake.

6) Chaos Marauder Horsemen


In the game, the Chaos Marauder Horsemen are known for their speed and maneuverability. They are able to move quickly across the battlefield, allowing them to get into position to attack enemy units or capture objectives.

The Chaos Marauder Horsemen are also able to deal out a lot of damage in combat. They are armed with javelins and spears, which they can use to attack enemy units from a distance or in close combat.

One of the most unique aspects of the Chaos Marauder Horsemen is that they can be customized with different weapons and upgrades, allowing players to create a unique and personalized unit.

Additionally, the Chaos Marauder Horsemen can also be used in conjunction with other Chaos units, such as Chaos Warriors or Chaos Knights, to create a powerful and versatile army.

5) Chaos Knights


The Chaos Knights are a group of heavily armored warriors who have pledged their allegiance to the Chaos gods. They are known for their ferocity in battle and their unwavering devotion to their dark masters.

The Chaos Knights are often accompanied by demonic steeds, which they ride into battle. They are a feared and respected force in the Warhammer universe, and their reputation precedes them on the battlefield.

They deal out a lot of damage in close combat and they are also able to charge into enemy lines and disrupt enemy formations.

However, they are relatively slow-moving, and their high point cost means that they are not always the most practical unit to include in an army composition.

4) Ghorgon


Ghorgons are the largest members of the Warherds, and are known for their insatiable appetite for flesh.

According to elgends, it is believed amongst the Bray-Shamans that the Ghorgons began life as the largest Minotaurs in their tribe, warrior lords who chose gluttony over leadership.

Cannibals all, each has devoured his lesser kin in a vile feast, and hence they are the ultimate carnivores, driven to devour anything they can catch – the meatier the better.

Ghorgons are slaughterers that have been warped to massive size and driven to violent acts of savagery by their rapacious Bloodgreed.

This curse is so strong in them that they are imbued with an urgent need to kill, often charging headlong into battle with reckless abandon.

Ghorgons are armed with Butchering Blades and a Huge Slavering Maw, and their Bloodgreed drives them to terrifying violent acts of savagery

3) Chaos Spawn


The Chaos Spawn unit is a powerful and unpredictable unit in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar tabletop game.

Its physical appearance, stats, abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and strategic use make it a valuable addition to any Chaos army.

Players looking to incorporate the Chaos Spawn unit into their own armies should consider their abilities, optimal army compositions, and effective countermeasures against opposing forces.

With the right tactics and upgrades, the Chaos Spawn unit can be a devastating force on the battlefield

2) Chaos Warhounds


Chaos Warhounds are lean, vicious, and hideously mutated beasts that are tireless pursuers, chasing their prey for hours before ripping them to shreds

However, Chaos Warhounds can be used effectively as a screening unit to protect more valuable units from enemy charges.

They can also be used to harass enemy units, disrupt their formations, and prevent them from moving freely across the battlefield.

Such a variety of uses is essential to any army build. Due to how cheap they are, you can field multiple units per battle as well.

1) Cygor


Cygors are monstrous units in the Beasts of Chaos army in Age of Sigmar. They are huge, hideously malformed giants, each possessed of a single eye in the center of its forehead.

They are distant cousins of Minotaurs but have diverged greatly from their kin. Cygors are known for their incredible strength and durability, making them formidable opponents in melee combat.

Armed with massive horns, they are certainly intimidating, and can throw a piece of Desecrated Boulder at their prey.

Cygors are also able to see the Winds of Chaos, which makes them mad and extremely dangerous. They are drawn to war by the twisted will of the Dark Gods, taunted by half-seen visions of light planted by the Chaos Powers or by the most powerful of the Bray-Shamans.

They unwittingly do the will of the Dark Gods even though they are cursed by them to an eternity of pain, bitterness, and insanity .

In terms of gameplay, Cygors are a powerful unit choice for any Beasts of Chaos army that wants to focus on brute force and close combat.

They are highly durable, with a decent number of wounds and a high toughness, making them difficult to take down.

They also have high damage output and can dish out a lot of damage in melee combat. Additionally, they have access to a variety of special rules and abilities that make them even more effective in combat.