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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Daughters of Khaine Units

Are you looking for a fierce and deadly army to dominate the battlefields of Warhammer Age of Sigmar? Look no further than the Daughters of Khaine.

This army of dark elves is known for their speed, agility, and deadly prowess in close combat.

In this article, we will be highlighting the top 10 units for the Daughters of Khaine army, so you can build a formidable force and crush your enemies.

10) Khinerai Heartrenders


Point cost: 130

Flying units armed with javelins that excel at harassing enemy units from a distance.

They are fast and agile, making them difficult to catch, and they can also teleport across the battlefield using their Shadow Leap ability. However, they are relatively fragile and can be taken down quickly if they are caught in close combat.

the Khinerai Heartrenders have a 6+ armor save and 1 wound each, which makes them relatively fragile. However, they have a high movement speed of 14″, which means they can quickly move around the battlefield. They are armed with Heartseeker Bows, which have a range of 18″ and hit on a 3+. Each successful hit inflicts 1 damage, but if they roll a 6 to hit, they can make an additional attack. They also have an ability called Fly, which allows them to move over enemy units and terrain.

9) Witch Aelves


Point sheet: 110

the backbone of the Daughters of Khaine army. They are fast and deadly in close combat, with each model armed with a pair of sacrificial knives.

They also have a special ability called Blood Rites, which allows them to gain bonuses in combat as they inflict casualties on the enemy. they are not very durable and can be taken down quickly by ranged attacks.

8) Bloodwrack Medusa


Point cost: 140

The Bloodwrack Medusa is a monstrous unit armed with a deadly gaze attack that can turn enemies to stone. They are also fast and agile, making them difficult to catch in close combat.

However, they are relatively fragile and can be taken down quickly if they are focused on by the enemy.

7) Melusai


Point cost:170

A versatile unit that can be armed with either bows or spears. They are fast and agile, making them difficult to catch, and they also have a special ability called Serpent’s Call, which allows them to teleport across the battlefield.

One of the unit’s weaknesses is that it can be taken down quickly if they are caught in close combat.

6) Khinerai Lifetakers


Point cost: 130

The Khinerai Lifetakers are flying units armed with deadly barbed spears. They are fast and agile, making them difficult to catch, and they can also teleport across the battlefield using their Shadow Leap ability.

They also have a special ability called Death on the Wind, which allows them to make additional attacks when they charge. they are relatively fragile as are most of the factions units and can be taken down quickly if they are caught in close combat.

5) Blood Sisters


Point cost: 140

The Blood Sisters have a 4+ armor save and 2 wounds each, which makes them relatively durable. They have a high movement speed of 7″, which means they can quickly move around the battlefield. They are armed with Glaives, which have a range of 2″ and hit on a 3+.

Each successful hit inflicts 1 damage, but if they roll a 6 to hit, they can make an additional attack.

Additionally, they have a number of special abilities that make them even deadlier. For example, they have an ability called Heartshard Glaives, which allows them to re-roll hit rolls of 1 in combat.

They also have an ability called Lashing Serpents, which allows them to make additional attacks when they charge.

Finally, they have an ability called Quicksilver Speed, which allows them to move an extra 2″ when they pile in.

4) Morathi


Point cost: 480

Morathi is the leader of the Daughters of Khaine army, and she is a powerful spellcaster and melee combatant. She has a wide range of spells and abilities that can buff her own units and debuff the enemy, and she is also deadly in close combat.

She also has a special ability called Heart of Fury, which allows her to make additional attacks when she takes damage. However, she is relatively expensive in terms of points cost.

Morathi is a massive figure with 16 wounds and a 4+ armor save, making her one of the toughest units in the army. She has two forms: her first form, High Oracle of Khaine, is a spellcaster that can cast a variety of powerful spells.

Her second form, The Shadow Queen, is a melee combatant that is armed with a pair of deadly weapons that hit on a 3+ and wound on a 4+. Each successful wound inflicts 1 damage.

3) Blood Stalkers


Point cost: 140

Blood Stalkers are ranged units armed with deadly repeater crossbows. They are fast and agile, making them difficult to catch, and they can also teleport across the battlefield using their Shadow Leap ability.

They also have a special ability called Heartseeker, which allows them to make additional attacks when they roll a 6 to hit. they are relatively fragile and can be taken down quickly if they are caught in close combat.

The Blood Stalkers have a 5+ armor save and 1 wound each, which makes them relatively fragile. However, they have a high movement speed of 8″, which means they can quickly move around the battlefield.

They are armed with Heartseeker bows, which have a range of 18″ and hit on a 3+. Each successful hit inflicts 1 damage, but if they roll a 6 to hit, they can make an additional attack.

2) Avatar of Khaine


Point cost: 340

The Avatar of Khaine is a monstrous unit that is the embodiment of the god of murder himself. It is armed with a deadly sword that can cleave through entire units, and it also has a wide range of special abilities that make it incredibly deadly in close combat.

It also has a special ability called the Blood Frenzy, which allows it to make additional attacks when it takes damage. it is relatively expensive in terms of points cost.

In terms of stats, the Avatar of Khaine has a whopping 16 wounds and a 4+ armor save, making it one of the toughest units in the army. It also has a high movement speed of 8″, which means it can quickly close in on enemy units.

In combat, the Avatar of Khaine has a whopping 8 attacks with its sword, hitting on a 3+ and wounding on a 2+. Each successful wound inflicts D3 damage, which means it can quickly take out even the toughest enemy units.

1) Slaughter Queen


Point cost: 100

The Slaughter Queen is the general of the Daughters of Khaine army, and she is a powerful spellcaster and melee combatant. She has a wide range of spells and abilities that can buff her own units and debuff the enemy, and she is also deadly in close combat.

She also has a special ability called the Blessing of Khaine, which allows her to heal nearby units and give them bonuses in combat. She is also relatively affordable in terms of points cost.

In terms of stats, the Slaughter Queen has a 5+ armor save and 6 wounds, which makes her relatively fragile compared to other heroes in the army. However, she has a high movement speed of 6″, which means she can quickly move around the battlefield.

In combat, the Slaughter Queen has a pair of deadly weapons that hit on a 3+ and wound on a 4+. Each successful wound inflicts 1 damage.