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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Flesh-Eater Courts Units

The Flesh-Eater Courts are a faction in the tabletop wargame Age of Sigmar, which is set in the Mortal Realms, a fantasy universe.

They are a subfaction of the Death Grand Alliance and are known for their cannibalistic and delusional nature.

In the lore of Age of Sigmar, the Flesh-Eater Courts believe themselves to be noble knights and aristocrats, rather than the savage ghouls they truly are.

They suffer from a collective delusion called the “Courtly Hierarchy,” where they envision themselves as members of a grand court, with their leaders being powerful kings and queens. They see their cannibalistic actions as feasts and banquets, rather than acts of brutality.

Such a gripping backstory makes them a fan favourite for a variety of reasons. Powerful magic, hulking monsters, and legions of undead footsoldiers.

If you’re looking to start your own Flesh-Eater Courts army, this list will be perfect for you!

10) Royal Terrorgheist


The Royal Terrorgheist is a behemoth unit in the Flesh Eater Courts army, which means it has a high number of wounds, a good save, and a lot of offensive power.

Its Death Shriek ability is particularly deadly, as it deals mortal wounds to enemy units within range.

This can be devastating against low-wound models or units that rely on being in close proximity to each other, such as hordes of infantry.

In addition to its Death Shriek, the Royal Terrorgheist can also deal significant damage in melee combat. Its Fanged Maw attack has a high damage output and can potentially inflict mortal wounds, while its Skeletal Claws can make additional attacks against nearby enemies.

One of the reasons why the Royal Terrorgheist is considered one of the best units in the Flesh Eater Courts army is its resilience.

It has a high number of wounds, a decent save, and a special ability called Deathly Invigoration that allows it to heal wounds whenever it slays an enemy model.

This makes it difficult for opponents to take down and allows it to stay in the fight for longer.

9) Crypt Infernal Courtier on Zombie Dragon


The Crypt Infernal Courtier on Zombie Dragon is a powerful unit in the Flesh Eater Courts army. It is a single model that is armed with Foetid Breath and Skewering Talons and has the ability to fly.

The Crypt Infernal Courtier on Zombie Dragon is considered one of the best units in the Flesh Eater Courts army because of its high mobility, damage output, and resilience in battle.

The Foetid Breath attack of the Crypt Infernal Courtier on Zombie Dragon is particularly deadly, as it can deal mortal wounds to enemy units within range.

Additionally, its Skewering Talons can make additional attacks against nearby enemies. The Crypt Infernal Courtier on Zombie Dragon also has the ability to fly, which allows it to move quickly across the battlefield and engage enemy units where they are weakest.

In terms of resilience, the Crypt Infernal Courtier on Zombie Dragon has a high number of wounds, a good save, and the ability to heal itself whenever it slays an enemy model. This makes it difficult for opponents to take down and allows it to stay in the fight for longer.

8) Crypt Haunter Courtier


A Crypt Haunter Courtier is armed with a Massive Bone Club and Rancid Talons. It has the Noble Blood ability, which grants it a supernatural ability to heal any damage it suffers.

In the hero phase, it can heal one wound allocated to itself.

The Crypt Haunter Courtier is considered one of the best units in the Flesh Eater Courts army because of its versatility and resilience in battle.

It can be used as a hero to buff nearby units, or as a melee combatant to deal damage to enemy units. Its Noble Blood ability also makes it difficult to take down, as it can heal itself each turn.

As one of the strongest Mordants that serve the Flesh-eater Courts, the Crypt Haunter Courtier has been given the blood of its ghoul King, which has transformed it and given it its abilities.

Mordants that receive a pure draught of the king’s blood devolve into savage madness or tear themselves apart in a frenzy of self-loathing, but the survivors are reborn with monstrous strength.

7) Terrorgheist


The Terrorgheist is a behemoth unit in the Flesh Eater Courts army. It is a monstrous flying creature that is armed with a massive maw and talons. The Terrorgheist is considered one of the best units in the Flesh Eater Courts army because of its high mobility, damage output, and versatility in battle.

The Terrorgheist is a powerful melee combatant that can deal significant damage to enemy units with its attacks. Its massive maw can inflict mortal wounds on enemy units, and its talons can make additional attacks against nearby enemies.

In addition to its combat abilities, the Terrorgheist is also a valuable addition to the Flesh Eater Courts army because of its unique abilities.

For example, it has the ability to summon units of Crypt Ghouls to the battlefield, which can be used to overwhelm enemy units or capture objectives.

6) Vargheist


Vargheists have potent melee attacks, with their Skeletal Claws and Death Shriek ability. They have high strength and rend values, allowing them to bypass enemy armor saves. Their Death Shriek ability also provides a powerful ranged attack that targets enemy heroes, potentially inflicting significant damage.

As well as this, Vargheists can fulfill multiple roles on the battlefield. They excel at engaging enemy heroes and units, making them effective in taking out key targets or disrupting enemy lines.

Additionally, Vargheists have a decent number of wounds and a solid save characteristic, making them reasonably durable in combat.

Vargheists are immune to battleshock tests, which are morale checks that units have to take when suffering casualties. This means that they will never flee as a result of failing a battleshock test, making them incredibly reliable and ensuring they stay in combat for as long as possible.

Overall, they are a solid unit for any Flesh-Eater Courts army setup for being tough, hard-hitting units.

5) Varghulf Courtier


A Varghulf Courtier is a single model in the Flesh Eater Courts army that is armed with Immense Claws and Dagger-like Fangs. In addition, the Varghulf Courtier has the Muster Royal Household ability, which allows it to call forth more of the king’s minions.

In the hero phase, players can roll 6 dice for each friendly Varghulf Courtier on the battlefield, and for each roll of 6, they can add 1 Crypt Ghoul to their army .

TIn combat, the Varghulf Courtier is a formidable opponent, with its Immense Claws and Dagger-like Fangs dealing significant damage to enemy units .

In addition to its combat abilities, the Varghulf Courtier is also a valuable addition to the Flesh Eater Courts army because of its unique abilities.

Its Muster Royal Household ability allows it to summon additional units of Crypt Ghouls to the battlefield, which can be used to overwhelm enemy units or capture objectives. This ability can be especially useful in the late game, when players may need additional units to secure victory.

4) Abhorrant Ghoul King


An Abhorrant Ghoul King is a single model in the Flesh Eater Courts army that is armed with Gory Talons and Fangs. It has the Royal Blood ability, which allows it to heal up to D3 wounds allocated to the model in the hero phase.

In addition, the Abhorrant Ghoul King is a wizard and can cast spells from the Lore of Madness or the Lore of the Flesh-eater Courts .

The Abhorrant Ghoul King is considered one of the best units in the Flesh Eater Courts army due to its versatility and combat abilities. Its Royal Blood ability allows it to heal itself and stay in the fight longer, while its wizard status allows it to cast powerful spells that can buff friendly units or harm enemy units.

Additionally, the Abhorrant Ghoul King is a formidable opponent in close combat, with its Gory Talons and Fangs dealing significant damage to enemy units.

Furthermore, there are different variants of the Abhorrant Ghoul King, such as the Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist, which is a single model that is armed with Gory Talons and Fangs, and has a Royal Terrorgheist as its mount.

3) Crypt Ghouls


Crypt Ghouls are a battleline unit in the Flesh Eater Courts army. They are frenzied ghouls that exist only to satisfy their dark hunger, and they are ferocious in great numbers. Crypt Ghouls are armed with a variety of weapons, including Ghoul Blades, Crypt Flayer’s Scything Talons, and Crypt Ghast’s Feasting Maw.

They can also be upgraded with a Crypt Ghast Leader, which can increase their abilities in combat.

Crypt Ghouls are considered one of the best units in the Flesh Eater Courts army because they are a cheap and effective battleline unit that can be fielded in large numbers.

They have the Horrifying Visage ability, which can cause enemy units to suffer a -1 penalty to their Bravery characteristic when they are within 3 inches of Crypt Ghouls. This can make it easier for other Flesh Eater Courts units to cause enemy units to flee the battlefield.

In addition, Crypt Ghouls can also benefit from the abilities of other Flesh Eater Courts units, such as the Abhorrant Ghoul King’s Royal Blood ability, which can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to the model in the hero phase.

This can help keep Crypt Ghouls in the fight longer and make them more effective in combat

2) Crypt Flayers

Data sheet

Crypt Flayers are a unit in the Flesh Eater Courts army that are airborne scouts and fierce warriors. They are fast and can fly, making them a versatile unit on the battlefield. They are armed with Crypt Flayer’s Scything Talons, which can deal significant damage to enemy units in close combat.

The benefits don’t stop there, as they have the Feeding Frenzy ability, which allows them to make additional attacks if they slay any enemy models in the combat phase.

Crypt Flayers are considered one of the best units in the Flesh Eater Courts army due to their speed, mobility, and combat abilities. They are particularly effective when fielded in large numbers, as their Feeding Frenzy ability can allow them to make multiple attacks in a single combat phase.

Crypt Flayers can benefit from the abilities of other Flesh Eater Courts units, such as the Abhorrant Ghoul King’s Royal Blood ability, which can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to the model in the hero phase.

1) Crypt Horrors


Crypt Horrors are a unit in the Flesh Eater Courts army that are known for their durability and hard-hitting attacks. They are large, hulking monsters that are difficult to take down and can deal significant damage to enemy units in close combat.

Crypt Horrors are armed with Monstrous Claws, which can deal a high amount of damage to enemy units. They also have the Regeneration ability, which allows them to heal wounds at the end of each combat phase.

Crypt Horrors are considered the best unis in the Flesh Eater Courts army due to their durability and combat abilities. They are particularly effective when fielded in large numbers, as their Regeneration ability can allow them to heal wounds even as they take damage in combat!