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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Fyreslayers Units

The Fyreslayers are a proud and fiery race of dwarves in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe. They are known for their love of battle and their fierce temperament. If you’re a fan of Fyreslayers and are looking to build a strong army, then you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll be discussing the top 10 best Fyreslayers units, including their point costs, unique abilities, and recommended playstyles.

10) Auric Runeson


Point cost : 120

Auric Runesons are heroes who are armed with a fyresteel throwing axe and a rune-axe. They have a high damage output and can also deal mortal wounds in combat. They also have the ability to increase the bravery of nearby Fyreslayers units.

Strengths: High damage output, mortal wound ability, and ability to increase unit bravery.

Weaknesses: Low toughness and wound count, lack of mobility.

Recommended Playstyle: Use Auric Runesons as a melee-focused hero, charging into combat and dealing significant damage to enemy units while increasing the bravery of your own units.

9) Doomseeker


Point cost : 80

Doomseekers are heroes who are armed with two-handed axes. They have the ability to deal mortal wounds in combat and can also ignore wounds and continue fighting. They also have the ability to reduce the bravery of nearby enemy units.

Strengths: Mortal wound ability, ability to ignore wounds, and ability to reduce enemy bravery.

Weaknesses: Low toughness and wound count, lack of mobility.

Recommended Playstyle: Use Doomseekers as a melee-focused hero, charging into combat and dealing significant damage to enemy units while reducing their bravery.

8) Auric Runesmiter


Point cost : 120

Auric Runesmiters are support units that are armed with a rune-staff and a fyresteel throwing axe. They have the ability to teleport nearby Fyreslayers units across the battlefield. They also have the ability to deal mortal wounds in combat.

Strengths: Ability to teleport units, deal mortal wounds, and mobility.

Weaknesses: Low toughness and wound count, lack of offensive capability.

Recommended Playstyle: Use Auric Runesmiters as a support unit, teleporting your units across the battlefield and dealing damage in

7) Battlesmith


Point cost: 120

Battlesmiths are support units that are armed with a rune-staff and a fyresteel throwing axe. They have the ability to repair nearby units and increase their armor saves. They also have the ability to deal mortal wounds in combat.

Strengths: Ability to repair units, increase armor saves, and deal mortal wounds.

Weaknesses: Low toughness and wound count, lack of offensive capability.

Recommended Playstyle: Use Battlesmiths as a support unit, repairing and buffing your other units while dealing damage in combat.

6) Grimwrath Berzerker


Point cost : 100

Grimwrath Berzerkers are powerful heroes who are armed with two-handed axes. They have a high damage output and can also deal mortal wounds in combat. They also have the ability to ignore wounds and continue fighting, making them a formidable opponent.

Strengths: High damage output, mortal wound ability, and ability to ignore wounds.

Weaknesses: Low toughness and wound count, lack of mobility.

Recommended Playstyle: Use Grimwrath Berzerkers as a melee-focused hero, charging into combat and dealing significant damage to enemy units.

5) Magmadroth


Point cost: 380

Magmadroths are giant beasts that are ridden into battle by Fyreslayers heroes. They have a high toughness and wound count, making them difficult to take down. They also have the ability to deal significant damage to enemy units with their fiery breath attack.

Strengths: High toughness and wound count, powerful fiery breath attack, and mobility.

Weaknesses: Expensive point cost and vulnerability to ranged attacks.

Recommended Playstyle: Use Magmadroths as a centerpiece for your army, charging into battle and dealing significant damage to enemy units.

4) Vulkite Berzerkers


Point cost: 120

Vulkite Berzerkers are the backbone of the Fyreslayers army. They are armed with handaxes and shields, making them a great defensive unit. They also have the ability to deal mortal wounds in combat.

Strengths: Defensive capability, mortal wound ability, and low point cost.

Weaknesses: Lack of mobility and lower damage output compared to other elite infantry units.

Recommended Playstyle: Use Vulkite Berzerkers as a defensive unit, protecting your other units while dealing damage in combat.

3) Auric Hearthguard


Point cost: 160

Auric Hearthguard are ranged units that are armed with fyresteel throwing axes. They have a long range and can deal significant damage to enemy units. They also have the ability to increase the damage output of nearby Fyreslayers units.

Strengths: Long range, high damage output, and ability to buff nearby units.

Weaknesses: Low toughness and wound count, lack of mobility.

Recommended Playstyle: Use Auric Hearthguard as a support unit, providing ranged support to your melee units while buffing their damage output.

2) Hearthguard Berzerkers


Point cost: 200

Hearthguard Berzerkers are elite warriors who are armed with powerful two-handed axes. They have a high damage output and can also deal mortal wounds in combat. They also have the ability to protect nearby units from enemy attacks, making them a great defensive unit.

Strengths: High damage output, mortal wound ability, and defensive capability.

Weaknesses: Expensive point cost and lack of mobility.

Recommended Playstyle: Use Hearthguard Berzerkers as a defensive unit, protecting your other units from enemy attacks while dealing significant damage in combat.

1) Auric Runefather


Point cost: 240

The Auric Runefather is the leader of the Fyreslayers army. He is a powerful warrior who is armed with a mighty rune axe and has a high toughness and wound count. He also has the ability to heal nearby units, making him a valuable addition to any army.

Strengths: High toughness and wound count, powerful melee attacks, and healing ability.

Weaknesses: Expensive point cost and lack of mobility.

Recommended Playstyle: Use the Auric Runefather as a centerpiece for your army, leading your units into battle and providing healing support.