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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Gloomspite Gitz Units

The Gloomspite Gitz are a chaotic and eccentric army composed of various subfactions of twisted and deranged creatures, including grots (goblins), troggoths (cave-dwelling trolls), and squigs (bouncing fungal creatures).

Sporting a distinctive and quirky visual design that sets them apart from other factions in the game. With their vibrant colors, bizarre models, and eccentric themes, they offer a refreshing and unique aesthetic for players and hobbyists.

The faction offers a wide variety of unit choices, each with its own playstyle and tactical options. From hordes of goblin infantry to hulking trolls and unpredictable squigs, the Gloomspite Gitz allow players to build diverse and flexible armies that can adapt to different strategies and opponents.

As you can tell, this is an attractive army for any fantasy player. With so many models, it can be difficult to choose the ones you want.

This list is designed to show you the best models available, so you can save valuable time, and money!

10) Gobbapalooza


The Gobbapalooza is a coven of grots who offer cunning tactical tricks for the army.

The unit has several advantages, including the ability to buff friendly Gloomspite Gitz units with improved hit and wound rolls for melee attacks, as well as the ability to poison enemy units.

Additionally, the Gobbapalooza has a variety of abilities that can be used to disrupt enemy movement and strategy. Overall, the Gobbapalooza is considered one of the best units in the Gloomspite Gitz army due to its versatility and ability to support other units

9) Mangler Squigs


Mangler Squigs are giant, bouncing balls of teeth, claws, and spines that can cause massive damage to enemy units.

They have a powerful ability called “Monstrous Rampage” that allows them to make extra attacks after charging, and they can also deal mortal wounds to nearby enemy units when they charge.

In terms of stats, they have a high number of wounds and a decent save, making them difficult to take down.

They can take out enemy units quickly, especially when buffed by other units like the Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig. Lots of mobility and the ability to move over terrain also make them useful for flanking and attacking vulnerable enemy units!

8) Stabbas


Stabbas are a core battleline unit that can be fielded in large numbers. Stabbas are armed with either Pokin’ Spears and Moon Shields or Stabbas and Moon Shields, and up to 3 in every 20 models can replace their weapon with a Barbed Net.

Stabbas have the “Grot Shield” ability, which allows them to ignore wounds and mortal wounds on a roll of 6+ if they are within 3″ of a friendly Moonclan Grot Hero.

They are an affordable battleline option that can be used to screen other units, hold objectives, and deal damage to enemy units.

The Barbed Nets that can be taken by some models in the unit can also be used to slow down enemy units and prevent them from charging or retreating

7) Fungoid Cave-Shaman

A Fungoid Cave-Shaman is armed with a Moon-sickle and can attempt to cast one spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase.

Additionally, they are accompanied by a Spore Squig that attacks with Vicious Teeth. Fungoid Cave-Shamans also have the “Mouthpiece of Mork” ability which allows them to come up with cunning plans to help the Gloomspite Gitz army.

Fungoid Cave-Shamans are relatively cheap and can be used to cast spells that can buff friendly units or debuff enemy units.

Their “Mouthpiece of Mork” ability can also be used to generate additional command points that can be used to activate other abilities or reroll failed dice rolls.

For keeping your army topped up, they can even be used to summon other units onto the battlefield!

6) Sneaky Snufflers


Sneaky Snufflers are a small, elite unit of Grot fungi harvesters armed with Moonclan Stabba and a Moonstone Shiv. They have the ability to harvest fungi from the battlefield to enhance the abilities of nearby friendly units.

Devouring these fungi from the battlefield will grant nearby friendly units additional attacks or a ward save.

This ability can be used to enhance the damage output or survivability of other units in the army, making them a valuable asset in many Gloomspite Gitz army lists.

In addition to their unique ability, Sneaky Snufflers are also a relatively cheap unit that can be used to fill out a Gloomspite Gitz army list and provide additional support to other units

5) Troggoths


Troggoths are massive, lumbering creatures that come in various forms, including Fellwater Troggoths and Rockgut Troggoths.

They have a high number of wounds and a good save characteristic, making them a tough cookie to defeat.

In terms of offense, they have a variety of attacks, including throwing boulders and slamming enemies with massive stone mauls.

Of course, they are quite a large target and will be focused down by enemy ranged fire. However, if you can get the Troggoth into melee combat, it will absolutely shred enemy units!

4) Fanatics


Fanatics are frenzied, spinning Grot fanatics that are armed with a chained ball and are able to cause significant damage to enemy units.

They can be deployed on the battlefield hidden inside other Grot units, and then released to charge into enemy units, causing significant damage with their spinning ball and chain attack.

Fanatics can be absolutely devastating to enemy infantry. A good roll can decimate an entire unit!
Just be careful though, as the fanatics can backfire and hit your own units instead…

3) Squig Hoppers


Squig Hoppers are mounted on squigs and armed with spears, and they have the ability to jump over enemy units, making them a highly mobile unit on the battlefield.

Being able to maneuver across the battlefield at high speed is perfect for this faction. Ambushes and flanks will significantly increase your chances of victory.

Be aware of the Squig Hoppers’ lack of defensive prowess, though. They are super weak to ranged fire or lots of enemy melee attacks.

2) Skragrott, The Loonking


Skragrott, The Loonking, is a hero unit in the Gloomspite Gitz army in Age of Sigmar. He is armed with Da Moon Onna Stikk and is a powerful wizard, able to cast 2 spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 2 spells in the enemy hero phase.

He can be used as a powerful wizard to cast spells and debuff enemy units, or he can be used in combat to deal damage with his weapon and unique abilities.

One of Skragrott’s most powerful abilities is his command ability, “The Hand of Gork”, which allows you to pick a friendly Gloomspite Gitz unit within 12″ of Skragrott and move it as if it were the movement phase.

This ability can be used to quickly reposition units and take advantage of unexpected opportunities on the battlefield!

1) Loonboss on Mangler Squigs


So, so many benefits to choosing this model:

  1. Unique Mount: The Mangler Squigs are gigantic, savage creatures that serve as mounts for the Loonboss. These squigs are characterized by their frenzied nature, massive size, and destructive power. They add a visually striking and imposing presence to the battlefield.
  2. Powerful Combatant: The Loonboss on Mangler Squigs is a formidable combatant, excelling in close combat engagements. The unit possesses a high number of attacks, delivering devastating blows to enemy units with its spiked ball and gnashing teeth. It has a strong potential for dealing damage and can carve through enemy lines.
  3. Speed and Maneuverability: The Mangler Squigs are incredibly fast and agile, allowing the Loonboss to cover ground quickly and reach key targets on the battlefield. This speed grants the unit the ability to engage in hit-and-run tactics, disrupting enemy formations and exploiting weaknesses in their lines.
  4. Command Abilities: The Loonboss on Mangler Squigs often possesses unique command abilities that benefit nearby units. These abilities can range from granting bonuses to hit rolls, improving the unit’s resilience, or enhancing their offensive capabilities. Such abilities make the Loonboss an invaluable leader, boosting the overall effectiveness of the Gloomspite Gitz army.
  5. Flavorful and Quirky: The Gloomspite Gitz as a faction have a distinct and eccentric personality, and the Loonboss on Mangler Squigs embodies this character. With its wild appearance, unpredictable behavior, and chaotic nature, the unit represents the zany and unorthodox playstyle often associated with the Gloomspite Gitz.
  6. Lore and Narrative: The Loonboss on Mangler Squigs has a background story within the Age of Sigmar lore, contributing to the rich narrative of the Gloomspite Gitz faction. It is portrayed as a cunning and cunning leader, leading his mangler squigs into battle and spreading the influence of the Gloomspite Gitz across the Mortal Realms.

Overall, I’m sure you can see why it’s the best Gloomspite Gitz unit in Age of Sigmar!