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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Idoneth Deepkin Units

The Idoneth Deepkin are a faction in Age of Sigmar, which are aelf-like creatures that live in the depths of the oceans and are known for their swift and deadly raids on coastal settlements.

They are a reclusive and enigmatic people, who are able to manipulate the magic of the seas to their advantage. The Idoneth Deepkin are divided into several different sub-factions, each with their own unique abilities and characteristics.

They are a highly mobile army, with many units that are able to move quickly across the battlefield, and they specialize in hit-and-run tactics that allow them to strike at their enemies from unexpected angles.

The Idoneth Deepkin are also known for their powerful magic, which allows them to control the tides of battle and manipulate their enemies’ movements!

10) Eidolon of Mathlann


The Eidolon of Mathlann is a powerful hero unit in the Idoneth Deepkin army of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It is a summoned spirit form that takes the shape of a fallen sea god, and when summoned in its aspect of the sea, it can harness the magic of the ocean to heal allies or send enemies fleeing in terror.

The Eidolon of Mathlann is considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to its ability to deal significant damage and provide powerful buffs to nearby units. With a 4+ save and 14 wounds, it is also durable enough to withstand enemy attacks.

The Eidolon of Mathlann is armed with a variety of weapons, including a Spear of Repressed Fury and a Crulhook. It is also accompanied by a Stormshoal that attacks with its Sharp Fangs. Additionally, the Eidolon of Mathlann has powerful abilities such as the Command Ability “Lord of Storm and Sea,” which allows nearby units to re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Overall, the Eidolon of Mathlann is a versatile and powerful unit that can provide valuable support to other units in the Idoneth Deepkin army. Its ability to deal significant damage, provide powerful buffs, and withstand enemy attacks make it a valuable addition to any army.

9) Akhelian Morrsarr


The Akhelian Morrsarr is an elite cavalry unit in the Idoneth Deepkin army of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They are considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to their speed, mobility, and ability to deal significant damage. With a 4+ save and 2 wounds each, they are also durable enough to withstand enemy attacks.

The Akhelian Morrsarr are armed with a variety of weapons, including a Volt Spear and a Lanmari Blade. They also have the Eel Shock ability, which allows them to cause mortal wounds to enemy units they charge into. Additionally, they have the Swift Swimmers ability, which allows them to move over terrain and other models as if they were not there.

Overall, the Akhelian Morrsarr are a highly mobile and versatile unit that can be used to quickly move across the battlefield and take out vulnerable enemy units. Their ability to deal significant damage and withstand enemy attacks make them a valuable addition to any army

8) Namarti Thralls


The Namarti Thralls are an infantry unit in the Idoneth Deepkin army of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They are considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to their speed, mobility, and ability to deal significant damage. With a 5+ save and 1 wound each, they are not particularly durable, but their ability to deal mortal wounds on a roll of 6 makes them a threat to any enemy unit.

The Namarti Thralls are armed with a variety of weapons, including Lanmari Blades and Whisperbows. They also have the Tides of Death ability, which allows them to re-roll hit rolls of 1 when they charge, are charged, or perform a heroic intervention.

Additionally, they have the Revenant ability, which allows them to return to the battlefield after being slain on a roll of 4+.

Overall, the Namarti Thralls are a highly versatile unit that can be used to quickly move across the battlefield and take out vulnerable enemy units. Their ability to deal mortal wounds and return to the battlefield after being slain make them a valuable addition to any army

7) Akhelian Ishlaen Guard


The Akhelian Ishlaen Guard is an elite cavalry unit in the Idoneth Deepkin army of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They are considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to their speed, versatility, and durability. Each model in an Akhelian Ishlaen Guard unit is armed with a Helsabre, and they ride Fangmora Eels, which are armed with Fangs and a Lashing Tail .

One of the key strengths of the Akhelian Ishlaen Guard is their ability to channel biovoltaic energy produced by Fangmora Eels into a crackling luminescent energy field that protects them from harm. This ability, called Biovoltaic Barrier, allows them to ignore the Rend characteristic of attacks against them when making save rolls . Additionally, they have the Swift Swimmers ability, which allows them to move over terrain and other models as if they were not there .

Akhelian Ishlaen Guard are a highly versatile and durable unit that can be used to quickly move across the battlefield and take out vulnerable enemy units. Their ability to protect themselves from harm and move with ease make them a valuable addition to any army

6) Namarti Reavers


The Namarti Reavers are a unit of ranged infantry in the Idoneth Deepkin army of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They are considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to their speed, versatility, and ability to deal significant damage from range.

With a 5+ save and 1 wound each, they are not particularly durable, but their ability to move and shoot with ease makes them a threat to any enemy unit.

The Namarti Reavers are armed with Whisperbows, which have a range of 18″ and can be used to make either one normal shot or two shots with a lower accuracy.

They also have the Tides of Death ability, which allows them to re-roll hit rolls of 1 when they charge, are charged, or perform a heroic intervention.

Additionally, they have the Druuchi Bond ability, which allows them to re-roll wound rolls of 1 against Order units.

Overall, the Namarti Reavers are a highly versatile unit that can be used to quickly move across the battlefield and deal significant damage from range. Their ability to re-roll hit rolls and wound rolls against certain units makes them a valuable addition to any army

5) Akhelian Leviadon


The Akhelian Leviadon is a massive sea monster in the Idoneth Deepkin army of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

It is considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to its versatility, durability, and ability to deal significant damage. With a 3+ save and 16 wounds, it is one of the most durable units in the army.

The Akhelian Leviadon is armed with a variety of weapons, including a Crushing Jaws attack that can deal significant damage to enemy units. It also has the Tidal Surge ability, which allows it to move across the battlefield with ease and deal damage to enemy units it moves over.

In addition, it has the Arcane Amphibian ability, which allows it to unbind one spell in each enemy hero phase.

4) Morrsarr Guard


The Akhelian Morrsarr Guard is a unit of elite cavalry in the Idoneth Deepkin army of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They are considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to their speed, versatility, and ability to deal significant damage. With a 4+ save and 3 wounds each, they are relatively durable for a cavalry unit.

The Akhelian Morrsarr Guard are armed with Voltspears, which have a range of 2″ and can be used to make a significant number of attacks with high accuracy.

They also have the Swift Swimmers ability, which allows them to move across the battlefield with ease, and the Lashing Tail ability, which allows them to deal additional damage to enemy units they move over. Additionally, they have the Arcane Amphibian ability, which allows them to unbind one spell in each enemy hero phase.

Their ability to unbind spells and deal additional damage to enemy units they move over makes them a valuable addition to any army

3) Isharann Soulscryer


The Isharann Soulscryer is a hero unit in the Idoneth Deepkin army of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. They are considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to their unique abilities to support their army and control the battlefield .

The Isharann Soulscryer is armed with a Finger-claw that can slice through flesh, but their real strength lies in their support abilities. They are accompanied by an ethereal manifestation of a shoal of Scryfish that can be directed by the Soulscryer to attack even distant foes.

As well as this, they have the ability to use the Etheric Vortex spell, which allows them to control the battlefield by manipulating the tides of the Ethersea. This can be used to move friendly units, block enemy units, or even deal mortal wounds to enemy units .

Their unique abilities to manipulate the tides of the Ethersea and direct ethereal manifestations of Scryfish make them a valuable addition to any Idoneth Deepkin army

2) Akhelian Allopex


The Akhelian Allopex is a fast and agile unit in the Idoneth Deepkin army of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

It is considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to its speed, versatility, and ability to deal significant damage.

With a 4+ save and 10 wounds, it is relatively durable for a fast attack unit.

The Akhelian Allopex is armed with a razorshell harpoon launcher that can deal significant damage to enemy units. It also has the ability to move across the battlefield with ease, thanks to its Swift Swimmer ability, which allows it to move over terrain and other units with ease.

What’s more, it has the Fangs and Flippers ability, which allows it to deal additional damage to enemy units it charges into.

Its ability to deal additional damage when charging into enemy units and move across terrain with ease makes it a valuable addition to any army!

1) Eidolon of Mathlann


Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It is considered one of the best Idoneth Deepkin units due to its high mobility, powerful attacks, and ability to inspire nearby units.

The Akhelian King is armed with a powerful Lanmari spear that can deal significant damage to enemy units.

It also has a range of powerful abilities, including the ability to inspire nearby units and the ability to deal additional damage when charging into enemy units. Additionally, it has the Swift Swimmer ability, which allows it to move across terrain and other units with ease.

Overall, the Akhelian King is a versatile and powerful hero unit that can be used to quickly move across the battlefield and deal significant damage to enemy units.

Its ability to inspire nearby units and deal additional damage when charging into enemy units makes it the best Idoneth Deepkin unit in Age of Sigmar!