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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Kharadron Overlords Units

The Kharadron Overlords are a faction in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar game. They are a race of duardin, or dwarves, who dominate the skies of the Mortal Realms with their sky-ports and skyvessels, which are held aloft by Duardin engineering, science, and magic.

They are characterized as being fiercely independent, bound together only by the mercantile laws of the Kharadron Code.

In Age of Sigmar, the Kharadron Overlords are considered a good faction due to their unique playstyle and strengths. They are a ranged-focused army with many powerful shooting units, such as the Grundstok Gunhauler and the Skywarden.

They also have access to powerful abilities such as the Aether-Khemist’s ability to increase the damage of nearby units’ weapons. Additionally, their airships are highly maneuverable and can transport units around the battlefield with ease.

10) Aether-Khemist


The Aether-Khemist is a hero unit in the Kharadron Overlords army that is highly regarded for its ability to enhance the abilities of friendly Kharadron Overlords units.

Armed with an Atmospheric Anatomiser that shoots clouds of Noxious Aether and Heavy Instruments with which they can bludgeon foes, the Aether-Khemist is a powerful addition to any Kharadron Overlords army.

One of the main strengths of the Aether-Khemist is its ability to boost the effectiveness of nearby Kharadron Overlords units. By using their Aethersight ability, the Aether-Khemist can allow friendly units to re-roll hit rolls of 1, making them more accurate in combat.

Additionally, the Aether-Khemist’s Aethersight ability can also increase the range and damage of friendly Kharadron Overlords weapons, making them even more deadly.

Another strength of the Aether-Khemist is its durability. With a 4+ save and 5 wounds, the Aether-Khemist can withstand a significant amount of damage before being taken down. This makes it a valuable asset for any Kharadron Overlords army that needs a tough hero unit to hold the line.

9) Endrinmaster


The Endrinmaster is a hero unit in the Kharadron Overlords army that is highly valued for its ability to repair friendly Skyvessels and enhance the firepower of other Kharadron Overlords units. Armed with an Aethermight Hammer and Gaze of Grungni, the Endrinmaster is a formidable combatant in its own right.

One of the main strengths of the Endrinmaster is its ability to repair friendly Skyvessels. At the start of your hero phase, you can pick one friendly Skyvessel within 1″ of the Endrinmaster and heal up to D3 wounds allocated to that Skyvessel.

This can be a critical ability in keeping your Skyvessels in the fight and preventing them from being taken out of action.

Another strength of the Endrinmaster is its ability to enhance the firepower of other Kharadron Overlords units. The Endrinmaster’s Aetheric Augmentation ability allows friendly Kharadron Overlords units within 12″ to re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase.

This can be particularly useful for units with high damage weapons, such as the Skywardens, which can dish out significant damage with their Aethermatic Volley Guns .

8) Ironclad


The Ironclad is an Arkanaut class airship in the Kharadron Overlords army that is highly regarded for its versatility and firepower.

Armed with Aethershot Carbines, Aethershock Torpedoes, Boarding Weapons, and one of the following weapon options: Great Sky Cannon, Great Skyhook, or Great Volley Cannon, the Ironclad is capable of acting as a transport, heavy bomber, or gunship depending on its complement and the Admiral’s wishes.

One of the main strengths of the Ironclad is its ability to deal a significant amount of damage to enemy units. With its vast array of weaponry, the Ironclad is an excellent beneficiary of the Unleash Hell command ability.

Charging units will take the full force of all the guns, and then have a mine dropped on them for good measure. This can make it a daunting opponent for any enemy unit to face in combat.

Another strength of the Ironclad is its ability to transport up to 25 friendly Marine models, even though it is not a terrain feature. This can be a valuable asset for the Kharadron Overlords army, allowing them to quickly move troops across the battlefield and deploy them where they are needed most.

7) Gunhauler


The Grundstok Gunhauler is an escort-class airship in the Kharadron Overlords army that is highly valued for its mobility and firepower. Armed with a Sky Cannon and Aethershot Carbines, the Gunhauler is capable of providing supporting fire for other Kharadron Overlords units or engaging enemy units on its own.

One of the main strengths of the Gunhauler is its mobility. With a Move characteristic of 12″, the Gunhauler can quickly move across the battlefield and provide support where it is needed most. Additionally, the Gunhauler’s Fly ability allows it to move over terrain and other models, making it highly maneuverable.

Another strength of the Gunhauler is its ability to provide supporting fire for other Kharadron Overlords units. With its Sky Cannon and Aethershot Carbines, the Gunhauler can target both enemy units and terrain features, making it a versatile addition to any Kharadron Overlords army.

As well as this the Gunhauler’s ability to transport up to 10 friendly models can be a valuable asset, allowing Kharadron Overlords units to quickly redeploy across the battlefield

6) Brokk Grungsson


Brokk Grungsson is a unique Kharadron Overlords character and Lord-Magnate of Barak-Nar. He is a single model who is borne aloft in his magnificent custom-built dirigible suit, dealing death from afar with Grungsson’s Boast, the Magnate’s Charter, and his mustache-mounted Aetherblasters.

When called upon to trade blows with his enemies, he does so with his Aethermatic Saw. Brokk Grungsson is rapacious in the hunt for aether-gold, and daring in his explorations of the skybound wonders of Chamon.

Brokk Grungsson is considered one of the best Kharadron Overlords units because of his versatility and firepower. With a 3+ save, 12″ move, and 8 wounds, Brokk Grungsson is a solid fighter.

He has three guns, including a mustache gun, all hitting on 3s, and packs in a total of 7 shots. Brokk Grungsson’s unique ability, Grungsson’s Boast, allows him to reroll hit and wound rolls of 1 for friendly Kharadron Overlords units within 12″ of him.

In addition, he can use the Magnate’s Charter ability to reroll a single hit, wound, save, or run roll per turn.

Brokk Grungsson’s Aethermatic Saw can deal a significant amount of damage to enemy units, making him a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Overall, Brokk Grungsson is a valuable addition to any Kharadron Overlords army

5) Skywardens


Skywardens are one of the elite formations of Arkanaut warriors in the Kharadron Overlords army. They are granted the power of flight by portable aether-endrins and can swoop from on high to skewer enemies upon long-hafted skypikes or hover at short range to incinerate them with vulcaniser pistols [1].

Skywardens are considered one of the best Kharadron Overlords units because of their versatility and mobility. With a 4+ save, 8″ move, and 2 wounds, Skywardens are a solid fighter.

They have access to both melee and ranged weapons, allowing them to engage enemy units at different ranges.

Not only this, they can use their portable aether-endrins to fly over terrain and other models, making them highly maneuverable].

Skywardens can also be equipped with special weapons such as the Grapnel Launcher, which allows them to move up to 6″ in any direction during their move phase, and the Drill Cannon, which can deal a significant amount of damage to enemy units.

Skywardens also have a unique ability called Skymines, which allows them to drop a mine on enemy units within 1″ of them, dealing mortal wounds

4) Grundstok Thunderers


Grundstok Thunderers are heavily armored marines employed by the Kharadron Overlords airfleets to defend against hostiles. They are expert marksmen and battle-hardened veterans of many voyages, who obliterate their foes in a storm of aethershot and mortar rounds.

Grundstok Thunderers are considered one of the best Kharadron Overlords units due to their high damage output, range, and versatility .

Grundstok Thunderers can be equipped with a variety of deadly aethermatic weapons, including aetheric fumigators, multi-barreled decksweepers, and mortars that lob high-arcing shells that terminate in a blinding explosion of lethal aether-energies.

They are well-drilled and trained to fire quickly with great accuracy, laying down a blistering hail of firepower to protect the Kharadron Overlords’ airfleets and the goods they carry.

In the Age of Sigmar, changes to triumphs now give units such as Grundstok Thunderers the option of giving them +1 to wound once per battle with Inspired, a great bonus thanks to the Kharadron Overlords’ Aether-gold ability

3) Endrinriggers


Endrinriggers are elite Kharadron Overlords units who perform repairs on airships with their aether-endrins, but in battle, they become deadly warriors with their aether-powered tools.

They are equipped with saws and drills that can slice through armor and limbs, making them a formidable melee unit. Endrinriggers are also versatile, as they can be equipped with ranged weapons such as skyhooks, which allow them to grapple onto enemy units and pull themselves into combat.

Endrinriggers are considered one of the best Kharadron Overlords units due to their high damage output, versatility, and mobility.

They have a 4+ save, 8″ move, and 2 wounds, making them durable and able to move around the battlefield quickly. They can be equipped with a variety of weapons, including saws, drills, and skyhooks, allowing them to engage enemy units at different ranges.

Endrinriggers can also be upgraded with special abilities such as the Aetheric Augmentation, which gives them +1 to hit in melee combat

2) Arkanaut Company


The Arkanaut Company is the main fighting force of the Kharadron Overlords army and consists of heavily armed and armored skyfarers who descend from airships to engage their enemies.

They are equipped with aethermatic weapons such as volley guns and skyhooks, which allow them to unleash a deadly hail of fire and grapple onto enemy units.

The Arkanaut Company is also adept at traversing difficult terrain, thanks to their specialized suits and equipment .

The Arkanaut Company is considered one of the best Kharadron Overlords units due to their versatility, mobility, and high damage output. They have a 4+ save, 6″ move, and 1 wound, making them fast and durable enough to get into position and hold objectives.

They can be equipped with a variety of weapons, including volley guns, skyhooks, and heavy skyhooks, which allow them to engage enemy units at different ranges.

Additionally, the Arkanaut Company can be upgraded with special abilities such as the Aetheric Navigator, which allows them to reroll failed charge rolls .

1) Arkanaut Frigate


The Arkanaut Frigate is a powerful unit in the Kharadron Overlords army in Age of Sigmar. It is a flying transport vessel that can carry up to 15 friendly marine models, including the Arkanaut Company.

This unit is armed with Aethershot Carbines, Boarding Weapons, and one of the following weapon options: Heavy Sky Cannon or Heavy Skyhook

One of the strengths of the Arkanaut Frigate is its versatility. It can transport units across the battlefield and provide aerial support with its powerful weapons.

The Heavy Sky Cannon is a long-range weapon that can deal significant damage to enemy units, while the Heavy Skyhook is a grappling weapon that can be used to pull enemy units closer to the Arkanaut Frigate.

In addition to its transport and combat capabilities, the Arkanaut Frigate can also be used as part of the Grundstok Escort Wing or Iron Sky Attack Squadron warscroll battalions, providing additional bonuses to nearby units.