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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Khorne Units

Khorne, the Blood God, is one of the four major Chaos Gods in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe.

Known for his love of bloodshed and violence, Khorne’s followers are some of the most feared warriors on the battlefield.

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at the top ten best Khorne units in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar tabletop game.

10) Slaughterpriest


They are powerful warriors who specialize in dealing damage to enemy units.

Slaughterpriests are often seen as the spiritual leaders of Khorne’s armies, inspiring their fellow warriors to greater feats of violence and bloodshed.

Slaughterpriests are also relatively cheap for a hero unit. This makes them a great addition to any Khorne army, as they can provide valuable support to other units while also holding their own in combat.

9) Bloodsecrator


The Bloodsecrator’s primary ability is the Bloodstoker’s Lash. This is a whip-like weapon that the Bloodsecrator can use to inspire friendly units and intimidate enemy units.

When used on friendly units, the Bloodstoker’s Lash grants them additional attacks and increased damage output.

When used on enemy units, it reduces their bravery and makes them more susceptible to damage.

also has access to a unique ability called the Icon of Wrath. This is a banner that the Bloodsecrator carries into battle, and it provides additional buffs to friendly units within range.

The Icon of Wrath grants friendly units additional attacks and increased damage output, making them even more deadly in combat.

8) Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage


The Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage is one of the most powerful and feared units in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar game.

It is a massive, winged daemon of Khorne that towers over other units on the battlefield. Here’s some more information about this unit

it can be used as the general of a Khorne army. It has a high number of wounds, a strong armor save, and a high toughness, making it a very durable unit.

In addition, it has a high damage output and can dish out a lot of pain to enemy units.

With all of these powerful abilities comes a high point cost. The Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage is one of the most expensive units in the Khorne army, meaning that it may not be feasible to include in every army list.

7)Skull Cannon


The Skull Cannon is a daemon engine unit in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar game that is dedicated to the Blood God, Khorne.

It is a terrifying machine that is fueled by the souls of the slain, and it is used by Khorne’s followers to rain death and destruction upon their enemies. Here’s some more information about this unit

a ranged unit that is armed with a massive cannon that fires skulls at its enemies. These skulls are infused with the energy of the souls of the slain, and they explode upon impact, causing damage to enemy units in the area.

In addition to its ranged attack, the Skull Cannon is also a formidable combat unit. It is armed with a massive blade that can cleave through enemy units with ease.

It is also relatively durable, with high toughness and a decent number of wounds.

6) Bloodcrushers


Bloodcrushers are mounted on Juggernauts, which are massive beasts that are infused with the power of Khorne. These beasts are heavily armored and have high toughness, making them difficult to kill.

They are also incredibly fast, allowing the Bloodcrushers to quickly move around the battlefield and engage enemy units.

In addition to their mounts, the Bloodcrushers are armed with a variety of deadly weapons. They are armed with Hellblades, which have a high damage output and can slay even the toughest enemy units.

They are also armed with deadly lances that can impale enemy units and deal massive damage.

5) Khorgorath


The Khorgorath has a number of powerful abilities that make it a valuable addition to any Khorne army. One of its most powerful abilities is its ability to generate Blood Tithe points.

These points can be used to summon additional Khorne units or to activate powerful abilities during the game.

A powerful and intimidating unit that can deal a lot of damage to enemy units. With its combat abilities, ability to generate Blood Tithe points, and ability to heal itself, it is a valuable addition to any Khorne army looking to dominate the battlefield.

4) Wrathmongers


Fanatical warriors who are consumed by the desire to spill blood in the name of their god. As well as this, they are feared by their enemies for their relentless fury and unyielding determination.

The Wrathmongers have two unique abilities that make them a formidable unit in battle. The first is their Aura of Khorne, which allows them to re-roll failed hit rolls in combat for friendly Khorne units within 8″. This makes them a valuable addition to any Khorne army, as they can improve the combat effectiveness of nearby units.

They believe that the only way to honor Khorne is to spill blood in his name, and they will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. They are often used as shock troops by Khorne’s armies, charging into battle with reckless abandon and leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

3) Bloodletters


Bloodletters have the Daemonic keyword and the Khorne keyword, which makes them eligible for certain buffs and abilities from other Khorne units and characters.

They also have the ability to use the Banner of Blood ability, which allows them to add 1 to their attacks characteristic if they are within 8″ of a friendly model with the same ability.

They are a core unit in Khorne armies and can be used to great effect when paired with other Khorne units and characters.

Their ability to teleport and use the Banner of Blood ability makes them a versatile and deadly addition to any army looking to spill blood in the name of Khorne.

2) Skullreapers


These huge warriors are clad in heavy half-plate and gifted with horrific mutations that enhance their already terrifying martial prowess.

They are driven by a hunger to claim worthy skulls for the Blood God, Khorne.

Fielding the ability to use the Murderous Charge ability, each of their charges hits much harder. Murderous Charge allows them to add 1 to their hit rolls if they charged in the same turn.

In addition, they have the ability to use the Killing Frenzy ability, which allows them to make an additional attack for each model slain by the unit that turn.

1) Bloodthirster


It is a Greater Daemon of Khorne, the Blood God, and is one of the most iconic and feared units in the game.

Bloodthirsters are massive, winged creatures that are fueled by a never-ending thirst for blood and battle.

Bloodthirsters also have the ability to summon other Khorne units to the battlefield using their Blood Tithe points.

Blood Tithe points are earned by slaying enemy models, and can be spent to activate a range of powerful abilities and summon units like Bloodletters, Bloodcrushers, and Skullreapers.

They are immune to the effects of spells and abilities that would prevent them from charging or fighting. With the ability to fly, Bloodthirsters move quickly across the battlefield and engage enemy units in melee combat.