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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Orruk Warclans Units

The Orruk Warclans are a faction in Age of Sigmar that consists of four different armies: Bonesplitterz, Ironjawz, Kruleboyz, and Big Waaagh!.

Each of these armies has its own unique playstyle and strengths, making the Orruk Warclans a versatile and exciting faction to play.

Bonesplitterz are savage and feral, relying on speed and numbers to overwhelm their enemies. Ironjawz are heavily armored and hit hard in close combat, making them a durable and deadly force. Kruleboyz are sneaky and cunning, using tricks and traps to outsmart their opponents.

The Big Waaagh! combines units from all four armies, allowing players to create a diverse and flexible army that can adapt to any situation.

The Orruk Warclans are a fun faction to play because of their unique playstyles and the sheer variety of models and units available.

Players can customize their armies to suit their preferred playstyle, whether they prefer fast and aggressive tactics or a more defensive approach. In terms of fluff, the Orruk Warclans have a rich lore and backstory that adds depth and character to the faction.

10) Savage Big Boss


The Savage Big Boss is a hero unit that can lead your Savage Orruks into battle. Armed with a Boss Choppa and a Boss Shield, it can deal significant damage while also providing a valuable buff to friendly units.

Its Waaagh! ability allows friendly units within 18″ to add 1 to their hit rolls in the combat phase, making them even deadlier.

9) Savage Orruks


Savage Orruks are considered one of the best units in the army due to their high damage output and versatility on the battlefield.

Savage Orruks are known for their ferocity in combat and are capable of dealing significant damage with their jagged chompas and bone shields.

They can also be equipped with bows for ranged attacks and can be mounted on boars for increased mobility. Savage Orruks have a unique ability called “Duff Up da Big Thing” that allows them to deal extra damage to large units and monsters.

Overall, Savage Orruks are a great option for players looking to build an aggressive and hard-hitting Orruk Warclans army.

8) Ironskull’s Boyz


Ironskull’s Boyz is made up of four models: Gurzag Ironskull, Bonekutta, Basha, and Hakka.

Gurzag Ironskull is the leader of the unit and is armed with Orruk-forged Choppas and Smashas, as well as an ‘Eadbutt.

Bonekutta wields an Orruk-forged Big Choppa, while Basha and Hakka both carry Orruk-forged Choppas and Smashas.

They are capable of dealing significant damage with their weapons and can withstand a lot of punishment with their high Wounds characteristic!

7) Maniak Weirdnob


Maniak Weirdnob is armed with a Bonebeast Staff and mounted on a War Boar. Considered in any Orruk army due to its powerful spellcasting abilities and high mobility on the battlefield.

Maniak Weirdnob has access to the Bone Spirit spell, which infuses nearby Bonesplitterz units with bestial fury and grants them additional attacks.

The mount is also a formidable foe, the unit’s War Boar can attack with its tusks and hooves. Maniak Weirdnob benefits from the Tusker Charge ability, which adds +1 to hit and wound rolls for attacks made with the unit’s tusks and hooves if it made a charge move in the same turn.

6) Weirdnob Shaman

The Weirdnob Shaman is armed with a Waaagh! Staff, and can attempt to cast one spell in the hero phase and attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase.

As well as this, the unit has the Brutal Power ability, which allows it to channel the Waaagh! energy emitted by nearby orruk mobs, granting it additional casting bonuses if it is within range of friendly Ironjawz units.

The Weirdnob Shaman is considered one of the best units in the Orruk Warclans army due to its powerful spellcasting abilities and its ability to support other units on the battlefield.

The unit’s spells can deal significant damage to enemy units, while also buffing friendly units with additional attacks and other benefits.

5) Gore-Gruntas


Gore-gruntas are a cavalry unit, known for their speed, durability, and hard-hitting attacks.

Fielding a high movement speed of 9″, making them one of the fastest units in the Orruk Warclans army. They are also quite durable, with a 4+ save and 5 wounds per model.

For extra power, Gore-gruntas have the “Mighty Destroyers” ability, which allows them to move and charge in the same turn if they are within 6″ of a friendly Orruk hero.

In terms of attacjs, Gore-gruntas are capable of dealing significant damage with their Pig-iron Choppas or Jagged Gore-hackas. They also have the “Thick-skinned Brutes” ability, which gives them a 5+ save against mortal wounds!

4) Warchanter


The Warchanter is a hero unit in the Orruk Warclans army armed with a Gorkstikk and Morkstikk. One of the reasons why the Warchanter is considered one of the best units in the Orruk Warclans army is its “Violent Fury” ability.

In the hero phase, the Warchanter can pick one friendly Ironjawz unit wholly within 15″ of it and, until the next hero phase, add 1 to the damage inflicted by attacks made with melee weapons by that unit.

This ability can significantly increase the damage output of friendly units and can be especially devastating when used in conjunction with other buffs and abilities.

Considered a staple of almost any Orruk army, this model is well worth investing in.

3) Ardboyz


Ardboyz are a unit of elite Orruk warriors in the Ironjawz Warclan.

They are better armored and more skilled in combat than standard Orruk Boyz due to their long experience in battles.

Ardboyz are composed of tightly packed ranked orruks from other breeds that are not Ironjawz but have proven their strength in battle to them.

They are the only ones from other Orruks that are tolerated in the Ironjawz Warclans as they have proven themselves in combat.

Ardboyz have a 4+ save and 2 wounds per model.

Each model in an Ardboyz unit is armed with an Ardboy Choppa, which has a higher strength and damage potential than the standard Orruk Choppa. Additionally, up to 2 in every 5 models in the unit can have an Orruk-forged Shield, which provides them with a 4+ save against ranged attacks and mortal wounds!

They can form a solid battle line and hold objectives, or they can charge forward and deal significant damage to enemy units in combat.

The unit also has access to a range of command abilities, such as “Mighty Destroyers,” which allows them to make an additional move, charge, or attack in the same turn

2) Brutes


Orruk Brutes are known for their incredible strength and durability.

Each model in an Orruk Brutes unit is armed with 1 of the following weapon options: Brute Choppas or Jagged Gore-hacka.

Additionally, 1 in every 5 models can replace their weapon option with a Gore-choppa.

Each model in an Orruk Brutes unit has a high strength and damage potential, especially when armed with a Jagged Gore-hacka.

As well as this, Orruk Brutes have access to a range of command abilities, such as “Mighty Destroyers,” which allows them to make an additional move, charge, or attack in the same turn!

1) Megaboss on Maw-Krusha


The Megaboss on Maw-Krusha is a powerful hero unit in the Orruk Warclans army, known for its incredible strength and durability.

It is a single model armed with one of the following weapon options: Boss Gore-hacka and Choppa or Boss Choppa and Rip-toof Fist.

The model rides a Maw-Krusha, a massive and ferocious creature that can deal significant damage in combat.

It has a high number of wounds and a 3+ save, making it very durable on the battlefield.

In terms of offensive combat, the Megaboss on Maw-Krusha has a range of powerful attacks, including the Maw-Krusha’s Innard-bursting Bellow and its Mighty Fists.

Such fearsome attacking prowess is complimented by a solid command skill-set. You won’t find a better model for your Orruk army!