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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Ossiarch Bonereaper Units

Ossiarch Bonereapers are a faction of undead warriors in the Age of Sigmar game.

They are a unique construct of bone and deathly magic, each holding a soul that suits the death god Nagash’s grand purpose. The Mortisan Ossiarch Bonereapers were created from the bones collected from the Tithe of Bones by Mortisan craftsmen.

Nagash created the legions of the undead and they are purpose-built for war and to fulfill his vision to create a perfect, endless army to conquer every landmass which will be known as the Necrotopia.

The Ossiarch Bonereapers are a highly disciplined army, with a focus on elite units and powerful characters. They have a unique mechanic called the Mortek Shield-Corps, which allows them to create a shield wall to protect their units and heroes.

Overall, they’re a really fun army to play. Everyone who enjoys the undead aesthetic should look into them.

This list will detail the 10 best units available to them, saving you time and money as you build your army!

10) Necropolis Stalker Alpha


The Necropolis Stalker Alpha is a powerful hero unit in the Ossiarch Bonereapers army.

It can lead a unit of Necropolis Stalkers, which are four-armed and four-faced war giants that are twice the height of Mortek infantry and were created to be used as shock troops.

The Necropolis Stalker Alpha is one of the best Ossiarch Bonereapers units because it is fast-moving and hard-hitting cavalry that can deal a lot of damage in close combat and is also durable, making it an excellent choice for taking out enemy heroes and monsters.

The Necropolis Stalker Alpha can also be equipped with a powerful artifact that can increase its damage output even further, making it a formidable force

9) Vokmortian


Vokmortian, Master of the Bone-tithe, is a powerful hero unit in the Ossiarch Bonereapers army. He is one of the best Ossiarch Bonereapers units because of his ability to summon additional Ossiarch Bonereapers units to the battlefield.

This makes him an excellent choice for keeping your army topped up and ready to fight. Vokmortian is also a formidable fighter in his own right, capable of dealing significant damage in close combat.

He is equipped with a powerful artifact that allows him to reroll failed hit and wound rolls, making him even deadlier on the battlefield.

In addition to his combat abilities, Vokmortian can also be used to support other units in your army. He has an ability that allows him to grant nearby units additional attacks, making them even more deadly in close combat.

This makes him an excellent choice for buffing your army and taking out enemy units!

8) Morghast Archai


The Morghast Archai is a powerful unit in the Ossiarch Bonereapers army. Crafted by Nagash himself to act as both personal guard and executioners, they are protected by magically forged ebon-wrought armor that can even turn aside arcane attacks and reply to those attacks with Spirit Halberds or Spirit Swords.

The Morghast Archai are one of the best Ossiarch Bonereapers units due to their high mobility, durability, and damage output.

They are able to fly, making them one of the fastest units in the army, and their Soul Piercer ability allows them to deal mortal wounds to enemy units.

Additionally, they have a powerful command ability that allows nearby units to reroll hit rolls of 1, making them excellent for supporting other units in your army.

7) Mortisan Boneshaper


Crafted by Nagash himself to act as both personal guard and executioners, they are protected by magically forged ebon-wrought armor that can even turn aside arcane attacks and reply to those attacks with Spirit Halberds or Spirit Swords.

The Morghast Archai are one of the best Ossiarch Bonereapers units due to their high mobility, durability, and damage output. They are able to fly, making them one of the fastest units in the army, and their Soul Piercer ability allows them to deal mortal wounds to enemy units.

In addition, they have a powerful command ability that allows nearby units to reroll hit rolls of 1, making them excellent for supporting other units in your army.

6) Gothizzar Harvester


The Gothizzar Harvester is a Behemoth that collects the remains of the slain, stripping them of flesh and storing them in a gaping cage of bone on its back.

They bludgeon and cleave those in reach of their primary arms even as their secondary limbs gather the dead. The Gothizzar Harvester is one of the best Ossiarch Bonereapers units due to its ability to support other units in the army.

Its Bone Harvest special rule allows you to return models and heal units every time a model is slain within 3″ of the Harvester. This makes it an excellent choice for keeping your other units alive and in the fight.

In addition to its support capabilities, the Gothizzar Harvester is also a formidable combat unit. It has a high number of attacks with its Reaper Scythe and can also use its Bonecleaver Greatblade to deal massive damage to enemy units.

5) Immortis Guard


The Immortis Guard are elite constructs that exist to defend the Bonereaper command structure, and their duty is to ensure no mortal vermin sullies their masters with the business of violence. In terms of gameplay, the Immortis Guard are one of the best Ossiarch Bonereapers units due to their durability and versatility.

They have a high Wounds characteristic and a 3+ save, making them difficult to take down. Additionally, they have a powerful command ability that allows them to intercept wounds and mortal wounds suffered by friendly characters within 3″ on a .

This ability, combined with their high durability, makes them an excellent choice for protecting your army’s characters.

The Immortis Guard are also highly versatile, as they can be equipped with either Mortal Halberds or Soulbound Shields. The Mortal Halberds are better against heavily armored targets, while the Soulbound Shields provide additional protection against ranged attacks.

This versatility allows the Immortis Guard to be effective against a wide variety of enemy units.

4) Necropolis Stalkers


Necropolis Stalkers are four-armed horrors that possess the gestalt essence of master duelists, leaping and spinning in a frenzied dance of death.

They are considered one of the best Ossiarch Bonereapers units due to their mobility, damage output, and versatility.

Necropolis Stalkers are highly mobile, with a 10″ move and the ability to run and charge in the same turn. They also have the ability to move over terrain features and other models as if they weren’t there, allowing them to easily get into combat.

In combat, Necropolis Stalkers are incredibly deadly. They have a high number of attacks with their Spirit Blades, which can bisect a human in a single blow.

They also have the Precision Aspect ability, which allows them to reroll hit rolls of 1 when targeting heroes or monsters. This makes them particularly effective against high-value targets.

Necropolis Stalkers are also highly versatile, as they can be equipped with either Nadirite Blades or Spirit Blades. The Nadirite Blades are better against heavily armored targets, while the Spirit Blades provide additional attacks and damage output.

3) Arch-Kavalos Zandtos


Arch-Kavalos Zandtos is a leader unit in the Ossiarch Bonereapers army. He is known and feared as the Dark Lance of Ossia, and has a burning hatred for the living that Nagash has stoked to the point of obsession.

Fielding high mobility with a 12″ move and the ability to run and charge in the same turn. He also has the ability to move over terrain features and other models as if they weren’t there, allowing him to easily get into combat.

In combat, Zandtos is incredibly deadly. He has a high number of attacks with his Nadirite Lance, which can easily pierce through heavily armored targets.

He also has the Soul Guide ability, which allows him to reroll hit rolls of 1 for friendly Ossiarch Bonereapers units within 18″. This makes him particularly effective as a support unit for other Ossiarch Bonereapers units.

2) Mortek Guard


Mortek Guard are the core of the Ossiarch Bonereapers army and are designed to dominate the battlefield.

Rocking some nice durability with a 3+ save and the ability to reroll saves of 1 in melee combat. They can also be equipped with shields, which increases their save to 2+ against ranged attacks.

In combat, Mortek Guard are deadly, with a high number of attacks with their Nadirite Blades.

1) Katakros


Katakros is the Mortarch of the Necropolis and the commander of the Ossiarch Bonereapers, a faction of undead warriors in Age of Sigmar.

He was once a mortal from the Realm of Ghur who became a skilled general and led the armies of the underworld of Ossia in the Realm of Shyish.

After coming into conflict with the armies of Nagash, he pledged his allegiance to Nagash and was remade into a powerful undead construct.

Katakros is considered one of the best units in the Ossiarch Bonereapers army due to his incredible durability and powerful abilities. He has a high Toughness and Wounds characteristic, making him difficult to kill, and his Shield Immortis ability allows him to ignore wounds on a roll of 5+.

He also has a powerful command ability, Supreme Lord of the Bonereaper Legions, which allows friendly Ossiarch Bonereapers units to reroll hit rolls of 1 while they are wholly within 24″ of Katakros.

In addition to his defensive and supportive abilities, Katakros is also a formidable combatant. He is armed with Inda-Khaat, a massive sword that deals significant damage to enemy units, and he has a range of powerful attacks, including the Nadirite Dagger and Soulreaver Greatblade.

To summarize, Katakros’ wide variety of offensive, defensive, and supportive prowess makes him the best Ossiarch Bonereaper unit in Age of Sigmar!