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Top 10 Best Ranged Armies in Age of Sigmar

Ranged attacks are fun to use in Age of Sigmar for several reasons.

First, they allow players to engage their opponents from a distance, which can be a strategic advantage. This can be particularly useful against armies that rely heavily on close combat, as ranged attacks can weaken or eliminate enemy units before they can get into melee range.

Secondly, ranged attacks can be used to target specific enemy units or heroes, which can disrupt the opponent’s strategy and weaken their army. This can be especially effective when combined with other tactics such as flanking maneuvers or ambushes.

Thirdly, ranged attacks can be visually impressive and satisfying to use. Whether it’s firing a hail of arrows or unleashing a barrage of magical energy, ranged attacks can create exciting and dynamic moments on the battlefield.

Finally, ranged units often have unique abilities and special rules that make them interesting and fun to use. For example, some units may have the ability to fire multiple shots or to ignore cover bonuses, while others may have special ammunition or spells that can cause additional damage or debuffs.

In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 best ranged armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. If ranged attacks are your favorite, make sure you consult this list before you invest in a faction!

10) Nighthaunt

The Nighthaunt faction is a spooky and ethereal army of undead spirits that can move through walls and other obstacles. They are primarily a melee-focused army, but they also have access to several ranged units such as the Chainrasp Horde and the Spirit Hosts.

While the Nighthaunt army may not have the most powerful ranged units in the game, they have several advantages that make them a great ranged army.

A unique advantage of the Nighthaunt faction is their ability to retreat from combat and then charge in the same turn. This allows them to get out of harm’s way and then strike back with their ranged units.

Another big bonus is the fact that all Nighthaunt units can fly, which allows them to move over terrain and models without hindrance!

The bonuses don’t stop there, they are capable of messing with their opponents in a variety of subtle but powerful ways.

For example, they have access to the Spectral Summons ability, which allows them to bring back models that have been slain.

9) Daughters of Khaine

The Daughters of Khaine faction is a bloodthirsty army of elves who worship the god Khaine. While they are primarily a melee-focused army, they also have access to several ranged units such as the Blood Stalkers and the Khinerai Heartrenders.

The Daughters of Khaine may not be the most traditional ranged army, but they have several advantages that make them a great ranged force.

One advantage of the Daughters of Khaine faction is their mobility, which allows them to get into position quickly to unleash their ranged attacks.

They have several units that can deal mortal wounds with their ranged attacks, which can bypass armor saves and other defenses. This makes them a formidable force against heavily armored opponents.

Having multiple powerful abilities at their disposal, Daughters of Khaine can even enhance their ranged attacks.

For example, they have the Witchbrew ability, which allows them to re-roll failed wound rolls!

8) Fyreslayers

The Fyreslayers are a faction of Duardin, or dwarves, who worship Grimnir, the god of war.

Another melee-focused army, but they do have some ranged units such as the Hearthguard Berserkers and the Grimwrath Berzerkers.

Their Hearthguard Berserkers have a ranged attack that can deal mortal wounds to their opponents. Most of their units benefit from a longer range than most other dwarf armies, which allows them to engage their opponents from a distance.

A big advantage of the Fyreslayers faction is their durability. They are a heavily armored army with a high toughness, which makes them difficult to take down. This allows them to withstand enemy ranged attacks and get into position to unleash their own ranged attacks

7) Seraphon

The Seraphon are a faction of lizard-like creatures who hail from the Mortal Realms in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe.

While they are primarily known for their melee prowess, they also have several advantages as a range army.

Their main ranged focus is in the form of Skinks with blowpipes. These are highly mobile, very tricky units who deal damage slowly over time.

In addition, the Seraphon have access to several powerful spells that can enhance their ranged attacks and debuff their opponents.

Another big focus of the Seraphon faction is their mobility.

They have several units such as Terradon Riders and Ripperdactyl Riders that can fly, allowing them to quickly move across the battlefield and engage their opponents from unexpected angles.

This mobility can be especially effective when combined with their ranged attacks, allowing them to hit their opponents from afar and then quickly move away before the enemy can retaliate.

6) Skaven

Known for their large numbers, cunning tactics, and versatile units, making them a great ranged army.

The Skaven faction is their ability to field large numbers of ranged units. They have access to several units that can deal damage from afar, including Warplock Jezzails, Poisoned Wind Mortars, and Warpfire Throwers.

These units can be devastating when used in combination with the Skaven’s ability to generate additional attacks through their command abilities and spells.

Not only this, the Skaven faction have a great ability to spread disease and debuffs to their opponents. Several of their ranged units have the ability to inflict debuffs such as -1 to hit and -1 to wound on their opponents.

Overall, their ability to rain hellfire on opponents is well known in the Warhammer world.

5) Idoneth Deepkin

The Idoneth Deepkin are a faction of sea-dwelling aelves in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe. They are known for their hit-and-run tactics, speed, and versatile units, making them a great ranged army.

Incredibly fast and mobile. They have access to several units that can deal damage from afar, including Namarti Thralls, Namarti Reavers, and Ishlaen Guard.

These units can move quickly across the battlefield and deal damage to enemy units from a safe distance.

The Idoneth Deepkin faction can manipulate the tides of battle. They have a unique mechanic called Tides of Death, which allows them to gain different bonuses depending on the battle round.

For example, during the second battle round, the Idoneth Deepkin gain the ability to run and shoot with their ranged units, making them even more mobile and versatile!

4) Stormcast Eternals

The Stormcast Eternals are primarily known for their melee prowess, but they have a big profiency for ranged combat also.

Access to several units that can deal damage from afar, including Judicators, Vanguard-Raptors, and Evocators on Celestial Dracolines. These units can deal significant damage to enemy units before they even reach the Stormcast Eternals’ lines, weakening them for the inevitable melee clash.

The Wizards and Heroes are capable of buffing ranged units sevenfold.

For example, the Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger has access to several spells that can increase the accuracy and damage of nearby ranged units.

The Lord-Celestant on Stardrake can also provide a powerful buff to nearby units, increasing their hit and wound rolls.

As well as this, the Lord-Castellant has a powerful lantern that can deal damage to enemy units and provide a buff to nearby Stormcast Eternals. The Knight-Incantor has access to several spells that can deal damage to enemy units and provide buffs to friendly units.

You can see just how many ranged units are available, as well as the sheer range of powerful front-line units too!

3) Sylvaneth

The Sylvaneth are a faction of tree-spirits in tune with nature.

While Sylvaneth does have a ton of powerful melee options, their ranged power cannot be understated.

These units come in the form of Kurnoth Hunters, Spite-Revenants, and Tree-Revenants.

The Wyldwood terrain feature provides cover for Sylvaneth units and can be used to teleport units across the battlefield. The Branchwraith hero has access to several spells that can damage enemy units and provide buffs to friendly units.

The Sylvaneth faction also has several powerful heroes and monsters that can deal significant damage with their ranged attacks. Kurnoth Hunters can be armed with powerful bows that can deal damage to enemy units from a safe distance.

The Treelord Ancient is a powerful hero that can cast spells and deal damage with its ranged attack.

So many options to choose from. Sylvaneth is certainly one of the more advanced factions!

2) Cities of Sigmar

The Cities of Sigmar are a faction that consists of various human, elf, and dwarf factions that have banded together to form a loose alliance.

The Cities of Sigmar are made up of Freeguild, Ironweld Arsenal, Order Serpentis, Dispossessed, Wanderers, Shadowblades, Collegiate Arcane, Phoenix Temple, Devoted of Sigmar, and Darkling Covens.

Each faction contributes its unique strengths and abilities to the Cities of Sigmar army.

For example, the Freeguild provide the bulk of the army’s infantry, while the Ironweld Arsenal provides artillery and war machines. The Phoenix Temple, on the other hand, provides powerful wizard units and elite cavalry units.

As you can imagine, the sheer diversity of ranged units make this one of the most fun factions you can build!

1) Kharadron Overlords

The Kharadron Overlords are famed for their aerial mobility and ranged firepower. They are a great range army due to their excellent movement and shooting capabilities.

On the tabletop, the Kharadron Overlords are mainly defined by their excellence in two aspects of the game: movement and shooting.

While the basic infantry of the Kharadron Overlords are just as slow as you would expect from a unit of dwarves, the army has access to some of the best flying movement in the game.

This allows them to quickly move around the battlefield and position themselves for optimal shooting opportunities.

The Kharadron Overlords have access to a wide variety of ranged units, including Skywardens, Endrinriggers, and Thunderers, among others.

These units have a variety of weapons and abilities that allow them to deal significant damage to enemy units from a safe distance.

You’ll have to look into them more if you like the sound of this. They are truly the best ranged unit in Age of Sigmar!