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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Seraphon Units

Warhammer Age of Sigmar is a tabletop wargame that features a wide variety of armies, each with their unique units and playstyles.

One of the most popular armies in Age of Sigmar is the Seraphon, an ancient race of lizardmen who ride into battle on the backs of massive dinosaurs and wield powerful magic.

In this article, we will be exploring the top 10 best Seraphon units that you can use to dominate your opponents on the battlefield.

10) Slann Starmaster


The Slann Starmaster is a powerful wizard that is capable of casting a wide range of spells from the Lore of Celestial Domination. They also have access to powerful abilities such as “Cosmic Omniscience,” which allows them to re-roll failed casting, unbinding, and dispelling rolls.

As for why the Slann Starmaster is considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army, it’s due to their versatility and power on the battlefield. They can provide support to other units through their abilities and spells, while also dealing significant damage themselves.

Overall, the Slann Starmaster is a powerful unit in the Seraphon army, not the Soulblight Gravelords army.

9) Kroxigor


Kroxigor is a unit in the Seraphon army, which are giant bipedal crocodilians with immense brute strength that make up the frontline of the Seraphon armies.

Kroxigors are equipped with a Drakebite Maul and Vice-like Jaws, and one in every three models in the unit can replace their Drakebite Maul with a Moon Hammer.

Kroxigor units are considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army due to their high damage output and durability on the battlefield.

They have the ability “Battle Synergy,” which allows them to fight harder in the presence of Skink units, adding +1 to hit rolls for attacks made by the Kroxigor unit while it is wholly within 6″ of any Skink units.

Additionally, they have the “Jaws Like a Steel Trap” ability, which allows them to inflict significant damage on their enemies, shaking them back and forth like a rag doll to shatter bones and rip flesh

8) Ripperdactyl Riders


Ripperdactyl Riders are one of the best units in the Seraphon army, known for their speed, mobility, and deadly aerial attacks.

They are mounted on Ripperdactyls, which are giant flying beasts with razor-sharp claws and teeth Ripperdactyl Riders are equipped with Moonstone Warspears, and one model in each unit can be a Ripperdactyl Rider Alpha, which has an extra attack with its Moonstone Warspear.

Ripperdactyl Riders are considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army due to their ability to quickly close in on enemy units and deal significant damage.

They have a high movement speed and can fly over terrain features, allowing them to quickly engage enemy units that might be difficult for other units to reach.

They also have the “Blot Toad” ability, which allows them to summon a toad-like creature that can move across the battlefield and help distract enemy units.

7) Bastiladon


The Bastiladon is a powerful unit in the Seraphon army, known for its durability, versatility, and devastating attacks. It is a large, heavily-armored creature with a variety of weapons and abilities that make it a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Bastiladons can be equipped with either an Ark of Sotek or a Solar Engine. The Ark of Sotek is a powerful weapon that can deal significant damage to enemy units, while the Solar Engine can project a beam of light that damages and blinds enemy units.

Fielding the “Light of the Heavens” ability, they can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by friendly Seraphon units while they are within 6″ of the Bastiladon.

Bastiladons are considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army due to their durability and versatility. They have a high number of wounds and a strong save, making them difficult to take down. They can also be used as a mobile fortress, protecting other units and providing cover on the battlefield.

In addition, they have the “Primeval Domain” ability, which allows them to re-roll failed charge rolls for friendly Seraphon units while they are within 18″ of the Bastiladon

6) Engine of the Gods


The Engine of the Gods is a powerful unit in the Seraphon army that is commanded by a Skink Priest and crewed by Skinks armed with Meteoric Javelins.

It is carried into battle on the back of a Stegadon and is equipped with a variety of powerful weapons and abilities, including a massive laser beam that can deal significant damage to enemy units.

The Engine of the Gods is considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army due to its versatility and ability to deal significant damage to enemy units. It has a high number of wounds and a strong save, making it difficult to take down.

As well as this, it has a variety of powerful abilities, including the ability to summon units of Seraphon warriors, heal nearby units, and deal mortal wounds to enemy units.

5) Skinks


Skinks are small, agile, and intelligent creatures that serve as the scouts, skirmishers, and ranged units in the Seraphon army. They are armed with javelins, blowpipes, or boltspitters, and can be equipped with shields for added defense.

Skinks are considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army due to their speed, versatility, and ability to hold objectives. They are fast and can move quickly across the battlefield, making them ideal for capturing objectives or harassing enemy units.

They are also versatile, with the ability to be used as ranged units or melee fighters, depending on their equipment and role in the army. Additionally, they are relatively cheap in points, making them an efficient choice for filling out a Seraphon army.

4) Saurus Knights


Saurus Knights are a unit in the Seraphon army that serve as the cavalry and shock troops [1]. They ride on Cold Ones, cunning predatory beasts, and are equipped with celestial light weapons that deal significant damage to enemy units.

Saurus Knights are considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army due to their mobility, durability, and damage output. They are relatively fast, with a movement speed of 10″, and can be used to quickly flank enemy units or capture objectives. Additionally, they have a high number of wounds and a strong save, making them difficult to take down. They also have the ability to deal significant damage to enemy units with their celestial light weapons

In conclusion, Saurus Knights are a powerful and versatile unit in the Seraphon army, capable of serving as cavalry, shock troops, and objective holders.

3) Stegadon


Stegadon is a massive dinosaur-like creature that serves as one of the most powerful units in the Seraphon army. It is a heavily armored beast with a powerful ranged weapon and a crushing charge attack.

Stegadon is considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army due to its durability, damage output, and versatility. It has a high number of wounds and a strong save, making it difficult to take down [2]. It also has a powerful ranged weapon, the sunfire throwers, which can deal significant damage to enemy units from a distance . Additionally, it has a crushing charge attack that can cause significant damage to enemy units in melee combat.

2) Skink Starpriest


The Skink Starpriest is a hero unit in the Seraphon army that serves as a powerful support unit [1]. Armed with a Serpent Staff and Venombolt, the Skink Starpriest is capable of manipulating the outcome of a battle through complex starrituals.

The Skink Starpriest is considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army due to its unique abilities and versatility.

At the start of your hero phase, the Skink Starpriest can roll a dice. On a 5+, you receive 1 command point, making it a valuable asset in the game. Additionally, the Skink Starpriest has access to powerful spells such as Blazing Starlight, which can reduce the hit rolls of enemy units within range.

1) Saurus Guard


Saurus Guard is a unit in the Seraphon army that serves as a defensive infantry unit and bodyguard for the Slann Starmasters. They are heavily armored and armed with powerful Celestite Polearms, capable of dealing significant damage to enemy units in melee combat.

Saurus Guard are considered one of the best units in the Seraphon army due to their durability, damage output, and unique abilities. They have a high number of wounds and a strong save, making them difficult to take down.

Additionally, they have a unique ability called “Selfless Protectors” which allows them to allocate wounds or mortal wounds to other friendly Saurus Guard units within 3″ of a friendly Slann Starmaster. This ability makes them a valuable asset in protecting the Slann Starmaster, which is a key unit in the Seraphon army.

Their durability, damage output, and unique abilities make it a valuable addition to any Seraphon army.