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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Skaven Units

Skaven, the rat-like creatures of the Warhammer world, are a popular and formidable army in Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

With their hordes of cheap, disposable troops and powerful monsters, Skaven are a force to be reckoned with.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the top 10 most powerful Skaven units in the game, including their point cost.

10) Doomwheel


Point cost: 160

The Doomwheel is a large, spinning wheel of death that is powered by a crazed Skaven pilot, and is covered in spikes and blades that can shred through enemy units. The Doomwheel is one of the best Skaven units due to its ability to deal significant damage to enemy units, while also being highly mobile and difficult to take down.

It can move quickly across the battlefield, and has a range of powerful attacks that can hit multiple enemy units at once. Additionally, the Doomwheel has several powerful abilities, such as the ability to reroll failed charge rolls, and the ability to deal mortal wounds to enemy units that it passes over.

Overall, the Doomwheel is a highly effective unit that can be used to quickly and decisively take out enemy units, making it an essential part of any Skaven army.

9) Warplock Jezzails


Point cost: 140

Elite Skaven marksmen who are armed with powerful rifles.

They can take out enemy heroes and monsters from a distance, and are particularly effective against heavily armored targets.

8) Warpfire Thrower


Point cost: 70

The Warpfire Thrower is a deadly Skaven weapon team that can unleash a torrent of flame on the enemy.

It is particularly effective against heavily armored troops, and can quickly whittle down even the toughest units.

7) Skaven Warlord


Point cost: 100

A Skaven Warlord is a powerful leader of the Skaven clans, known for their physical prowess, ruthless tyranny, and inhumane cruelty.

They are larger and more powerful than the typical Skaven warrior, and command respect through their sheer strength and leadership abilities.

In Age of Sigmar, the Skaven Warlord is one of the best Skaven units due to its versatility and ability to lead other Skaven units on the battlefield. The Skaven Warlord has a strong melee profile and the ability to deal significant damage to enemy units.

Additionally, the Skaven Warlord has several powerful abilities, such as the ability to increase the bravery of nearby Skaven units, and the ability to reroll failed hit rolls for nearby Skaven units.

Overall, the Skaven Warlord is a highly effective unit that can be used to lead and support other Skaven units, making it a valuable addition to any Skaven army.

6) Rat Ogres


Point cost: 140

Rat Ogres are monstrous creatures that are bred and trained by the Skaven. They are incredibly strong and tough, and can easily tear apart enemy units in combat.

They are also surprisingly fast, making them ideal for flanking maneuvers.

However, they are relatively expensive and can be vulnerable due to their size.

5) Clanrats


Point cost: 120

Clanrats are the backbone of the Skaven army. They are cheap and numerous, making them ideal for holding objectives and overwhelming the enemy with sheer numbers.

They are also surprisingly effective in combat, especially when supported by Skaven heroes.

However, they are relatively weak and can be vulnerable to certain types of attacks.

4) Plague Monks


Point cost: 70

Plague Monks are fanatical Skaven units that are armed with deadly weapons and are imbued with the power of the Horned Rat.

They are incredibly fast and can quickly close the distance between themselves and the enemy. They are also very effective against enemy heroes and monsters. However, they are relatively fragile and can be vulnerable to ranged attacks.

3) Warp Lightning Cannon


Point cost: 180

The Warp Lightning Cannon is a powerful artillery unit in Age of Sigmar that belongs to the Skaven army.

It is a contraption built by the Warlock Engineers of the Arkhspark Voltik enginecovens, powered by an enormous hunk of warpstone, and generates an unearthly charge with massive destructive potential which is directed along a rune-etched barrel forged and enchanted to channel its fury.

The Warp Lightning Cannon is a highly effective unit due to its ability to deal significant damage to enemy units at range. It can also be used to take down gates and walls, making it an excellent siege weapon.

However, the Warp Lightning Cannon is notoriously unpredictable and can be dangerous to its own crew.

Despite this, it remains one of the best Skaven units in Age of Sigmar due to its ability to deal massive amounts of damage and control the battlefield from a distance.

2) Stormfiends


Point cost: 260-320 points

Stormfiends are heavily armed and armored Skaven units that can be equipped with a variety of weapons, including warpfire projectors, doomflayers, and ratling cannons.

They are incredibly versatile and can be used to deal with a wide range of threats.

They are also tough and can withstand a lot of damage. However, they are expensive and can be vulnerable to certain types of attacks.

1) Verminlord Warpseer


Point cost: 320

The Verminlord Warpseer is the most powerful Skaven unit in the game. It is a massive, daemon-like creature that towers over the battlefield.

It has a wide range of abilities, including powerful spells, a high number of attacks, and a large number of wounds.

It also has a high movement speed, making it difficult for enemies to avoid. However, it is expensive in terms of point cost and is vulnerable to certain types of attacks.